SHORT: 32-col NTSC anim of 1701D docking in SpaceDock. By CarmenR This anim uses 2 PD objects available on aminet in gfx/3dobj: 1702D-IM.LHA - The Enterprise 1701-D SDock1-IM.LHA - SpaceDock space station from the Trek films and ST:TNG The anim looks best when played at 15-20 fps. Look closely at the beginning for the blinking "SpaceDoor" lights. It's kind of hard to see with the Enterprise on top of it, and that nutty signature. :) The anim was rendered in Imagine 3.0, and the signature placed in OpalPaint, and the signature's particle effects done with Part And Particle [for OpalPaint]. I keep trying to tell myself that I'm not a trekker, but it's getting less and less convincing. Carmen Rizzolo - Crazed Artist