## version $VER: WindowKey.catalog 1.02 (30.10.94) ## codeset 0 ## language X MSG_CX_DESCRIPTION ; A powerful Intuition helper. MSG_REMOVED_WINDOWKEY ; WindowKey removed. MSG_BAD_CONFIG_FILE ; Bad configuration file.\n\ ; Use the prefs program to create a valid one. MSG_BAD_PREFERENCES_VERSION ; Unknown version of the preferences file. MSG_RECURSIVITY_NOT_ALLOWED ; Error: Recursive call of a hotkey attempted\n\ ; (Please stop trying to provoke stack overflows:-) MSG_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_REXX ; WindowKey could not perform successful initializations for ARexx ! MSG_CANNOT_FIND_REXX ; Could not find the REXX port !\n\ ; (did you run RexxMast ?) MSG_CANNOT_QUIT_NOW ; You cannot quit WindowKey now, as ARexx\n\ ; still hasn't replied. Retry later.