THREE ON A SPREE by HOP - 07/01/91 Chapter 1 Penny was nineteen; a pretty little thing, her slim body attracted male attention. She looked like a Florentine madonna with pale face and sensual lips framed by magnificent chestnut hair that glinted red in the sun. The impression was confirmed by the innocent expression in her clear, blue, doll's eyes. It was a month since she had left school to look for work. The aunt, who had previously kept her and paid for her studies, had been killed in a car accident, and Penny was making contact with the hardships of life. On that particular morning, she was on her way to an address given her by the Students' Employment Bureau. When she arrived in front of the rather luxurious building to which she had been sent, she took out the visiting card and, for the last time, checked the name of the man she had come to see. Victor Jennings, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Third Floor. As she walked up the stairs, the child began to pray that this time she would find a job. Her efforts so far had been a resounding failure because of her youth and lack of training, and the little store of money was dwindling. Trembling, she rang the bell. The door opened to reveal a young woman, elegantly dressed, who smiled curiously at Penny. Penny explained that she had come to apply for the post of secretary, that is, if it were still vacant. The woman, who appeared to be about thirty years of age, looked at Penny with undisguised interest, and invited her into the lounge. "Do sit down, Miss Harvey. I'm Mrs. Jennings. I expect my husband at any moment. But, if you don't mind, I'll ask you some questions first? That may save us some time. How old did you say you were?" "Nineteen, ma'am." "Oh! how young you are. But anyone can see that by your baby face." "Am I too young?" asked Penny, almost in tears. "Not at all, not at all. On the contrary. Victor is looking for a young secretary. What training have you had?" "None." "Well, that doesn't really matter. We can soon teach you, unless you're stupid, and you don't look it." "You think I'll suit, ma'am?" asked Penny timidly. "I'm sure of it," laughed the young woman. "But it's my husband who has to decide." "Perhaps he'll think me too childish," sighed Penny. "Not at all. I'm sure he'll find you greatly to his liking." said Mrs. Jennings, smiling mysteriously. At that moment, they heard the noise of a key turning in the lock, and a distinguished, handsome man of about forty, wearing a well-cut suit, came into the lounge. "Ah, here comes my husband," the women cried gaily. "Darling, this is a young lady, who has come about the post of secretary." "How do you do, young lady. Well, Carola, send her into my office, and we'll see what we can do." "You know, dear, I've already had a long talk with her, and I think she'll do very well." "Well, we'll soon see if that is so." They moved into a very comfortable office where Mrs. Jennings ushered Penny into a deep armchair. Mr. Jennings, standing close to his wife, began to question Penny. After a few minutes, he smiled at the child. "Well, I think we'll get along very well together, but I have one last question to ask. Have you any family in Paris?" "No sir. My aunt died a month ago and all I have left is a godmother living in the country." "No fiance? No boyfriend?" "No sir," whispered Penny, blushing like a rose. "Victor asked you that because if you're going to work for him, you can come and live here," said Carola, smiling at the young girl's embarrassment. "Well, Miss Penny, this is the way it would work," the lawyer went on. "You would help Carola with her secretarial duties; my wife will teach you how to type. You will have your own room here, take your meals with us and receive thirty thousand francs a month. Are you interested?" "But... but... but..." Penny was overwhelmed. "This is marvelous. You're too kind. I don't know how to thank you..." "Don't try, my dear little Penny. You'll allow me to use your Christian name, won't you? Besides, I count on your being friends with my wife, who is alone a great deal. Now, if you start tomorrow, that gives you all today to prepare your affairs, and tomorrow morning. I shall come and collect you at your hotel in the car. Then you will settle in here. Does that suit you?" "Oh yes," cried Penny, radiant. "But Victor, darling," the interruption came from the lawyer's wife. "You forgot to warn Penny about the condition." Penny's heart sank at these words; so there was a condition; she should have realized as much. It had been too good to be true, and she probably wouldn't be able to fulfil the condition. She hung her head in despair and missed the significant look exchanged by the other two. "True, very true," said Mr. Jennings. "I don't quite know how to explain it. Let's see... Miss Penny, I'm sure you'd be a perfect secretary, but even so, I'd expect you to make mistakes from time to time." "My husband is very fussy about that," added Carola with a smile. "I have good reasons for knowing it." "As I was saying," the lawyer went on, "you will probably make some mistakes. Now in some firms each mistake earns a black mark and a warning, until finally the person gets the sack. But my methods are different, I think it is unkind to sack a young girl who is, after all, doing her best. I find it more natural, to inflict a corrective punishment for each offense. Don't you agree with me?" "Ye... yes sir," murmured Penny, who really didn't see what he was driving at. "Secretaries are generally women. What, then, does a man do when he wants to punish a woman?" "I don't know, sir." "He smacks her bottom, as if she were a little girl. Isn't that right, Carola?" "Oh yes," replied the young woman, laughing. "I've been through it often enough to appreciate your famous system." "Well, young lady. Do you think you'd be able to stand your employer's hidings?" "I... I... I don't know, sir," Penny stammered out. "I'll try," she said with a shy smile. `I'll not turn down a good job for that,' she thought. She'd had enough when she was a kid, and it couldn't be too bad from a nice looking fellow like her new boss. "I'm so pleased you've accepted," said Carola, putting her arm around the child's shoulder, and kissing her on the forehead. "Now you'll share the hidings that I had to take by myself before. You'll soon see, dear. We'll be real friends. I like you very much, you know. You're very pretty, isn't she, Victor?" "It's true. The young lady is pretty, and I, too, like her very much. We shall get on well together. Chapter 2 The next day, Penny settled into her room, which was right next to that of her new friends. They had been so kind that she considered them more as friends than employers. The first few days went well. Carola taught her to type and explained the work to her. But Penny couldn't help noticing that Carola was becoming more and more affectionate. She was no longer the lawyer's wife speaking to a secretary, but a gentle woman, spoiling her little friend. Penny was at first embarrassed, and then amused. Finally, however her tender little heart, already attracted by the tall brunette, reached out to meet Carola's advances. She understood perfectly. At school she'd had a great friend, a girl who had been in love with Penny's body and covered it with caresses, daring or not, depending on the place. Carola, noticing that her advances were no longer rebuffed, grew bolder. One day, as Penny was putting away the clothes she had just ironed, the women entered her room. "Are you happy her, dear?" she asked. "Oh yes, Carola. You and Mr. Jennings are so kind. I don't know how to show you how happy I am." "But that's not difficult," replied Carola her voice suddenly hoarse. "Give me a kiss with your lovely mouth. I've been dying for that since I first saw you." "There," said Penny with a nervous laugh and, playing the innocent, she kissed her friend on the cheek. "Are you stupid or trying to be clever?" asked Carola as she took her face between her hands, and without leaving time for a reply, she pressed her fleshy, burning lips on to Penny's fruity mouth. Carola slid her wet tongue between the child's teeth and, forcing the mouth open, began to caress Penny's palate, covering her tongue with caresses and warm saliva. Heated by this labial contact, the two women pressed hard against each other. Penny, breathless, at last managed to tear her face away from Carola's voracious mouth. "It's not right," she whispered gently to her friend. "You have your husband who loves you, and if ever he found out..." "Sweetheart," murmured Carola, caressing her cheeks. "Oh! how you please me. Oh! how I love you, my darling. Don't worry -- Victor knows my tastes and realizes that if I have a girlfriend, it doesn't stop me from loving him madly... Besides, he indulges all my whims." "All of them?" asked Penny maliciously. "All of them, except when you have to have a hiding." "That's right." Carola burst out laughing. "I can't get out of that." "He can't be so bad," said Penny, a note of interrogation in her voice. "He's threatened us two or three times already, but it's never come to anything." "Are you in such a hurry?" asked Carola banteringly. "Don't worry, little dove, it'll come. It won't be long before these pretty little buttocks blush under his blows and my little darling cries a bucket." "Never," exclaimed the sweet young child. "I'll take the hiding, but I'll grit my teeth. I won't cry!" "What a brave little thing," mocked Carola, "I guarantee that if Victor wants to make you cry, he'll do so. You don't think you're braver than I am, do you? Well, when he wants to, he makes me cry and beg like a child." "You're frightening me," whispered the little girl. "No. No, darling. You'll see. It's a bit hard to endure, but afterwards, when his huge hands caress the buttocks he has just beaten, it's wonderful." "I'd be so ashamed," exclaimed Penny, carrying on with the task of tidying her room, putting her laundry away. Carola comented. "Why Penny! You're still wearing knickers!" and she picked up a bit of white cotton and looked at it in scorn. Penny, ashamed, babbled: "They're old, but I'm still wearing them because I can't afford silk or nylon." Carola was touched. "Poor little thing, come into my room. I'll give you a few that I don't use anymore. You can try them on. Come on." Mrs. Jennings dragged the girl into her own room, and, opening a drawer, pulled out a dozen briefs in all shapes and colors. "Look, Penny dear, I'll give you that one and that one, and look at this beauty." She held up a lovely pair of pink panties edged with white lace. "Look how cute it is. Try it on." "I...I...I don't dare," stammered Penny, as she watched Carola advancing towards her with shining eyes. "Would you like me to help?" whispered Carola, and lifted the child's skirt. First a gradual epiphany of long thighs sheathed in transparent stockings, then the clips of pink suspenders and velvety, milky flesh. A chaste covering of cotton knickers molded her sexual triangle, limning the outline the scarcely concealed slit beneath. Carola's cheeks were red as she examined the round little bottom imprisoned by material stretched to the point of bursting. "Hold your skirt up," she whispered to the little girl, who blushed in confusion. "I'll pull your knickers down as if you were my baby." Carola knelt and put her arms around the curving rump. She pressed her mouth to the material over the swelling mount of Venus and savored the delicate odor that came from under the warm knickers. In her excitement, she caressed Penny's groin with her tongue and tried to slip an inquisitive finger under the panties. They were too tight for lascivious curiosity to be satisfied. Her hands rose to Penny's waist and hooked the elastic. She rolled them slowly down, her eyes fixed on the girl's abdomen. Carola moaned when the first hairs appeared. Suddenly brusque, she pulled the cotton down to the girl's knees. Penny, cheeks aflame, still held her skirt up and panted slightly as she allowed herself to be admired. The bronze fleece was abundant for one so young. The red thatch and the pale blue veins under her skin emphasized the milkiness of her complexion. Intoxicated, Carola pillowed her burning face against the silky, perfumed cushion. But that was not enough; she rose and kissed the girl passionately on the mouth, forcing her hardened tongue between her teeth. Then, standing away, she took her arm and tried to drag her towards the bed. Penny stumbled, for the knickers around her knees prevented her from walking. Carola helped her take them off, then threw her on the satin counterpane. "No, no," Penny protested feebly. "What if your husband came back.... and weren't we to try on your panties?" "Don't be frightened, my love," whispered Carola. "Victor will be gone for a long time, and you can try on the panties afterwards.... I want you too much; I want to caress you, lick you, suck you." She opened the young girl's unresisting thighs. Hidden in the mass of hair, Penny's quim smiled at her greedy friend, the plump, pink lips a pretty, vertical mouth. Carola lay down between her secretary's thighs and parted the thick lips with delicate fingertips. The bright pink interior was damp with desire; from it rose the heady musk of a young girl's excited pussy. The nymph's insides flushed a brighter red and looked like a baby's mouth. Carola pulled harder on the outer lips, yawning the cunt. The damp slit of the vagina stood revealed while, higher up, the tiny opening to the bladder seemed to grimace below the delicate clitoris which pointed its little pink nose at the corner of the inside lips. Carola stuck out her tongue and began greedily to lick the open flesh, intoxicated by the gentle contact of the damp membranes, savoring the salty, acid taste. With slobbering tongue, she covered the sex with saliva, then hardening it into a point, she thrust it into the vagina, entering and leaving like a little penis. Finally she abandoned this pleasant play, and began to jab with her tongue at the erect, prominent button, then, and began to suck and titillate it so gently that Penny began to purr with pleasure like some playful kitten, while her little belly slapped against her friend's face. "Carola...No...No..." she stammered confusingly, feeling pleasure rising in her. "Stop, Carola, stop...I'm so ashamed!" But these ecstatic groans and murmured plaints only encouraged Carola who speeded up her caresses. Suddenly Penny's body arched like a bow; her sex began to pulse and a mellow, unctuous liquid flowed from her sticky lips while a pleasurable rattle escaped her half-open mouth. Carola rested her face against the child's thigh while Penny recovered from the wild joy that had just shaken her, then, when she felt that Penny was more composed, she skillfully lapped up the excess liquid that had dribbled onto the redhead's thighs. Then she lay down beside her, and taking her face in her hands, she kissed the heavy eyes and smiling mouth with passion. "Tell me, darling," she asked timidly, "would you like to caress me a little too?" "Oh yes, Carola darling. I want to return all the joy you gave me," murmured Penny. "Thank you, sweetheart. You are a love." She rose and began to slide out of her dress and underskirt. She took off her brassiere, revealing two magnificent breasts, then pulled off her black nylon briefs and offered herself to Penny's admiring glances. Naked now, Carola helped Penny to finish undressing. When both were naked, they embraced, rubbing their burning bodies together. Carola stretched Penny out on her back. Swinging one muscular thigh over the girl's head, she sat astride her, head to foot, and lowered her pussy onto the pretty face. Carola's black fleece was short and curly, a velvet muff around two greedy, red-brown lips, slit deep and wide. The huge clitoris was stiff and scarlet, shining with anticipation. The young woman lowered her bottom, and covered Penny's mouth with her wet and hairy shell. The sweet child, recalling the caresses of her boarding school days, began to flicker her inquisitive tongue. Meantime Carola was kissing her belly and thighs, when suddenly she seized Penny's legs and turned her rump around towards her, so that she could get at the young bottom. With both hands she separated the plump buttocks and licked the deep, damp slit. Then she uncovered the little hole, which she dampened with saliva, before placing against it her tongue, stiff as a penis, and trying to drive it in. Penny trembled with pleasure at this unknown, exciting caress, but her anus had contracted with shame and refused to let Carola's tongue pass. The latter moved her buttocks forward and sat harder on the young girl's face, and Penny realized that her friend was asking for the same caress. With both hands she separated Carola's large buttocks, and uncovered the brown slit, at the bottom of which lay the secret opening, that Penny found somewhat enlarged She placed the tip of her tongue on the round hole and felt it open, and her tongue on the round hole was drawn in by muscular contraction, several inches of it disappearing between the burning walls of Carola's rectum, while Carola purred with delight. At the same time, Penny groaned slightly, for Carola had changed her tactics. After sucking her index-finger, she drove it slowly into the rebellious anus. Inspired by this perverted penetration, Penny revenged herself by nibbling on Carola's clitoris. Carola drove a second finger into Penny's dilated hole anus. This time Penny cried out, for it hurt; she was still a virgin on that side. Carola ceased her assault a nd returned to the dribbling quim. Soon, in a crescendo of groans and panting cries, the two charming friends rolled over on each other, quivering with delight and wetting each other copiously. When they arrived in the bureau an hour later, fresh from their toilet, Mr. Jennings, who had just come in, smiled sardonically at their eyes ringed with pleasure. From then on, Carola let no opportunity pass to caress and suck her little friend, who accepted it with lascivious pleasure. Chapter 3 Two days later, Penny had her first hiding. It was very hot that afternoon, and the storm in the air made everyone irritable. Victor Jennings had taken off his coat, and it was in his shirt sleeves that he worked on a thick dossier. Carola was typing a letter and Penny was filing some post. At one moment, as she raised her head to throw back her heavy hair, she saw the lawyer's eyes were fixed on his wife's table. Busy with her work, and irritated by the heat, Carola had raised her dress half way up her thighs, and had opened her legs to refresh her pussy. The sight she offered was lascivious in the extreme. Her long bronzed thighs, opened wide, revealing the narrow white strip of her tiny briefs, whose indiscreet wrinkles betrayed the swelling of the mound. Such a sight was not calculated to calm the lawyer's nerves, and his eyes shone with more and more brilliance. "Bring me the letter as soon as it's finished," he said. "Here it is," sighed Carola rising and taking her work. Mr. Jennings read it from one end to the other, then in a gentle voice, he said,"Tell me darling. Do you really think I'm going to send this letter? There are at least ten mistakes in it. What are you thinking of?" Carola dropped her head without answering, and he continued in a voice that was slightly husky;"You know what I said yesterday? That the next time I would be intransigent? Well, you can't get away with that, darling. Prepare your pretty little bottom. It hasn't been smacked for some time. I think it misses it." He took Carola by the wrist and dragged her over to a leather armchair in one corner of the room; he sat down and said, "Now pull up your dress and get ready." "Victor, I beg of you. Forgive me just this once. I won't do it again, I promise." "Hurry up, Carola," said Victor, as if he had heard nothing. "You know the more you make me wait, the harder I am." The young woman groaned and pulled up her skirt, revealing a curving bottom under snow-white panties. Victor seized his wife and threw her across his knees, her rump well in evidence, her legs hanging down one side, and her bust down the other. He slid her little panties down and over her thighs, revealing the round buttocks. For a second his fingers caressed the velvety globes so cool to the touch, then, raising his hand, he opened it well out, and brought it down with all his strength on the pretty bottom. The blow, echoed and left a scarlet mark on the buttocks that sank under the pain, then another blow, and another and another on the wriggling bottom. Carola moaned, but remained passive, offering herself to the sadistic amusement of her husband, who beat the burning, peony-red globes with both arms. Victor straightened himself slightly and spoke to Penny, who was watching her friend's punishment with frightened eyes. He said to her, "Pass me the ruler that's on my desk." "No...No...not the ruler, I beg you Victor, not the ruler." But Victor was deaf to his wife's plea and took the ruler that Penny held tremblingly out. It was in plexiglass, twenty inches long and one and a half inches wide, very thin like a drawing ruler, Victor raised the instrument and in one dry stroke brought the transparent weapon down on the burning rump. It made a dry, smacking noise and brought a tearful cry from his victim. A large scarlet strip marked the hemispheres that were contracted in pain. Two, three, four, six times, the horrible noise was repeated. Now Carola was crying and hiccuping like a child, but remained still, as if she were enjoying her own humiliation. Then the man laid the weapon away, and his long slender, intellectual's hands began to caress and massage the bruised flesh. The young woman's tears calmed themselves, as her husband's hand glided between the open thighs to caress the damp sex, for Carola, in her masochistic excitement, had come. Her soaking wet fleece bore witness to this. "Now you can see, Penny," said Mr. Jennings with a large smile. "What's awaiting you if you make a mistake." The young girl blushed with mingled shame and apprehension, and turned her eyes away from the embarrassing sight of Victor caressing his wife, who was panting with pleasure. Then he stood her up, and kissed her on the still damp cheeks. Carola was still holding up her dress as if she were afraid of the contact of the material on her red and burning buttocks. Victor picked up the white briefs and handed them to her with a smile. Penny looked again and suddenly blushed when she saw the way her employer's trousers was jutting out between his thighs, for the lawyer was in full erection, and Carola had confided in Penny that his weapon was really huge, thick and long, well over the average. Since Carola had told her about it, Penny could think of nothing else and dreamed of seeing the thing, for up till now she had two lovers only, both students and of average size. Carola went off to the bathroom to wash her face and refresh her fiery posterior. When she came back, calm and smiling, she went over to her husband and kissed hem passionately, before making her way to her desk. On the way she passed her hand over Penny's breast. Chapter 4 Work started up again, interspersed with the usual jokes and pauses; everyone felt better. Suddenly, about an hour later, Mr. Jennings who was deep in a pile of papers, raised his head and asked abruptly; "Who was in charge of the Avely file?" "I was, sir," replied Penny, in a troubled voice. "You is it?" Well, I can't congratulate you. You mixed with it a petition from the Boreham case, that comes up in a few days time. Do you realize what would have happened if I hadn't noticed it? In court, I'd have looked for it everywhere and I might have lost the case. Come her this minute." Poor Penny, terrified, walked slowly over to her employer who was smiling in anticipation. Carola was watching careful to miss nothing of the spectacle and trembling with pleasure at the thought of what was going to happen to her poor darling. When she arrived at his desk, Penny, pale as snow, stood still. The lawyer took her hand, and drawing her towards him, sat her on his knees and asked gently: "Do you realize how stupid you were? Tell me, little one, what sort of punishment do you think it deserves? No answer? Well, we'll leave it to Carola to decide. Darling, it's up to you to pronounce the sentence. This time I'll follow your advice." Poor Penny looked pleadingly at her friend, but Carola did not want to be deprived of such an exciting spectacle and she laughed as she said: "In my opinion, she deserves a good hiding, and as it is the first time and must be an example to her, I think it should be a very sever one." A cry of despair escaped Penny when Victor rose and dragged her over to the armchair reserved for this purpose. He trapped her between his knees and began lifting her skirt. Underneath she was naked because of the heat, and when he raised the skirt up to her waist, there she was, red with shame, her long white thighs pressed together, and her little bottom hiding modestly in a sweet little pink brief that Carola had given her. Without paying any attention to her protestations, Victor slowly lowered her panties and freed the bottom that was chubby as a baby's. He had never before had the occasion to admire the intimate charms of his secretary and his prick sprang erect at the sight of the tender globes offered to his caprice. He threw her over his knees so that her rump was right under his eyes. In dismay, Penny felt the stiff hard prick that pressed on her pubis through the trousers. Without bothering about her modestly the lawyer caressed her buttocks ecstatically, then he separated the white globes abruptly to reveal the little rosette, creased like a little daisy. Penny protested in anguish and tried to get up, in order to escape from the lewd looks of her employer, but he struck with all the weight of his arm. The poor child let out a cry; it felt to her as if a burning iron had been dropped on her buttocks. Her muscles contracted automatically at the pain, but no sooner had she relaxed again than a shower of blows martyred her posterior. The blows smacked cruelly off the poor little bottom which soon glowed like a beacon and burnt like embers. She cried and wept without any control over herself. In vain she tried wriggling her buttocks to ease the pain. Then Carola rose, all excited, and held out the flat ruler to Victor. He took it with a sadistic smile and thrashed her across the buttocks with it, again and again, then at the bottom of her rump, at the beginning of the thighs where the flesh is most tender. The poor darling sobbed away. She felt as if her skin were peeling off, and as Victor with infernal joy continued to fuatigate her pitilessly, she could no longer hold back her screams and began to kick her legs in all direction without any idea of the obscene spectacle she was offering the perverted pair. Indeed, by her despairing efforts to avoid the punishment, she opened her thighs, revealing the pink slit that yawned deep in the mossy nest. At each stroke, her rump weighed down on her torturer's knees and then, in reaction, sprang into the air, her thighs apart, her anus, contracted with pain, showing. Her disordered jerks bounced off the lawyer's weapon, who was near his orgasm. Her buttocks burnt so much that she didn't even realize that Victor has stopped beating her. She continued her bawling and pleading, wetting the carpet with her tears. At last the burning died down a little, leaving just a feeling of warmth that spread over her whole body. His hands were busy with calming, lewd caresses. He massaged her rump with cool, refreshing hands, then his fingers opened the furrow caressing the wrinkled rosette. Her reddened buttocks came together modestly, so his wandering hand played with the curly fleece and an adventurous finger glided between the open lips. The prostrate body quivered with pleasure and the thighs opened insensibly, so Carola, who had been content with the role of spectator up till now, knelt down by the armchair, and while her husband held open the child's legs, she glued her greedy mouth to the quim revealed from behind and began to suck the damp and burning slit. Penny felt her body, broken by pain, melt in a headiness she had never known before. She groaned and panted gently, moving her rounded belly to better feel the stiff weapon that seemed ready to run her through. Then suddenly with a long rattle, she came with a burning joy that left her limp and happy. Victor and Carola helped her to rise, and the lawyer kissed her passionately on the mouth, saying that she was an adorable child and that it had given him great pleasure to punish her. "You're a big bully. You hurt me very much...I hate you," declared Penny sulkily. Carola took her off to the bathroom where she anointed the sore bottom with a calming lotion then powdered it until it looked like a baby's bottom. Nevertheless, Penny was very tided and after dinner that evening, she went straight to bed, leaving her friends listening to a program on the radio. She couldn't say how long she had been dozing when suddenly she sat up in bed, wide awake, in spite of the obscurity. Unconsciously she listened to the muffled noises that came from next door. In her curiosity, she got out of bed, and with bare feet, dressed only in her pale blue nightgown, she tiptoed across the room and held her ear against a slit in the door frame. Her little heart began to beat faster, for now she could hear the conversation of the couple as well as if she were in the same room. "That aroused you a bit, to see Penny's buttocks, didn't it, you old goat," said Carola jokingly. "Did you see her gorgeous baby arse? I swear that just the sight of it wriggling under her dress makes me all wet." "Bitch," came the lawyer's deep voice. "I don't suppose it took you long to posses her eh? Tell me, does she like it? Does she like being sucked? Has she sucked you?" "Of course the little darling likes it. And if you knew how nice she is to lick and how smooth her tongue is when she does it...I tell you I'm in love with her." "Oh! I don't like that," the lawyer bantered. "I'm going to be jealous...It looks serious to me." "Don't be silly, darling. No one could ever take your place with me. The toy you have between your legs is indispensable." "We'll talk about that later. Is she still a virgin?" "Of course not. She lost that some time ago. She has had two lovers, both students, but they can't have done much with her; she's still almost new and as narrow as a kitten. I noticed that while caressing her. And something else you'll like you dirty old man. If she's a woman in front, she's still a child around the back. Her anus is still virgin." A wave of heat flowed over Penny's body as she heard her most intimate secrets being revealed. She was ashamed and thrilled at the same time. Victor seemed to want her! Her train of thought broke off here, and she listened again, for Carola was saying with a laugh: "I say, darling, I'm going to be jealous too. You sound very eager. Tell me, perverted darling, would you like to deflower Penny? Take that virgin arse?" "Be quiet," grunted Victor, "look what a state I'm in." "What a size," exclaimed Carola. "You know, darling, even though the five years since we were married, every time you show me your huge penis, I'm amazed as I was the first time you forced me to look at it. How lovely it is. How hard," she murmured ecstatically. "Darling I love you so much, I'll try and satisfy you desires. I'll persuade Penny to let you watch our Lesbian games. That way you'll end up by fucking her." "Especially, the back way," declared the lawyer. "Feel how it quivers at the very thought." "All right. You can bugger her too, but you must promise me to do it gently. I love her to much, and with your elephantine penis!...and her hole so'll have to be careful." "Don't worry, darling. After all I have a certain experience. Right?" "True. But even with me, and God knows I'm used to it, it hurts when you want to impale me, so as for Penny, who is still a virgin, I don't want you to ruin her." "Don't worry, darling. I'll be gentle. What worries me more is whether Penny will be willing for me to operate. Perhaps she doesn't like me. Perhaps I seem old to her?" Penny smiled tenderly in the obscurity. If she had dared, she would have cried out to him not to worry about that. She'd let him do anything he liked. She found him marvelous with his hair graying at the temples and his sardonic air. She like him madly, and was dying to see at last the huge weapon of which her friend had spoken and which haunted her dreams. Of course, it's size worried her a little, when she thought of it penetrating her, but she had decided to put up with that to please him although she realized it would probably hurt very badly. On the other side of the door, the conversation continued: "Don't worry, darling," declared Carola. "I'm sure she'll accept, once I've got her all worked up. Besides, I"M sure she finds you to her liking; she has already asked me several questions about you...and your accoutrement. I'm sure that when she's had one taste, she'll be mad about it. But I don't want to lend it to her tonight," she groaned. "I want it all for me. Darling, please give it to me, put it in me." "Alright. Open you legs wide. That's right. How do you want it, slowly or all at once?" "Drive it in at one go; I want to feel you enter me," said Carola, her voice broken with desire. Penny heard the bedsprings groan, then a stifled cry from Carola. Trembling with excitement she slipped a nervous hand under her nightgown and into her slit, as she realized that her friend had been impaled at one go. Now the springs were creaking in rhythm. Victor punctuated the piston and woodcutter, betraying the brutality of the operation. Carola panted like a madwoman, giving out little meaningless cries. Occasionally she lowed in joyous agony when the prick entered her too savagely as a maddened Penny masturbated, trembling at the thought of Carola's quim stretched around her husband's elephantine weapon, which must be driving in and out of the quartered lips like a huge piston. Suddenly Carola screamed aloud while Victor bellowed like some animal and all the bedsprings complained. Then the disturbing love serenade grew calm and silence fell in the room. Penny staggered over to her bed, worn out and with dripping thighs, for the pretty little bitch had come at the same time as the two lovers. She began to think about the marvelous prick that was hanging between her employer's thighs, then worn out by the excitement, she sank into a sleep inhabited by lascivious dreams, in which she offered her body to a satyr with a penis like an ass's and who was driving his phallus into her in every conceivable way. Chapter 5 Two days later her prayers were granted. There was nothing urgent on that afternoon, and Victor had taken the two women out for a drive. The evening was light-hearted. They dined at a little restaurant on the river bank and made their way home in high spirits after the pleasant relaxation. Once home, Victor felt like a liqueur before going to bed and the two women left him listening to the news and went off to their rooms. But that night, instead of kissing Penny as usual and letting her go to bed, Carola dragged her into her own room. "Come here, darling," she whispered. "I want to caress you a little." "But if your husband came," said Penny worriedly. "Don't let that worry you. He'll be downstairs for some time. Come on, darling. I'm all worked up this evening as you'll see." she added with a smile. The young girl was quite excited too. After so much white wine, and she let herself be dragged over to the wide bed. In febrile haste Carola threw off her clothes then naked, she began to undress her sweetheart too, punctuating her gestures with heady caresses on the parts of the body revealed during the process of stripping. When Penny was left with only her tiny briefs they fell into each others arms on the bedspread and began to kiss each others mouths eagerly while Carola, whose state of erotic excitement was betrayed by her heavy breathing, slid the tiny briefs over Penny's thighs and off. Then she stretched out on the young body offered up so shamelessly; the two sexes, glued together, mingled Carola's black fleece with Penny's golden one. They rubbed against each other lasciviously, then Carola raised herself up on her forearm and , with her fingertips, caressed the hard nipples of the younger girl, and this gentle friction of the raised roses tore sighs of ecstasy from both of them. Then Carola, obeying and uncontrollable impulse stretched out in the opposite way from Penny whose legs she opened wide and in this span she inserted her own open thighs. The two bodies were held in a double scissors, and in this unusual position the two yawning quims crushed each other. The caresses of the two dampened membranes rubbing against each other occasioned such intense sensations that the young women screamed deliriously. The dirty noise made by the two cunts was most exciting; it sounded like a cupping glass sticking and coming away again. Then Carola changed her position again, and, kneeling between the infant's thighs she glued her greedy mouth against the burning quim of the secretary whose hairs, damp with desire, were stuck to her groins. Carola's tongue licked the red, flesh of the gaping quim. Penny, almost at her orgasm, purred with pleasure, her half-open mouth emitting little cries of pleasure, her eyes shut on her intimate reactions, when suddenly, she felt two hands grip the little breasts pointed upward to the ceiling. Opening eyes misted with pleasure, she saw Victor naked at the bedside, smiling gently as he caressed her trembling breasts. Penny startled in shame, tried to cover herself with a sheet, but the lawyer prevented her with a gesture that was gentle but firm. Realizing that the moment of which she had dreamed so long had come, the child looked at her employer's athletic body; her eyes drawn invincibly towards his lower abdomen; a cry of mingled horror and delight escaped her when she saw the dart that had been haunting her. It seemed incredible that a man should have a phallus so huge, so thick, so long. The huge gland was completely uncovered and the fine scarlet skin shone like satin, the orifice was as large as an eye, the enormous stalk was veined blue, and the base of the weapon, larger still, was lost in a tuft of curly black hair that continued up to his chest. As for the balls, they were as big as fists and dangled between his muscular thighs. How could a woman stand an assault from such a spear without being ripped open, but, thought Penny, if it succeeded in penetrating what joy it must give. Victor leaned forward, and while Carola, at the foot of the bed continued licking and sucking the tiny clitoris, he seized one breast in his huge mouth and began to caress it, nibbling at the stiff and sensitive nipple. When Penny began to moan, he lay down beside her and forced her hand to close around his burning prick that quivered with delight at the touch of her childish fingers. In the heat of the emotion procured by Carola's tongue and Victor's mouth, Penny lost all ideas of shame and began to caress the huge plaything that she could hardly grasp. She began to rub it gently, conscious of the ringed muscle twitching in her grasp as the fingers moved up to the large gland, titillating the enormous head, where one opaline drop appeared. Then she began to excite him; she knew how for her lovers had taught her the rudiments of masculine masturbation, though with them she had a far more modest contribution in hand. All these caresses had to lead to something. Victor leaned over her and drove his tongue into her mouth, as if he wanted to reach her throat. This brutal manner of kissing set off her final shudder, and Penny rolled over on the bed, the more so because Carola, when she felt her darling's vagina palpitate, stuck her finger into the rosebud hidden between the buttocks. Victor drank in Penny's joyous moans, as with her mouth pressed against his, she shared her pleasure. At the same time her hand and thigh were drowned in a warm, viscous flood, spurting out of the lawyer's quivering prick. After a few minutes' rest, the three disengaged themselves and Victor stood up, his huge, wet tail dangling limply on the hairy balls. Carola came over to him and pressed against him while watching Penny, who was sitting on the bed, looking in amazement at her hand dripping with his sticky sperm. "Well," said Carola with a laugh: "At last you've met my husband's pretty tail. I can see you have been watered copiously, but don't look so surprised, my child. Wait until he comes in your mouth and you have to swallow it; you'll find that you have to be quick if you don't want to stifle." The little secretary's face was red with confusion, but the lawyer took her in his powerful arms and kissed her tenderly, asking if she wanted to be his little mistress. As she didn't dare say yes or no, Carola embraced her, cajoling her with a gentle voice: "Do say yes, my darling. It'll be marvelous; you'll see how well he makes love; we'll be his two little wives." "But Carola," stammered Penny. "Won't you be jealous?" "No, no, my love. On the contrary. I want you to say yes. I want to see you moan with delight in his arms. I love you both so much and anyway," laughingly she held up her husband's penis, "there's enough for two, you know." "That's just it," said the little girl, red as a beet. "I'm afraid it'll hurt." "Don't worry kitten," said Victor, cajolingly. "I won't hurt you. You'll see how well I can do it and how good you'll feel." The couple lay down, one on either side of Penny, and began to caress the redhead's tender body, and she opened her legs like a pretty little tart. Victor asked if she wanted to taste his tongue; she smiled her consent and the lawyer took up a convenient position for admiring the adorably pussy that had excited him for so long. His sensual lips came to rest on the welcoming slit and his tongue began its work. Carola masturbated gently as she watched her husband. Penny was soon palpitating with pleasure for the hard male tongue excited her less subtly perhaps than Carola's but the sensations had a sharper edge. Her employer had a novel method of driving his pointed tongue into her vagina, but she like it less when his sadistic instincts drove him to nibble the lips of her pussy. After a little while he rose, and tried to role her over on to her stomach. Penny was frightened but was reassured by Carola: "Don't be alarmed, my sweet. He only want to do a rosebud. Wouldn't you like him to lick the hole?" Docilely, Penny lay on her belly, offering her plump rounded rump to her employer. He was panting as he devoured this lovely little arse with his eyes; he was determined to penetrate it with his enormous weapon before the end of the night. For the time being, he kissed the buttocks as chubby as a child's then placing his hands on the satiny mounds, he separated them, paying no attention to her modest effort to escape. The sweet wrinkled hole was minute and he understood why Carola had recommenced prudence and gentleness in buggering their young friend. Indeed it would be difficult to introduce such a gigantic key into such a tiny lock. He began by licking the little buttonhole very tenderly, and it folded up like a daisy at the touch of the fascinating tongue. He hardened the tip and tried to drive it into the tiny hole, but she stiffened and his tongue came to grief against her sulking anus. After three or four attempts, he smacked her across the buttocks. "Let yourself go. Open up, you'll see how good it is." He began licking the little hole again and felt the child relax. The furrows opened out a little allowing an inch of his tongue to pass through. He renewed his ardor, sucking, titillating and eventually seizing the buttonhole between his lips and milking it as if he had been at his mother's breast. Penny was shaken with emotion and raised her scarlet face from the pillow, panting with pleasure. Realizing that she was ripe, Victor stopped the caresses and prepared to fuck her. An excited Carola kissed the young bottom before helping her friend into the best position for first contact (lying on the back, legs apart, and a pillow under the rump). Victor was kneeling. His huge penis was jutting out like a ship's mast. To make it easier, Carola leaned forward and covered the weapon with a layer of saliva that would lubricate the vagina, and when it was dribbling with spit, she took it between two fingers and placed it between Penny's lower lips. Penny trembled in apprehension when she felt the huge gland at the entrance to her body. Victor leaned over her, and, leaning on his wrists, gave a slow thrust with his hips in an effort to push in his stallion-like instrument. Slowly but surely, without and jerks, the gland, well prepared by Carola, insinuated itself between the angry lips, but even so, it was too big to be easy. The narrow passage blackened the neck of the gland. Victor thrust forward violently, and Penny exclaimed in pain that seared her when the huge weapon half-disappeared into her vagina. With little jerks, the lawyer succeeded in pushing his weapon a little further in, but the shaft was too wide; and when he tried to force it in, Penny wept with pain. Then he began to move gently, in a slow come-and-go movement, withdrawing his dripping organ up to the base of the gland, then driving it back in a slow penetration that only inserted two thirds of his weapon. The huge penis was delightful compressed in the narrow muff and grew bigger with each thrust of Victor's rump. He was moaning huskily at this hitherto unknown pleasure. The thought that he was fucking a pleasant child of nineteen drove him mad. Penny was panting and groaning at the attacks of this burning spear which was driving deep into her belly. The pain of the insertion had yielded to an indescribable pleasure. How different it was from the clumsy efforts of her young friends. She took pleasure just in the sight of this powerful man with greying hair laboring above her and in the terrific sensation she got from the mighty organ tickling her vagina. With her hands holding her breasts, she hiccuped and stammered incomprehensible words. Carola, masturbating madly, followed the movements with lascivious eyes. She knelt down at the foot of the bed to relish the sight of the two sexes, and she groaned in ecstasy when she saw the gigantic penis planted between Penny's legs. Carola came back to sit beside Penny to see if she enjoyed being mounted in this way. The young girl was groaning childishly, her eyes were turned back and a sliver of saliva rolled down from her mouth contorted in a rictus. Her head rolled madly from right to left. Carola leaned over this unknown face and licked the spit that dribbled down her darling's mouth. Then she looked lovingly at her husband, fucking away. His brow was covered in sweat and his heavy breathing betrayed his excitement. Huskily he murmured: "Oh, Carola, if only you knew how good it is to fuck her; she's as tight as a glove, but her cunt is a sweet as honey. Look how she's enjoying herself. But my tail isn't all inside her, though I feel like driving in all in." "No, no darling. Restrain yourself; you'd only hurt her. Take it easy. Bit by bit, you'll enlarge her and you'll put it in her the way you put it in me, up to your balls." As she said it, she caressed the swollen testicles that swung against Penny's little cunt, dripping with the liquid from her vagina. In a frenzy, now, Victor bellowed his and discharged his sperm into Penny's palpitating vagina, accompanied by her broken cries. When the gland was withdrawn from the bruised lips, a flood of sperm and liquid poured out of her vagina and flowed slowly between her legs, dripping onto the sheet. Penny lay exhausted in the same position, eyes shut one arm over her scarlet face, the wide open legs revealing the scarlet slit and the fleece thick with sperm. After a moment, she opened her eyes, and, seeing Carola's and Victor's eyes fixed on her abdomen, she placed one hand modestly on the sticky flesh, then shyly asked Carola to take her to the bathroom. Chapter 6 A quarter of an hour later, after the ablutions, the three friends met again. Penny suggested timidly that she should leave them alone and go to bed, but Carola cried out: "NO question of that, darling; you'll sleep with us. Look how wide the bed is? Do you think there isn't room for three?" "That's right," cut in the lawyer, already in bed. "Now you are my two little wives. Unless Penny would rather go to her own bed? Didn't you like what I just did to you? Don't you love me even a little?" "Oh, I love you both," cried Penny happily. "I love you. You're so kind to me. I'd never have believed that I could be so happy." As the night was young, there was still time for them to amuse themselves, particularly as the stifling heat did not dispose towards sleep All three naked, they smoked a cigarette and chatted gaily, but soon the lawyer was seized by desire, and his limp penis began to swell and assume impressive proportions beneath the amused regards of the two women. Soon it was quite erect, the gland uncovered, the veins bulging. From time to time, Victor fidgeted and then his prick started violently, slapping his hairy abdomen with a dull squelch, then rising again, stiff, vertical, like a stake awaiting its victim. Penny stifled a laugh. Her little angel face, nailed to the mattress by the enormous spear that travelled with slow, deep thrusts, was soon streaming with tears, the mouth that was distorted and gagged by the huge, hard prick, could proffer no sound, only her heavy breathing and stifled grunts escaped from her fluttering nostrils every time that the gland struck the bottom of her throat. When he felt himself coming, he withdrew his prick only to discharge in a manner even more lewd. He placed Carola's hand around his weapon and told her to stroke it over Penny's face. "Open your mouth, chicken," he said to the child. "I'm going to come and you're going to swallow." Seizing his prick, Carola, all excitement, masturbated it firmly. Suddenly it stiffened and the first drop of sperm appeared. Carola slowed her movements and squeezed more tightly, and every time her hand pulled downwards a flood of sperm spurted forth. The first ejection thickened Penny's mouth and splashed over her cheeks and forehead. Carola pulled again and another squirt spread a viscous layer over the child's face. The last drop fell on her neck, and Victor fell back on his couch, completely emptied, while Carola, at the peak of her fever, threw herself on her mistress and greedily licked at the coating of sperm that covered the pretty little face. The two women sucked each other and when they had calmed down, the three of them laid on their couches and prepared to sleep. Victor was already dozing when he heard stifled sniffs coming from the blanket beside him. He stretched out his arm inquisitively and met Penny's face, streaming with tears. Thoroughly upset, he lit the lamp and leaned over her; "What is it, my darling? Why are you crying. Have you got a pain? Are you unhappy?" But the poor child started off worse than ever and Victor turned around to wake Carola: "Penny's crying, but she won't tell me why," he said to his wife, who was looking at him through bleary eyes. That woke Carola up completely, and she came over to Penny to try and help her. They covered the poor pet with kisses and caresses, until finally Penny avowed in a tearful voice: "You don't love me." "Darling, how can you say such a thing? You know we both adore you." "Not true," sniffed Penny. "Victor doesn't love me. He's just amusing himself with me; he doesn't think about me; he goes to sleep without bothering about me." "Poor little poppet," said Carola with a smile. "Just think of that. Her little cunt in heat and she wants a good pricking." Victor smiled and took his young mistress in his arms. Kissing her tenderly on the swollen eyes and little pink ears, he whispered: "My little dove, you know perfectly well I'm madly in love with you. If I went to bed without bothering you it's because I thought you'd had enough with Carola and that you were tired because of the country air, but if you want to, I'll fuck, you my pet. I'll fuck you thoroughly. You'll see what is coming to you. Happy now? Do you want my prick?" "Oh yes," mouthed Penny in delight. "I want it." "What do you want," asked Victor teasingly. "Tell me what you want." "I want...I me," "Do you want me to put it all in tonight?" "Oh yes please. But be gentle...don't hurt me too much." "Don't worry poppet. On the contrary, you'll like what I'm going to do." With that he shifted onto his knees and shook his huge prick in Penny's direction, saying: "Just look at the huge helping your slit will get tonight, my love. Prepare her a little," he added to Carola, who, with her saliva, lubricated copiously Penny's cunt, before lying down, hand in hair, ready to masturbate an accompaniment. Victor had taken position between Penny's thighs, and with his fingertips parted the velvety folds to open her vagina. He placed the huge penis at the entrance. He thrust forward and quivered with delight when his prick punched past the thick lips and penetrated the velvety blackness. Then he seized Penny's ankles and raised them in the air until her legs were vertical, and with her in this position, he began to drive his weapon in with slow powerful thrusts that shook the poor child who was clinging to the blanket to resist the brutal blows of the horse-like weapon that was opening her flesh and penetrating her panting belly. Soon she could not control her plaintive moans, for the prick was becoming more and more merciless, trying to penetrate completely, but the narrowness of the vagina prevented this. Victor pushed at her legs until she was folded in two, her thighs on her breasts like some inverted frog, and he forced himself slowly into the prominent cunt. A long, moaning cry escaped Penny when the stallion penis disappeared up to the hairs. It felt as if it were coming out by the navel. She hiccuped and screamed at each thrust, two trickles of sweat on her forehead. Pretty Penny had it all, this time, all the huge penis whose movements seemed to tear her in two and tore from her screams of delirious joy. She turned her congested face towards Carola and uttered with difficult: "I've got it all. I've taken all his prick. He's driven it all in, the way he does with you." Victor thrust on. He could feel the gland buried in her matrix. It squeezed him like a velvet tong, his balls brushed against her raised buttocks. He no longer withdrew his prick, leaving it well in, screwing imperceptibly on the spot. At last, with a series of groans, he felt his sperm flood out her matrix, drowning her most secret flesh, while Penny let forth yells of joy, dribbling at the mouth, fists clenched and eyes turned back. Chapter 7 The next morning they set out for a long walk in the woods, until they reached a little waterfall where they bathed to the accompaniment of joyful cries and piercing laughs that re-echoed through the leafy forest. After picnicing in the little clearing, Victor led them by a hidden path to a minute grassy grove lost in the undergrowth. The afternoon sun played through the leafy branches, and diapered the green grass. "How lovely," exclaimed both women. "You'll find it less attractive later on," hissed Victor. In the middle of the clearing lay a tree trunk and Victor sat on this natural seat, drawing his darlings to him. "My sweet," he said to Penny. "You know I promised to punish you today. The time is now and the place is here." The little redhead turned an imploring regard to the lawyer, but she'd have had more chance of winning over a tiger. Victor's sadistic side was uppermost for the time being. "Take down your knickers," he continued with a smile. "And you can sit on the grass," he said to Carola. "It's your turn after." When Penny had taken off her shorts and panties, he ordered her to sit astride the tree trunk. "Now lie down," he said and pushed her shoulders by way of encouragement. With a handkerchief he bound her wrists under the trunk, and treated her ankles in the same way with the scarf that Carola wore around her breast. "Why has he tied me up like this?" asked Penny in a frightened voice. "I'm afraid," she snivelled. "Come close to me Carola. What is he going to do?" "I don't know, darling," whispered Carola. "A good thrashing, I suppose; you must be brave, my love. But don't you feel a kind of thrill at the idea that he has you at his mercy? that you're the victim of his lewd desires?" "A bit, yes...but I'm so afraid." "So am I...but I'm wet just the same." "Where is he?" asked Penny, turning her head with difficulty. "I don't know. He's around somewhere. Oh, let me kiss your poor little bottom, to give it courage." At that moment, Victor reappeared in the clearing. In one hand he was holding twenty or so rushes, that he had picked near the stream. With the other, he was carefully holding a bunch of nettles, wrapped in a handkerchief, that he placed out of Penny's sight. "Look at these, my pretty," he sniggered, shaking the blades in front of her nose. "Look what's going to punish you for your refusal." "Oh no, Victor, not that, not that. It will hurt too much." begged Penny. "No! No! If you like, you can bugger me, only be gentle, but not that." But she was in no condition to dictate to Victor, and he burst out laughing. "Oh no, my little nanny-goat, you can't have my prick. I'm reserving that for Carola. You're getting the whip." With that, he stood behind the child who was offering him her defenseless rump, and with the tips of the rushes he caressed the frightened globes, before lashing at her rump. A dozen red weals appeared on the milky skin and Penny screamed with pain. With a twist of his wrist, Victor struck again, then again, and covered the hemispheres with an uninterrupted rain of blows which soon transformed the lily-white flesh into a sea of red. Penny's face was dripping with tears, and piercing screams issued from the open mouth. Victor continued to whip away, not bothering about his victim's moans. Now her poor little bottom was like a poppy in bloom, and the lawyer took advantage of her wriggling, which revealed her cunt, to strike hard between her thighs. The rushes beat on the poor little cunt and on the thick lips of her sex, and a cry of agony escaped the unfortunate Penny. He struck her three or four times between the thighs then threw away the battered rushes. Next he seized the nettles and caressed the burning buttocks with the venomous plant. At first the freshness of the leaves relieved Penny, but soon her buttocks were covered with pimples and swellings, and the hellish itching drove her mad. Victor enjoyed the frenzied contortions of his victim and his huge prick palpitated with pleasure at the sound of her screams. In desperation, Penny rubbed her buttocks together in a vain effort to relieve the dreadful itchiness on her rump. Her cries were no longer human, her mouth frothed, and her tortured face was covered with tears and sweat. At one moment, through nervousness, a flood of urine that she could not control, poured out of her fiery cunt and rolled down her thighs. Victor could no longer contain himself. He dragged Carola over to the tree and made her take up the same position as Penny. Docilely, Carola placed herself across the tree behind Penny, with her bottom in her face. "Lick her," said Victor. "It'll relieve her." But Penny had fainted. The lawyer moved behind his wife and placed his huge phallus between her buttocks, and without preparation, without lubrication, he began the task of buggering her. The enormous gland bounced off as the tiny hole contracted in fear. He move it back into position and weighed on it with all his strength, pushing brutally at the rectum. Slowly, ferociously, he shoved into his wife's dry arse, ripping the delicate membranes of her anal canal. Now the clearing echoed with Carola's plaintive cries. Fortunately her husband's excitement had reached its paroxysm; he had scarcely begun to screw the narrow muscular ring when an orgasm floored him in a copious ejaculation. After he had rested a little, he picked her up and bore her off to the stream, where he helped her to bath her suffering anus; then he ran back to free Penny, and brought her to the stream. He sat her squarely in the water and the contact of the icy water on her burning buttocks brought life back to the charming victim, who recoiled in fright when she saw Victor standing over her but he reassured her tenderly and asked her to forgive him if he had been too unkind. The child refused to reply and turned her silky head towards Carola who was bathing her bruised flesh. When Penny had fully recovered they were back to the tent, where they rested while Victor packed their belongings. The next day both women were still sulking and repulsed all Victor's advances, but they could not resist that evening when he came home laden with presents, that they opened with gay laughs. The apartment, which fortunately was soundproof, resounded the cries and groans of pleasure occasionally mitigated by erotic pain. Chapter 8 At the beginning of the winter, the lawyer received a letter which was to influence Penny's destiny. He had scarcely begun reading it when he jumped with joy and brandished the piece of paper towards Carola. "Louis is back from Paris," he cried. "He says he'll call tomorrow evening." "Wonderful," cried Carola. She turned to Penny: "You'll see how handsome he is. He's a great friend of ours..." When Victor had left for town, Penny came to sit on Carola's knees and while Carola caressed her breast she asked inquisitively: "Who is he exactly, this type?" "You'll see, darling. He's wonderful. So kind and so distinguished! He's from Barbados." "A negro?" said Penny, in surprise. "Not quiet. He's mixed...his skin is hardly tanned. He's really terrific, you know. As tall as Victor, but slimmer...and so elegant! You'll see. I'm sure you'll like him." You said he was a great friend of yours." "A most intimate friend. He's a lawyer too, and he and Victor were at the Temple together. I met them both at the same time and for a little while I wasn't sure which I'd marry." "Did he...has he...have you been to bed with him?" stammered Penny, embarrassed by the question. Carola blushed slightly and confessed that she had indeed often been fucked by Louis, before and after her marriage and she had even found herself several times impaled between both men. Penny was stupefied. Two men at the same time...but it must be dreadful...and how could it be done...and did it hurt? Carola explained everything in detail. "And," she added, "Louis is like a bull." "What do you mean," asked Penny naively. "I mean that his prick is even bigger than Victor's." "You're making fun of me." Penny was incredulous. "How do you expect me to swallow that one? I didn't think it was possible for a man to have one as big as Victor's" "I swear, my pet," said Carola with a laugh. "Louis's prick is phenomenal. He must get that from his negro ancestors. Besides you'll see." "I'll see?" said the poppet in dismay. "Of course, darling. If he's our friend, he'll be yours too. I swear he's very charming." "I don't want him to touch me. I'd be afraid with a thing as big as that." Chapter 9 The next afternoon, while both Victor and Carola were out, the doorbell rang. When Penny opened it, she was confronted with a tall, elegant man, slim, with blue eyes and a thin face. "No doubt you would like to see Mr. Jennings?" asked Penny. "I would indeed." "I'm afraid I don't know when he'll be back. He's in town today with a client. Would you like to make and appointment?" "If it doesn't bother you too much, I'd like to wait," said the young man. Penny introduced the strange young man into the bureau and after offering him a armchair, she went on with her work. She examined him surreptitiously. "He's really attractive," she thought. "But who can he be?" At that moment she heard the front door opening: "That will be Mrs. Jennings," she declared. "I'll tell her you're here." She found Carola taking off her coat and told her about the strange man who was so handsome. Carola was most intrigued, and, after rearranging her hair, she went to see who it was. Imagine Penny's stupefaction when she saw Carola literally fling herself into the man's arms, while he swing her off her feet and covered her face with kisses. "Louis, darling: why did you stay away so long? We missed you so much." Louis! Penny was stunned. She had been expecting some negro, slightly lighter perhaps than most, and it was this handsome man. "I swear I dreamed about you and especially about your prick." The young man placed his hand on Carola's mouth and looked significantly in Penny's direction. Carola burst out laughing and turned towards the girl, saying in an amused tone: "It's true, you don't know each other yet. Come here Penny. Come, poppet. Let me introduce Louis. I've already talked about him to you. Louis, you have in front of you Penny our little friend.... a very dear friend to Victor and me.... very dear, if you see what I mean." At that moment Victor too appeared and the two men greeted each other affectionately, exchanging news of mutual friends. Finally it was decided that Louis would spend the evening with them. Carola telephoned to a restaurant to have a meal for four sent up, and while they were waiting, Victor mixed some drinks. The dinner was watered by an excellent champagne, and by desert the conversation was in the right tone. Carola was stimulated by the thought of the future communal rites and heated by the champagne which the men had so liberally served her, so it was she who started the ball rolling. "Louis darling, you have next to you a little idiot. who won't believe that your prick is even more upstanding than Victor's. Show it to her. Give it to me, I'll show her," and she leaned forward to unbutton his fly. "Wait a minute, wait a minute," laughed Louis. "She'd only be disappointed: "I'm not erect yet. Besides, perhaps she doesn't want to see it. I is true," he asked, turning to Penny, "that you want me to show you my dart?" She didn't dare reply, and Victor, who was caressing her breasts, laughed as he said: :Don't be taken in by her saintly expression. She's a real little pervert and I'm sure she's wet at the thought of your prick, so don't stand on ceremony. Show it to her. Besides I propose this; they'll turn around and undress in front of us, which will give us an erection and then they'll come and suck our weapons. The clothes dropped one by one, and soon the women were left in their suspenders and briefs, and these came off in time and the two sweethearts showed their moons in all their splendor, revealing at the same time the little wrinkled holes and the moss of their cunts. Carola sprang onto her husband's prick, leaving Louis to Penny's tender care. Penny looked timidly at Louis's abdomen, then let forth a cry of horror at the sight of the immense dart nodding between his legs. It would not have been out of place on a well set-up donkey. Louis pushed out his belly to emphasis its size. Pretty Penny couldn't take her eyes off it, she looked like a rabbit fascinated by a serpent. Louis asked her gently: "Have you ever seen one like that? Tell me, my pet, do you like it? Do you want to kiss it? Do you want to do what Carola is doing?" Penny lifted her frightened eyes: "It's too big, I'll never get it in my mouth." "I'll help you darling. Kneel down on this cushion and open your mouth." Louis took his huge prick in his fingers, and smiling lasciviously, he caressed the child's face with it, first her parted her lips, then her crimson cheeks, and lastly under her nose for her to smell the exciting odor that rose from the wet gland. The powerful, aphrodisiac perfume went to Penny's head and she licked his prick greedily. Then Louis lowered his huge gland in front of her open mouth, and the lips opened as far as possible in an effort to envelop it. But the gland was too big to go in alone, so Louis seized Penny's head and slowly, with a thrust of his abdomen, he drove the penis into her mouth. It was still tot big for her to slide her mouth up and down the stem, so he took her face in his hands and began to move slowly backwards and forwards. Penny looked at him with emotion and he replied with a smile and a slight acceleration of the piston. The child started and let out a groan that was stifled by a gag; the enormous prick hurt her mouth and each thrust sent her head back, while the gland hit the bottom of her throat, making her retch. Nonetheless Louis continued his task, and Penny raised an ecstatic regard towards the man to show she was happy. Soon the big cylinder began to move more rapidly, his prick was more brutal in its movements as if it wanted to break in her throat, and her head shook backwards and forwards under the pressure. Suddenly she felt as if her throat had burst and a torrent of burning sperm filled her mouth. She had to swallow to avoid choking, but Carola, who had been watching, rushed over to her dear friend, and, gluing her mouth on Penny's shared the erotic cocktail. After a little rest, Victor stretched his wife out on the table, and, peeling a banana, thrust it into her vagina. Then he leaned over and gluing his mouth to her cunt, he sucked the banana, eating a good third of it, then he beckoned Louis who also partook of this original desert; when he had finished it was Penny's turn, and her part of the fruit had melted in the warmth of the wet vagina, was viscous and sticky with Carola's desire. Then Louis came back to the attack. He raised Carola's buttocks and placed his prick in the gaping cunt, but it slipped on the wetness and missed the entrance. "Take it in your hand," he said to Penny "and help me put it in." She place the huge fruit at the entrance to her vagina and held it in the right direction. Louis thrust forward and her lips yielded to the enormous phallus. Two or three more thrusts and it was almost completely invisible. Louis withdrew slightly and Penny felt the slippery weapon move in her grasp, then with a brutal bound, he drove his prick in up to the balls, wedging her hand against Carola's sex, while Carola herself groaned with pleasure and hung on the edge of the table. "Take away your hand, darling," said Louis. "You're preventing me from getting right in." The child took her hand away and the young man began screwing his victim like some wild animal. Carola groaned and screamed and demanded more violence still in the movements that shook her from head to foot. At that moment, Penny felt Victor glide his prick into her hand, whispering at the same time; "Stroke me, or I'll take you from behind." Terrified at his prospect, Penny took his dart and began to masturbate his lover. "Don't you want to put it in me?" she whispered, excitedly. "Don't you want to make love." "Of course, my darling, but I'm reserving you for Louis, who's going to fuck you in front of me later. I shall console myself with Carola." "But he's too big for me," exclaimed Penny. "All the better. Don't you want to taste that beautiful prick? Just see how Carola's enjoying it." At that moment, Carola's cries increased in volume and mingled with the grunts of Louis's orgasm. After another rest, Louis seized Penny passionately to him, and she felt his weapon rigid against her tender flesh. "My sweet love," he whispered. "Will you be mine?" Will you be my wife? I love you so much. Tell me, my dove, do you want to make love with me?" "Oh yes," she stammered. "But be gentle... you're so big... and I'm so small." "Don't be frightened, darling. I'll be gentle with you. I want to make you scream with joy in my arms... I don't want to hurt you... I love you, sweetheart... and if you are willing this first contact shall be our engagement." "Engagement," stuttered Penny. "Yes, darling. If you like me, will you take me for husband and lover?" "I hope this is serious," said Victor with a smile. "She's our little protegee and you mustn't hurt her or Carola will scratch your eyes out." "That's right," added Carola. "You can take her if you like, but you must not play with her heart, because I'm sure she like you a lot." "Where did you think all that up?" exclaimed Louis. "I've never been so serious in all my life and I've never wanted anyone for my wife the way I want this darling little redhead." There was an explosion of joy, kisses, congratulations and more champagne. But Victor looked a little sad. "What's the matter, old man?" asked Louis. "You don't look very pleased. Does it annoy you?" "Its not that old boy. Its just that I'm a bit sad a the thought of losing Penny forever." "How stupid can you get?" asked Louis. I hope we'll always be close friends, and since you lend me Carola, I shall lend you Penny whenever you want her...unless she doesn't want to." "Of course I want to, and I'm very happy," said Penny, "for I should have been miserable to leave them," and she threw herself shyly in Carola's arms. The moment had come to celebrate the engagement and the two women led the way into the bedchamber. When the men arrived, the two darlings were playing on the bed. They watched for a second then Victor clapped his hands, saying: "Take your places for the quadrille. Carola, suck her pretty little cunt to lubricate it, and Penny, you kiss your fiance's prick, so that it will slide in easily." When the two organs were ready, Louis kissed Penny and told her to get on all fours on the bed. Louis came behind her and his weapon tickled the separation of her buttocks. "No...No!" screamed Penny, "Not'll hurt too much." "No, my darling. I'm not going to sodomize you. I'm going to fuck you in the Roman position...Is that all right?" "Yes, I don't mind that, but not in my anus." "But my dove, don't you ever want me to take you the back way?" "I'd love to give you pleasure, Louis, but your thing is so huge, you'll ruin me for life." "But I intend on doing it on our wedding night, my pet. Will you refuse me then?" "I love you too much to refuse, but I know you'll hurt me dread- fully." Louis reassured his little fiancee, then opened wide her legs, kneeling between them, and placed his weapon in the gaping cunt. Straightening his weapon in the gaping cunt. Straightening slowly, he seized her by the hips to hold her in position, then thrust forward. Penny cried when the monstrous prick broke past the delicate lips; she felt her flesh yield before the powerful penetration of the huge dart. It felt as if it were his wrist that entered her, so hard it was, and when he began to screw her with all his strength she had to grip the sheets to withstand the assault. She looked like a young greyhound being mounted by a Great Dane. To make the thrusts deeper, Louis pulled her towards him with every forward movement, and so his huge penis disappeared up to the balls, and no-one could have guessed that she was sheltering such and abnormal prick. A thrust, more brutal than the rest, made her lose her balance and she collapsed on the bed, but her rump was still held high by Louis who continued to fuck her. Penny was delirious with pleasure. She had never felt anything so wonderful. The rhythmic motions of the giant dart, driven deep into her distended vagina, shook her with voluptuous thrills. The sound that poured from her open mouth were inarticulate; her eyes were closed. Her vagina was tortured by indescribable sensations that made her whole body shudder. She was dribbling and didn't realize it. Louis movements became jerkier and more violent; his breathing was difficult, and ruffled groans betrayed the pleasure he must feel at having his mighty prick compressed in the narrow sheath. Suddenly he clung savagely to the child, and gave three last brutal thrusts, before his sperm, to the accompaniment of his yells, flooded the depths of her vagina. Penny was maddened by her joy. She screamed long and loud when she felt the first jet of sperm drown her flesh, and she tainted, still hanging by the dreadful tail that impaled her. From that day on, Louis visited every day. Often they went out together, and one afternoon, when they were in a box in the cinema, he asked her to stroke him. Penny amused herself by masturbating his huge weapon while watching the screen with an innocent expression. When he felt it coming, he asked her to put a handkerchief over it to avoid staining his suit, but Penny was intoxicated by his prick, and, leaning over, glued her lips to the enormous gland and received the discharge, full in her mouth. As a reward, Louis slipped his hand under her skirt and caressed her until she too was shaken by a spasm of pleasure. Chapter 10 At last the necessary papers for the marriage were completed and the long awaited day arrived. The wedding was very chic, for both lawyers were very well connected. Penny was wearing a heavenly white dress which emphasized her air of innocence and many of the male guests felt an itching in his penis at the thought that the pretty little bride, so immaculate in her virginal dress, would be deflowered that night. Little did they know that the lovely redhead had long ago lost both virginities and was frequently fucked and buggered by two enormous pricks that would have frightened many women. The happy day ended with a magnificent dinner; fifty guests, and towards the end of the evening the happy pair took their leave, officially off to Italy. In fact they were leaving the next day. The first night was to be spent with Carola and Victor in the new villa where Louis and Penny would live on their return. First of all, Louis undressed Penny, then she had to undress her husband, punctuating the task with little licks and kisses to excite his desire. When the others were naked, they all moved over to the large bed, where the sodomitic sacrifice would take place, for the moment had come. Carola, the mistress of ceremonies, disposed Penny in the appropriate position, half-lying on the edge of the bed, legs hanging over the edge, kneeling on the white bearskin that acted as carpet. Louis came and knelt behind his wife who shuddered in apprehension when she felt his heavy hands separate her chubby cheeks. Instinctively she contracted her anus, but Louis salivated his gland abundantly, then leant forward and sucked her anus in order to lubricated it. Straightening slightly, he directed his terrifying weapon towards the narrow way of Sodom. For a little while he contented himself with caressing the little pastille. Penny allowed him to continue, but when she felt a slightly heavier pressure and realized he was preparing to bugger her, she turned around and said trembling, "darling, be gentle with me." Louis kissed her by way of reassurance, then holding the cheeks well apart he thrust slowly forward. The anus yielded to the pressure of the gland, but the phallus was far too large too enter and re- bounded off the tiny hole. Louis tried again but with no more success. The third time he jerked brutally into her anus, and this time, the entrance was forced and a few millimeters of the huge prick were swallowed up. Penny yelled and continued her pleading. Louis put his two thumbs to her anus and held it wide open, while with clenched teeth, he pushed forward. The gland disappeared completely, splitting the walls of the anus. Penny screamed in agony and struggled to escape the dreadful impalement that tortured her, but Louis was gripping her tightly. He paid no attention to her childish moans, but continued his work, thrusting forward once more. But his massive prick was much thicker at the base and the huge mass was wedged as if in a vice. He could neither advance nor retreat. Victor passed him some almond oil, and with it, Louis anointed the ravaged edges of her anus and the long stalk that was planted between her buttocks. Nothing could stop him now; he had to enter her. Slowly, under the pressure, and thanks to the almond oil, the dreadful spear penetrated the distended anus. The pressure of the anal walls squeezed his dart so tightly, he could hardly make it move. Frowning and with gritted teeth, he withdrew slightly, then pushed suddenly forward, driving it in almost up to the hairs. Penny was almost fainting. Her cries were like those of a woman in travail; it felt as if her anus would split in two. She had never suffered so much, and with dripping brow, she was on the point of losing consciousness for despite her prayers and supplications, the torture continued. Louis stopped a second, panting, to prolong his pleasure and Penny thought it was over at last, but soon he began to burrow in her entrails, burning the walls of the hole that was no longer little. Suddenly Louis stood up, but his prick was so tightly encircled by the wretched anus, that Penny's rump rose with it, and she hung in space, her legs dangling, her face covered with tears. Then Louis pushed her into the middle of the bed, and as, after all, his weight was beginning to tell, he threw himself upon her violently and succeeded in entering the gigantic base of his weapon. Penny fainted at the shock and felt nothing of the torrent of sperm that flooded her intestines, while Louis bellowed like a wild beast. When Louis extracted his bruised prick, he laughingly showed his friends the result of the wild embrace. Penny's anus was inside out and the scarlet membranes were sticky with sperm. The hole had been so horribly enlarged by the size of the weapon that it looked like a quim that had strayed between her buttocks. "Well, my beauty," said Victor gaily. "This time you really got something in the back. I hope you like it." Penny was walking, bent in two, as if she still had something in her arse. "It was dreadful," she said sulkily. "I'd never have believed that you could be so cruel," she continued turning to Louis. "But, darling, you stood it all right." "I had to." To calm her, everyone sucked her anus and the gentle caresses of the three tongues soon brought Penny's smile back. Caress followed caress that night, and about three in the morning Penny's division between her two lovers was consecrated. First of all, Louis wanted to show his wife once more the stiffness of his weapon and, lying on his back, he made Penny sit astride him. She lowered her rump onto his spear, guiding him into her cunt, then she weighed gently on it until it entered her vagina, grimacing as she did so. She had swallowed three quarters of the weapon, when Louis, who could stand it no longer, seized her lips, and drove in his prick up the balls. Penny exclaimed at the pain, but started screwing her husband like a real little woman, moving up and own the penis in erection. Louis made a discreet gesture in Victor's direction who jumped up behind Penny. Penny protested and tried to jump up when she realized what was happening, but Louis was gripping her firmly, laughing to reassure her, while Victor placed the tip of his gland on the anus that was hardened with fright. He'd greased his prick with almond oil, and the distended hole had been somewhat enlarged by the previous penetration; it was not difficult for him to introduce his gland into her anus. But the size of his prick dilated the still sensitive membranes and caused Penny to cry out in pain. But with one or two thrusts, he drove his prick up to the hairs in her arse. Then both men began to screw their charming victim who wriggled and snivelled at the movements of the giant darts that burrowed in her. When Louis partly withdrew his, Victor pulled on her youthful buttocks and penetrated to his balls the burning depths of her rectum. The two huge pricks were separated only by a thin membrane and the two men felt their weapons rub against each other and this increased their pleasure. Then, encouraging each other with obscene phrases, they changed their tactics and penetrated simultaneously in a slow cadenced rhythm. Penny was sobbing with masochistic pleasure at the regular blows of the mighty pricks that were tearing her apart. Her body was convulsed and dripping with sweat; she was exclaiming incoherently, hysterical with joy at the idea of being nailed like a butterfly pierced with two pins. Dribbling with delight, Penny no longer felt her burning arse, shaken like a rag doll between the two men screwing for all they were worth. Suddenly she screamed with pleasure in a concerto of cries and groans, while her martyred flesh was flooded on either side by torrents of sperm. The next day the happy couple took the train for Italy and fresh pleasures, which may well be the subject of another story if our charming readers have not found this one too boring. This file was downloaded from THE END Gabby's Lounge BBS