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5.23 Basic Voice Scripting
Now you have created your messages and one or more mailboxes, you are now ready to start creating that all-important voice script.

  1. Click the "Add Command" button and select "Menu" from the list of available options.

  2. A window will appear and click the drop down menu adjacent to the "Play File" box and choose your "Greeting" message

    Enter "1" within the touchtones box. This means that you are able to press one touchtone in order to proceed.

    For this example we are assuming that your greeting says something similar to: "Hi, we are not here at the moment. If you want to leave a message for someone, press "1" on your telephone or just hangup and call again soon".

    For practical reasons this may soon a little cold, feel free to choose your own greeting.

  3. Now make sure "Menu" is highlighted within the Commands window and then click on the "Add To Menu" button.

    Enter the touchtone/ID number you want STFax to recognise in order to enter the Choose Box section. We have just told STFax to listen for one touchtone, this is the touchtone it will recognise.

  4. Make sure the "1" is highlighted within the Commands window and then click on the "Add Command" button again and "Choose Box".

  5. Choose Box will appear in the Commands window. Highlight the "1" in the Commands window again, click on the "Add to Command" button and choose "Record MSG".

    A little window will appear which will allow you to choose a pre-recorded message to play to your caller when they reach this stage.

    Let's assume your message says "Please record your message after the tone and press the hash sign when you are finished or hangup. Recording after the beep".

Our suggestion is to experiment with the basic commands at first. Read the section about testing your voice script in order to test the new script you have created.

5.24 Advanced Voice Scripting
Ok, so you have got to grips with the basics now? You should know how to create a simple script with one touchtone option. This is a very simple mailbox system, but STFax Pro offers you so much more!

Let's assume you are a small business with three employees and you want to create a comprehensive voice mail system. Firstly you draft what you want the voice system to acheive:

  1. It has to greet the caller and quickly route them to an operator (touchtone 1) for sales, to the voice mailbox choices (2), to hear a recorded announcement(s) (3) and to receive a fax (4).

  2. It has to call an operator for sales, try the operator for a set number of "rings" then, if not answered, ask the caller if they want to try again or leave basic contact details so that they can be contacted.

  3. Give the choice of leaving a message for each of the three employees. The caller should be able to replay and re-recorded their message where possible.

  4. Play a set announcement.

  5. Ask the user which fax they require (or even play a list of faxes available, but in this example we are going to assume that there are too many faxes to list and that the caller previously is aware which fax they want to receive) and send them the fax.

Ok, you should have an understanding in your mind how the system will work. We suggest you record your messages first or simply create text based msg's so you can create a draft script.

  1. Click on "Add Command" and choose the "Menu" option. The menu window will appear, choose "Greeting" (your greeting message) from the pop down menu, set touchtones to "1" and press ok.

  2. Highlight menu entry within the command box and press "Add to Menu" and add "1" into the box.

  3. Highlight the entry ID "1" within the command box and press "Add Command" and choose "Call Operator" from the list.

    Choose the message you want played when calling the operator. Record something like "please wait...contacting sales...please wait...". Choose a message for any problem (ie. timeout/non-answer by operator) and click to give the option to try again or leave a message.

    STFax will automatically play the NoOperator message when the operator doesn't answer, then it will return to the previous menu. So the user can 1) select again the call op item 2) choose another item, e.g. leave a msg

    Choose a warning/alarm sound which should be played when contacting the operator. You could put a ringing tone in here.

    Press ok on the call operator window.

  4. Highlight the menu entry within the command box and click "Add to Menu". Add "2" into the item ID box.

  5. Highlight "2" within the command box, click "Add Command" and select "Choose Box".

  6. Highlight the menu entry within the command box and click "Add to Menu" and add "3" into the item ID box.

  7. Highlight "3" within the command box and press "Add to Command". Choose "Play Message" and select the message you want played.

  8. Highlight the menu entry within the command box and click "Add to Menu". Add "4" into the item ID box.

  9. Highlight "4" within the command box, click "Add to Command" and select "Fax on Demand".

    You can add/remove stored faxes (faxes previously created) into the list and assign an ID to them. This ID is needed for when a caller choose the fax they want to receive.

    Choose the message you want played when the user enters this fax on demand service.

    Note that once the user has received their faxe(s) STFax will automatically hangup and there is no way for a user to go back in order to receive another fax (or do anything else like record a message) without redialling your number again.

If the scripting was successful then your listtree within the command box should look like this:

We recommend you read the next section about testing your advanced voice script before you use it for real!

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