FATEFUL LIGHTNING: A Narrative History of the Civil War Program notes 1. System requirements: PC with 80386 or higher processor and CD-ROM drive 3 MB of free hard drive space/4MB RAM Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher Windows-compatible sound card and pointing device For best result: 256-color display capability 2. Installation: To install from the Windows Program manager: Insert disc in CD-ROM drive. Choose "Run" from the "Start" (or "File") menu. Browse the CD-ROM directory for "setup" or type "[CD drive letter]:\setup" in the "Run" dialogue field. Press enter and follow installation prompts. 3. Resolution: The program is designed for full-screen viewing at a resolution of 640x480. If your system is set to a higher resolution, the program's main window will only partially fill the screen. To reset your system to 640x480 refer to your display utility. 4. Video: The video portion of the program employs Video For Windows version 1.1 drivers. If Video for Windows is not already installed on your system, install it by opening the folder titled VFW (Video for Windows) on the distribution disc and double-clicking the "setup.exe" file. 5. Uninstalling: During installation, "setup" copies to your hard drive various files which together take up approximately 3MB. These files appear in two folders, "C:\Windows\asym\runtime" and "C:\Fateful". To uninstall the program and recover the space on your hard drive, simply delete these two folders. The program can always be reinstalled by running "setup" over again. --For online instruction on the use of the program, select "Instruction" from the Supplements menu. About the Publisher Troubadour Interactive is committed to the ongoing development and publication of content-rich titles for the CD-ROM market. Your questions and comments are welcomed. For inquiries about this program or information about upcoming titles, please contact: Troubadour Interactive P.O. Box 12 Northfield, MA 01360 (413) 498-2758 web site: "http://www.wp.com/trubador/" e-mail: trubador@crocker.com * * * * *