@database Sample.guide @author "David N. Junod" @(c) "Copyright 1992 Commodore-Amiga, Inc." @$VER: Sample.guide 39.1 (11/04/92) @font helvetica.font 15 @wordwrap @node Main "Sample AmigaGuide document" The following list shows the commands that can be used in @{b}AmigaGuide@{ub}. The @{fg highlight}highlighted@{fg text} commands are new for the 3.0 version of @{b}AmigaGuide@{ub}. @{b} @database @{ub} This command must always be the very first line of the @{b}AmigaGuide@{ub} database. @{b}@{fg highlight} @author @{ub}@{fg text} Specify the author of the database. @{b}@{fg highlight} @(c) @{ub}@{fg text} The copyright notice for the database. @{b}@{fg highlight} @$VER: @{ub}@{fg text} Used to specify the version of the database. This command must always be in upper-case. @{b} @master @{ub} Used to specify the source file for the database. @{b}@{fg highlight} @font @{ub}@{fg text} Specify the font to use for a database. @{b} @index @{ub} Specify the name of the index node, accessed by the @{" Index " beep 0} button. Can be a node in an external database. @{b} @help @{ub} Specify the name of the help node, accessed by the @{" Help " beep 0} button or the help key on the keyboard. Can be a node in an external database. @{b}@{fg highlight} @wordwrap @{ub}@{fg text} Turn wordwrap on for the database. @{b} @node [title] @{ub} Start a node. @{b} @dnode [title] @{ub} Start a dynamic node. The dynamic node hosts are queried for the node data. @{b} @remark @{ub} Remark (not displayed to the user). The following commands can be used within a node. @{b} @title @{ub} The title for the node. @{b} @toc <name> @{ub} Specify the name of the Contents node for this node. Can be a node in an external database. @{b} @prev <name> @{ub} Specify the name of node to go to when the @{" Browse < " beep 0} button is pressed. @{b} @next <name> @{ub} Specify the name of node to go to when the @{" Browse > " beep 0} button is pressed. @{b}@{fg highlight} @keywords <keywords> @{ub}@{fg text} Keywords assigned to a node. Used when searching for a node. @{b}@{fg highlight} @font <name> <size> @{ub}@{fg text} Specify the font to use within the node. @{b} \@{<label> <command>} @{ub} Indicate a textual link point. Can be anywhere in a line. This is displayed as a button within the text. Starting with 3.0 @{b}AmigaGuide@{ub}, buttons can also link to graphics, sounds and other datatypes. See @{"Amiga" link amiga.brush/main}. @{b} @endnode @{ub} End a node. The following list of attributes can be applied to the text. This feature is only supported with the 3.0 version of @{b}AmigaGuide@{ub}. \@{b} Turns @{b}bold@{ub} on. \@{ub} Turns @{b}bold@{ub} off. \@{i} Turns @{i}italic@{ui} on. \@{ui} Turns @{i}italic@{ui} off. \@{u} Turns @{u}underline@{uu} on. \@{uu} Turns @{u}underline@{uu} off. The foreground, or text, color can be changed using the \@{fg <color>} command. The background color can be changed using the \@{bg <color>} command. <color> can be: @{fg text}text@{fg text} @{fg shine}shine@{fg text} @{fg shadow}shadow@{fg text} @{fg fill}fill@{fg text} @{fg filltext}filltext@{fg text} @{fg back}@{bg text}background@{fg text}@{bg back} @{fg highlight}highlight@{fg text} Commands can be displayed as normal text, by preceeding the @ sign with a backslash. For example: \\@{"Fake" link Main} would show up as normal text within the database. @endnode