MagnaMedia · AMIGA-Magazin · Wettbewerb

Aktuelles Heft 3/97

Join our big competition

�Icons for pOS�!

pOS is an operatingsystem which was developed exclusively on the Amiga and uses its performance and features. The typical character of the Amiga is emphasized through the optical appearance. Our readers now have the possibility to participate activly in the development of this operatingsystem particularly in the design of the user interface.

Design your icons or gadgets - realise your requirements for a modern operatingsystem with your own creativity! Amongst all participants we will raffle: 100 pOS-Systems (full version) from proDAD The winners have the possibility to eternalize themselfs not only with their design but also with their name within the new operatingsystem. And there are jobs: In addition the first ten winners each get the possibility to play a part in proDAD's �Product Design� area as employee or freelancer. With the finetuning of the workbench-coding which includes your icons and gadgets the development of pOS will be finished and pOS will be sold in this version. So take your chance to take part in the development of pOS! Power to the pixel!


Send us your respective graphic-files of at least ten icons (IFF-, Anim5-, GIF-Anim Format), e.g.:
data medium
  • diskette
  • harddisk
  • CD-ROM
  • other
pOS-systemdrawer/data medium
  • graphicfile
  • soundfile
  • helpfile
  • textfile
  • guidefile
  • standard programmfile
prefs-settings (one only)

file management

If you have other icon-types and -templates - no problem.
Under all circumstances you have to respect the following rules:

1. Colors
* 256 colors (no black&white-icons, recalculation for less colors will be handled by the OS). But each icon can have a different palette!

2. Format
64 x 48 pixel
or 128 x 96 pixel

Important: As pOS can display each icon also animated, it is your choice to add also a short

animation to your icon - at least for one icon! Participants with animated icons have better chances to win.

Send you icons (on disk or via email) to:

MagnaMedia Verlag AG
Red. AMIGA-Magazin
Hans-Pinsel-Str. 2
85540 Haar b. M�nchen

For technical queries please contact:

proDAD Software
Feldelestr. 24
78194 Immendingen

Deadline: 30. April 1997.

Employees of MagnaMedia Verlag AG and proDAD are not allowed to take part in the competition.
Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.

Here is the original German version of this page. (Translation by Thomas Kessler)
MagnaMedia Hauptseite

� Copyright by MagnaMedia Verlag AG, Haar bei M�nchen
Ver�ffentlichung und Vervielf�ltigung nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung des Verlags

Kommentare, Fragen, Korrekturen und Kritik bitte an Webmaster AMIGA schicken.
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 04. März 1997.