Amiga Games Overview - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Amiga Games Overview?

Well, just as you may guess from the name, it is a list of nearly all games which were ever published on Amiga. You will find commercial games in general, but some of the highlights from the shareware scene are also included and especially marked.

Why such a list?

As a freelancer for various print and online magazines I was often asked if I knew game X or developer Y. I wanted to make a record of all games to quickly look up for such cases. I didn't know that there would be such an amount of games in the end ... and so much work :)

Who made this list?

My name is Nico Barbat, also known as Dire / Eremation in the demoscene. By the way - if you want information about the scene, visit Scenet. I got my first Amiga back in 1986, a good old A1000 with incredible 512 KB! Later on I bought an Amiga 500 and entered the Amiga demoscene (that was in 1989). Since this time I am - as many people - fascinated by games and the possibility of Amiga. Between 1992 and today I am working for several online and print magazines as an editor and for several companies from various fields as a programmer and webdesigner. Currently my main project is amigaOS. Together with four other guys I am organizer of the Cologne Conference demoscene-party, held every year in November parallel to the big fair in Cologne. You can send me an email of course -

What the heck is an Amiga?

Amiga was once the most popular home computer, back in 1985-1992. It was developed and released by Commodore - you should at least know this name. Commodore went bankrupt by mis-management, as well as the later owner Escom. After a short-time period at Gateway 2000 Amiga Inc. is an independent company again. If everything works as planned, there will be new, revolutionary Amigas in the end of 2000. Amiga was the first computer with real multimedia for a low price - everybody could effort an Amiga and that was it success. Many people remember the good old times of Defender of the Crown or Marble Madness. And for sure they remember it with wet eyes ...

I don't have an Amiga, but I want to play one of the games ...

Then buy an Amiga! Or you may try it and test the wanted game with UAE, an Amiga emulator available for various operating systems like Windows, Mac or Linux. But don't complain about missing the real Amiga-feeling ...

Where do I find sources for Amiga?

Many, many people asked where they to find the games listed in Amiga Games Overview. As you read above, these games are commercial. Due to this - with a few exceptions - you won't find them in the internet or any of its sub-services. Copying, hiring and leasing of commercial software is strictly forbidden, both illegal and immoral. So you have two possibilities to get hands on the games listed here: 1) call your local Amiga dealer and buy it there or have a look at the hotlinks collection of amigaOS, where you will find dealers on the net and in your near; or 2) put a free advertisement in one of the known web or print magazines like amigaOS (just send it to me and I will forward it) and try your luck. I am sorry, but I can't send you any of the games listed above.

© 1999-2001 Nico "Dire" Barbat.