/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ G N O S I S presents ########## ### ## ####### ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### ## ###### ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### ####### ####### T H E M U S I C O F G N O S I S \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ This "music-disk" should contain: -README.TXT (this file) -TALES01.S3M -TALES02.S3M -TALES03.S3M -TALES04.S3M -TALES05.S3M -TALES06.S3M ------- For playback of the tunes you should also have Screamtracker 3.01. ------- IMPORTANT: The Tale tunes were created using Screamtracker 3.01. I therefore recommend very strongly that you use ST3 to listen to them. Every player I've tried seemes NOT to play the tunes back the way they sound in ST3. So do both you and me a favour and use ST3, that very nice FC product. A bit about using and copying this music: You can copy this music freely to anybody you want, to as many as you want, but without claiming any money for it. Yep, you read it - the standard no-copy-for-profit-message is an essential part of the scene. Learn it or go lame. If you want to use the music, fine, go ahead, put it in your lousy demo or whatever your into, but do two things: 1. credit me 2. send me the product If there is any group who need a musician I can join whatever, but bear in mind I won't compose much before next summer, unless NATO or UN gives me a break and puts me in an office together with some machinery. You can leave a message at the internet adress given at the end. l tt l ss tales a e aa ee Now about the music. The six tunes released in this "music-disk" should be kept together. Make sure that also this textfile comes along. I'm sorry there's no player, no selector, no gfx or code, but it's a tough world, and hey, it's the music that counts. Every tune is composed in mono, and also made to be played in mono. I apologize for this, but my soundcard, SB16 Multimedia, is a bit shit, it won't work in stereo. Therefore the tunes are NOT MADE FOR STEREO PLAYBACK, they'll only sound bad when played so. So don't fiddle around with the stereo-option. TALES01: FAEERYTALE (hypno edit) 2:11 414 kB This tune's a bit of a hypnotrance with a gloomy line on top. The beat and the background is repeating quite a lot, though the lead line creates a bit of variation. This tune, among many of the others, deserve to be played loud, with loadsa bass. The hypno feeling won't appear thru your lousy little monitorspeakers. Hook your card to a _real_ stereo and let FAEERYTALE rule your sonic world for a minute or two. The samples are mainly from the JV80 and JUNO106, few from Wavestation SR, Kurzweil K2000 or commerciale sources. The tune was originally ment to be a REAL tune, but I somehow ended up doing it cardvise. If you want, you can call FAEERYTALE the titletrack. TALES02: GALOONIA (ambient edit) 3:58 354 kB Making the tune a bit of a weirdo is it's peculiar rythm: It rocks off in a fucking valse rythm! The wonderful drumsample gave me some headache in programming the solo instrs, but eventually the right values was discovered, together with a little speed-trick. I know it could've been done easier, but the programming part was a bit fun, so... The two chords used, speaking of a Cmadd2 and a Fmadd2, are absolutely wonderful. Together with the amby drumsample they create an edgy atmosphere which opens up for a few little solo lines... ;-) OK better hold it now... The usual synths provide the sounds. TALES03: LOOM (sympho-comm mix) 3:54 511 kB ...is definetely the most commercial of the tunes in this package. It sort of remindes me of cheap dance music, like Capella or whatever they call themselves. A bit of Jam and Spoon inspired perhaps, with that guitarshit, but sorry, no awesome video. The tune is the last of my (released) ones, so have in mind it's finished in a hurry. I give up my machine in two days. The samples are definetely from Wavestation SR, and the JV80. The orchestral sounds in the intro part are sampled from various CDs, TVprogs or commercials. Give the tune a bit of honour by playing it on a good stereo. TALES04: MINDPRINT (long version) 4:43 556 kB Inspired by the book series "Rings of the Master", this tune really shakes ass with strait songs. It's rather a soundtrack then a melody, could suit a demo better then a musical listening session, but enjoy that fucking drive in the tune. Get ready for a hunt. The enormous amount of samples in the tune comes from the SR and the Rolands. Turn-it-on is taken from the Puma commercials, and dark-like-grave from some baaad movie. If you ever had the 64, and played Cybernoid with the MON music, then love the lead line. MON rulez! (hi 0ystein Eide) TALES05: NEUROPTIC (sympho mix) 2:11 431 kB Not much to say. No beat, no drums, no hope. Plain symphonic. Couldn't get the drums to work in this one. I had no time to make it bigger, apologies for the rotten ratio between size and time... Samples: JV80, Juno106, SR, K2000. TALES06: SWAT 2:16 185 kB The least tune of the six, and the most normal one. Strait drums, strait background, strait lead. Strait tune. This was originally ment to be a very normal tune, one who could also please people without pc-experience when they heard it. It carries a simple melody, no refrain or whatsoever, like most of the Tale tunes. It moves a bit away of the tecnolike pattern the other tunes follow, with its strait drums and good old diskmag chords. Smpls: Wavestation SR, JV80 ---- About Tales: The music of Gnosis is not like the music of the Others. The Others make sort of good music with very much ripped sounds. That's okay, and very much of the Others music is actually very good. The music of Gnosis is different. Gnosis program most of the sounds on the synths, though ripped sounds are not forbidden in His music. But it's not like you go "hey, that sound was used in Gorgymorr by Hypocompo!". He also think that timbre is as important as melody and rythm. Creating atmospheres with timbres is fun, and a lot of the music is shaped thereafter. Gnosis makes the tunes not by normal musical patterns, but more like stories. They have a start, and often they never repeat themselves. He do not know why He like this tale style, with a neverchanging background and a hunting beat, but He sure use it alot. And if You don't know what the word Gnosis means, then use a dictionary to widen your horizon... who wrote this Crap? Give me word if you hate me. Or if you like my music. Or if you want to talk music. Or if you think the Writer of this text needs Help. Or if you want to exchange music, ideas, smpls, alot of shit really. The adress is... Gisle M. M. Kv.stemmma 43 N-5084 TERTNES NORWAY Or, you could leave a message to me, Gnosis, at internet adress el113@hp825.bih.no (Or, if you dloaded this mdisk from SoundServer, then you could leave a message to user KNUT_ARNE VEDAA. He'll pass it on to me.) /////\\\\\/\//\/\\/\\///\/\///\\\\/\/\/\\\/\/\//////\\\\\\\ A million thanx must be sent to Knut Arne Vedaa - supporting me with the waves, Sound Creator, and soon-to-come the ever-ruling MIDItracker! Can't wait, dude! ---- EOF