## version ## language ## codeset 0 ; version $VER: ShellBench.cd 1.00 (9.1.95) ; language english ; Catalog description file for ShellBench. ; Text between < and > is a comment. ;************************************************************************* ; General Program Strings ;************************************************************************* NOMEMMSG ;Not enough memory available! COMMDESCMSG ;WB's 'Execute' requester on steroids! ; OPTSWINMSG ;ShellBench Options ; ;************************************************************************* ; Initialization Strings ; Unless otherwise noted, all these appear in requesters and are ; automatically formatted. ;************************************************************************* NOICONMSG ;Couldn't access ShellBench icon to read tooltypes! NOHOTKEYMSG ;\33cCouldn't create the hotkey object!\nCheck the definition:\n'%s'. ; <%s = hotkey definition> NOOPENHISTMSG ;\33cCouldn't open history file\n'%s'! ; <%s = filename> NOREADHISTMSG ;\33cCouldn't read history file!\nError %lu: %s ; <%lu = DOS error code, %s = DOS error msg> NOWRITEHISTMSG ;\33cCouldn't write history file!\nError %lu: %s ; <%lu = DOS error code, %s = DOS error msg> NOIFFLIBMSG ;Couldn't open iffparse.library V37! NOFONTLIBMSG ;Couldn't open diskfont.library V36! NOOPENFONTMSG ;Couldn't open font '%s', size %lu! ; <%s = fontname, %lu = fontsize> NOWINOBJMSG ;Couldn't create window object! NOGADKEYMSG ;Couldn't assign key to gadget object! NOOPENWINMSG ;Couldn't open the window! ;************************************************************************* ; Requester Title & Gadget Strings ;************************************************************************* INSFREQMSG ;Choose Filename to Insert INFORMTITLEMSG ;ShellBench Message INFORMOKAYMSG ;_Okay CURDIRREQMSG ;Choose Current Directory PATHREQMSG ;Choose Another Path Directory SAVEOPTSREQMSG ;Save Options to Project Icon ;************************************************************************* ; General Runtime Strings ; Unless otherwise noted, all these appear in requesters and are ; automatically formatted. ;************************************************************************* CLIPNOTFTXTMSG ;Clipboard doesn't contain plain text! CLIPNOTIFFMSG ;Clipboard contents are not in valid IFF format! NOREADCLIPMSG ;Couldn't read from clipboard! NOOPENCLIPMSG ;Couldn't open clipboard! NOLAUNCHMSG ;\33cCouldn't launch command!\nReturn code: %ld ; <%ld = DOS error code returned by System()> NOCURDIRMSG ;\33cCouldn't set current directory\n'%s'\nfor command! ; <%s = dirname> NOPATHMSG ;\33cCouldn't build search path out of\n'%s'! ; <%s = dirnames separated by commas> NOOUTPUTMSG ;\33cCouldn't open output\n'%s'\nfor command! ; <%s = filename> LONGCMDMSG ;\33cCommand in project icon\n'%s'\nis too long! NOMATCHSPACEMSG ;\33cNot enough space to\ninsert all matches of:\n'%s' ; <%s = wildcard pattern> NOMATCHMSG ;\33cNo match found for:\n'%s' ; <%s = wildcard pattern> NOEXPANDMSG ;\33cCouldn't expand\n'%s'\nas a pattern! ; <%s = wildcard pattern> NOCOMPLETEMSG ;\33cCouldn't perform name completion!\nError %lu: %s ; <%lu = DOS error code, %s = DOS error msg> LONGPATHMSG ;\33cFull pathname of\n'%s'\n is too long! ; <%s = filename> NOGETPATHMSG ;\33cCouldn't get full pathname for\n'%s' ; <%s = filename> NOWBARGMSG ;\33cCouldn't find Workbench object\n'%s'! ; <%s = filename> NOSTRSPACEMSG ;\33cNot enough space left in string gadget for\n'%s'! ; <%s = filename or hotlist string> NOWRITEPROJMSG ;\33cCouldn't write project icon\n'%s'! ; <%s = iconname> NOLOCKDIRMSG ;\33cCouldn't access drawer\n'%s'! NOTSBPROJMSG ;\33c'%s'\nis not a ShellBench project! ; <%s = iconname> ;************************************************************************* ; Main Window Gadget Labels and Keys ; As usual, place underscore '_' before shortcut key in label, set ; xxxGADKEY to that single shortcut character. Do not use any shifted ; characters, as SHIFT in BGUI cancels gadget activation. ;************************************************************************* MAINCMDGADLAB ;Co_mmand ; MAINCMDGADKEY MAINEXEGADLAB ;_Execute ; MAINEXEGADKEY MAINOPTSGADLAB ;_Options... ; MAINOPTSGADKEY MAINHIDEGADLAB ;_Hide ; MAINHIDEGADKEY MAINQUITGADLAB ;_Quit ; MAINQUITGADKEY ;************************************************************************* ; Options Window Gadget Labels and Keys ; As usual, place underscore '_' before shortcut key in label, set ; xxxGADKEY to that single shortcut character. Do not use any shifted ; characters, as SHIFT in BGUI cancels gadget activation. ;************************************************************************* OUTGADLAB ;_Output ; OUTGADKEY CDSTRGADLAB ;Cur_Dir ; CDSTRGADKEY CDREQGADLAB ; CDREQGADKEY PATHSTRGADLAB ;_Path ; PATHSTRGADKEY PATHREQGADLAB ; PATHREQGADKEY STACKGADLAB ;Stac_k ; STACKGADKEY PRIGADLAB ;P_riority ; PRIGADKEY WILDGADLAB ;Exp._Wild ; WILDGADKEY SHELLGADLAB ;S_hell ; SHELLGADKEY OKAYGADLAB ;_Okay ; OKAYGADKEY SAVEGADLAB ;_Save to Icon ; SAVEGADKEY CANCELGADLAB ;_Cancel ; CANCELGADKEY