1942: Campaign For Malaya ========================= Version 1.0 ---------------- V E N D O R I N F O R M A T I O N ------------------------------------ This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors and BBS SYSOPs who wish to distribute 1942: Campaign For Malaya. ----------------------------- Part 1: Program Information: ----------------------------- Program Name, Category, Keywords: --------------------------------- Name - 1942: Campaign For Malaya Category - War & Strategy Games Keywords - GAME - WARGAME - STRATEGY - SIMULATION - HISTORY - ENTERTAINMENT - BATTLE - WWII Description: ------------ 1942: Campaign For Malaya is an operational level wargame covering the Japanese conquest of the Malaccan peninsula concluded by the capture of Singapore. Grognards and beginners alike will be challenged by the apparently simple, but well balanced situation; as the Japanse, will you be able to quickly capture Singapore ? Fine graphics, clean interfaces, PBEM option, TCP/IP to play on-line on a local network or through internet, produce a game that is easy, fast and entertaining. Runs under Win95 or WinNT / 1Mb video card / 8Mb disc. (C)KWD 1999, "http://www.imaginet.fr/~bbmagic/wp/index.htm" ---------------------------------- Part 2: Distribution Requirements ---------------------------------- The shareware version of 1942: Campaign For Malaya may be freely distributed on retail racks, on CD ROMs, or bundled with any other product. BBSs - please name the file Malaya.xxx. When distributing 1942: Campaign For Malaya, the following files must be distributed together: malaya10.zip Disk Vendors, Shareware Distributors, and BBS(s) may charge a nominal fee for distribution of the program. The recipient of 1942: Campaign For Malaya must be informed, in advance, that the fee paid to acquire 1942: Campaign For Malaya does not relieve the recipient from purchasing the Licensed Version of 1942: Campaign For Malaya if the recipient continues to use 1942: Campaign For Malaya.