Golfball -- Lightwave object file GolfBallTexture.if24 -- IFF image map file Description =========== The supplied object and image map files create a pretty realistic looking golf ball. While the object is not a striking example of modelling skill, the texture map does a suprisingly good job at placing the dimples on the ball, even though you wouldn't think so to look at it. I created the image map in Adobe Illustrator 5.01 on a Macintosh, following a printed example in the Strata Studio manual. The Strata map did not create a realistic looking golf-ball -- the dimples were too large and sparse. I made improvements on the map and was quite suprised at the results. You don't just have to make golf balls with this.... try mapping it on other things. Golf dimples on an apple, perhaps? If you try to bump map this on other objects, bear in mind that the texture was designed to be tiled three times around the width of the object, and once vertically. If you map it onto an object that is more wide than tall, you may have to modify the width mapping to suit. Free to use as you see fit. ©1994 James Hastings-Trew 1:140/90