CTLGFVER .$VER: taxSchedulerReg.catalog 1.1 (19.7.1995) english "Registration tool for taxScheduler Userdata Please enter your name here. S_treet )Type in the name of your street, please! _Zip/City Put your zipcode and city here. C_ountry Your country goes right here. _Phone Your phonenumber. _e-mail !Please enter your e-mail address. Co_mputer !Which Amiga computer do you use? 3Please type in the version of taxScheduler you use. e-mail, international 'normal' mail, Europe 'normal' mail, international Choose kind of registration. Costs %The amount of money you have to pay. _Save _Cancel *_Continue %Couldn't open file. Please try again. cPlease send the form to: Oliver Kasper Horstmarer Landweg 111 48149 M nster Germany Thank you for registering! cPlease send the form to: O.KASPER@AIGM.westfalen.de kasper@uni-muenster.de bDon't forget to append you pgp-key! nThank you for registering!