Graphics files

The notation 'ASP' indicates the program complies with the
standards of the Association of Shareware Professionals.

Graphics information and theory

ATTRIB.ZIP Character attributes on PC video boards
BARYCEN1.ZIP Intersection check with Barycentric Coordinates
BARYCENT.ZIP Ray/Triangle Intersection with Barycentric Coordinates
BASICDOC.ZIP Mode 13h Documentary Version 1.0 The basics of the standard vgamode explained in detail. For all ya starting gfx-coders
BEGINNER.ZIP Graphics programming info and sources
BITROTAT.ZIP A summary of Bitmap rotations
BLOBBYSU.ZIP How to make Blobby polygons
BOB.ZIP The purpose of this program is to demonstrate the basic sprite skills that are applied on the computer graphic animations.
BURN11.ZIP Excellent fire demo w/ pascal source
CFONT100.ZIP ColorFont Library for Turbo C++
CGBO.ZIP Top 10 of computer graphics books
CG-JOURN.ZIP Computer graphics & img. process. journals
COLLIDE.ZIP Sprite collision detection algorithm in C
COLLISIO.ZIP Collision detection code.
CORDIC1.ZIP Cordic derivation and code enclosed
DAVID_C.ZIP Raster to Vector article with source
DITHER.ZIP Document describing dithering
DOOM.ZIP 'Doom' 3D Engine techniques
EGA_PROG.ZIP EGA programming information
EGATECH.ZIP EGA technical information
FREETEX.ZIP Free Direction Texture Mapping
GN9401.ZIP GFX News -- Premier Issue -- 1/94 A NEW magazine that brings you the latest computer news and reviews in full-screen high-resolution GraFiX! Guaranteed to be fun and interesting to read! Download me!
GN9411.ZIP GFX News - Nov/Dec 94 - Volume 1 Number 4 A NEW magazine that brings you the latest computer news and reviews in full-screen, Super VGA, high-resolution color GraFiX!
JPEG.ZIP JPEG Image Compression FAQ
JPEG5.ZIP Independent JPEG Group 5th public release announcement
LENS.ZIP This is some info on how one could implement a lens effect
MODEX.ZIP Introduction to mode x
MPEG2SRC.ZIP MPEG-2 source code and dos exes available
NLB-FADE.ZIP Fade routine explanation
OTMPHONG.ZIP A new approximation technique for the Phong shading model
PATCHSPH.ZIP Defining a sphere with Bezier patches
POINTNPO.ZIP Point in polygon by winding number
POLYCLIP.ZIP Polygon clipping algorithm
POLYGON2.ZIP Polygon to triangle algorithm
PROGINFO.ZIP Programming info for VGA graphics
QUATERNI.ZIP 3D Rotations using Euler parameters
RGB.ZIP The RGB vaules and their names
RGBLIST.ZIP 191 colors by name and RGB values
SGLASS.ZIP C source for a Stained glass like effect
SPHERES.ZIP Tesselate a sphere with triangles.
SPR_ANIM.ZIP A simple method for sprite animations
SPRCOL.ZIP A Pixel-Precision Method For Detecting Sprite Collision
SVGA-FAQ.ZIP DOS Super VGA / VESA programming notes
SVGAINFO.ZIP DOS Super VGA / VESA programming notes
SVGALINE.ZIP VESA SVGA programming tutorial - Bresenham's line (asm)
TESSELSP.ZIP Polygon representation of a spheres surface
TRACING1.ZIP About different methods of shading
TRANSFRM.ZIP Perspective Transforms
TRIANGLE.ZIP Generation of a list of 3D triangle
TUT1_9.ZIP VGA trainer make demo effects with TP6/7 w/Pascal source
TUT10.ZIP VGA trainer in chain-4 (Pascal)
TUT10NEW.ZIP VGA trainer in Chain-4 (C++) Documentation on how to code demo like effects in Pascal or C++!
TUT11.ZIP VGA trainer in cross fading (Pascal)
TUT14.ZIP VGA trainer glenzing, polygons, fixed point math
TUT16.ZIP VGA trainer in bitmap scaling (Pascal)
TUT1NEW.ZIP VGA trainer in basics (setmode, putpixel) (C++)
TUT2NEW.ZIP VGA trainer in palette manipulation (C++)
TUT3NEW.ZIP VGA trainer in Circle and Line algorithms (C++)
TUT4NEW.ZIP VGA trainer in Virtual Screens (C++)
TUT7NEW.ZIP VGA trainer in Animation (inline asm) (C++)
TUT9NEW.ZIP VGA trainer in Polygons (C++)
TUTORC.ZIP Denthor's Asphyxia VGA trainers translated into C - 2,4-16
VBE20.ZIP VESA BIOS Extention/Core Functions 2.0 - draft by SciTech
VECTORS.ZIP Info on vectorcoding( mainly for 68000, but a good tutorial...)
VESASP12.ZIP VESA BIOS extension v1.2 specs.
VGABOOK.ZIP VGA Programmes Master Ref. Manual Information files about tons of graphics cards and chipset. Included hardware specifications. Include also utilities with sources to detect and test graphic cards.
VGADOC4B.ZIP VGADOC 4/WHATVGA 2.00 VGADOC is a collection of programming information for various (S)VGA and other video adapters. Currently consists of over 1200Kb text in 55 files describing chipsets (8514/A, Acer, Ahead, Alliance, Appian, ARK Logic, Avance Logic, ATI, CGA, Chips & Technologies, Cirrus Logic, Compaq, EGA, Everex, Genoa, Hercules, Hualon, IIT, #9 Imagine 128, Matrox, Mediavision, MXIC, NCR, Oak, Paradise, PCjr, Primus, Realtek, S3, Sierra, SiS, Trident, Tseng, UMC, Weitek, Video7, XGA, Yamah a plus Clock chips, RamDACs and some framegrabbers), software interfaces (VGA BIOS, VESA VBE, AI) and others (PCI bus, connectors, vendor lists, adapters and monitors)
VGAREGS.ZIP Programming the VGA Registers
XINTRO.ZIP Introduction to mode-X
XLIB612.ZIP XLIB 6.1 For DOS and Windows! Hey! You got your Mode X in my Windows! You got your Windows in my Mode X! Its the two great tastes that taste great together! Complete demonstration program ( shows you how to kill the windows gdi and use the new xlib 6.1 under windows! the file demo11.exe is a Windows program and will not run under DOS.
XMODEFAQ.ZIP X-Mode Frequently Asked Questions
XYZM-ASM.ZIP How to code your own X-Y-Zooming in ASM
ZBUFER.ZIP More about shading, z-buffer, and textures

PC Graphics sources

32BIT.ZIP Here are Michael Abrash's XMODE routines, converted to 32 bit protected mode, currently all tested for PMC extender. everything except the low-level pixel copying functions, which were written in assembly and gathered in the modexc.lib file.
64COLORS.ZIP Displays All 64 Ega Colors On A Vga Screen.
AM_FLAME.ZIP Asm-source for the flame effect.
ANIVGA.ZIP Animation of sprites on a VGA's 320x200x256 mode and TurboPascal V6.0
ASMANDEL.ZIP ASMANDEL is the Mandelbrot's fractal in assembler
AUUUUU!.ZIP Asm source for a waving text in ASCII, cool.
BARS.ZIP Copper bars
BIN2ASM.ZIP Put variable size pictures in your VGA programs
BLIT.ZIP Picture blitting code + theory
BMSCALER.ZIP Bitmap scaling trainer
BOBS.ZIP Shadebobs example source in asm
BROT.ZIP Realtime bitmap rotation routine demo + source
BURN.ZIP Excellent fire routine
CHAOS.ZIP Turbo C Routines To Create The Lorenz attractor and the Pickover attractor
CHECKVSA.ZIP Check if computer is VESA compatible (asm)
CMARS.ZIP This is a version of MARS that you can walk through (C source)
COMMON.ZIP Damn fast, bitmap drawing routine
CROSFADE.ZIP Cross fade from one pic to another - mode13h
CUTTER1.ZIP Graphics Cutter v1.0 is a scripting language used in cutting graphics from PCX files.
C-WINSRC.ZIP Free windowing system in C
DAKIT.ZIP Programmer's Kit for DeluxePaint Animation by Electronic Arts
DBVGAL17.ZIP VESA VGA library 1.7 + src
DFLAT15.ZIP D-Flat 15 windowing system
DIGITAL-.ZIP Digital Image Warping book, buglist
DOUBLE13.ZIP Two (2) pages in standard mode 13h - test program/results (C)
DVIEW.ZIP View - BSP based rendering engine for Id WADs - (C++)
FADE_TP.ZIP Fade screen out Pascal
FADE2.ZIP Fade screen in Turbo Pascal, Works with any screen mode. FADE2 -=- Includes: GrabPal, Blackout, FadeIn, FadeOut, and ResetTextMode procedures! SOURCE CODE INCLUDED
FADECODE.ZIP FadeCode - palette manipulation intro + source
FAKEMODE.ZIP The official fakemode documentation, source code included experience 3840 Colors on stAndard VGA !!!
FASTVGA.ZIP Fast VGA video routines in assembler
FGFADE10.ZIP FADE: Performing palette fades with Fastgraph
FILL1C.ZIP Fast Floodfill algorithm
FILL2C.ZIP Generalized polygon fill algorithm
FIRE!.ZIP Fire effect with source
FIRE_WIN.ZIP Fire routine for Windows
FIRE1.ZIP Flame effect
FIRE2.ZIP Flaming effect
FIRECODE.ZIP A Collection of FireSources
FLAG.ZIP Flag waveing simulator with source
FLAME.ZIP ASM-Source for The Flame Effect (Pure source!)
FLAMES2.ZIP Small hires flame and random function - by Errand (asm)
FLAMOOT.ZIP FLamoot VGA SetUp 1.0 - do some fast weird resolutions (asm) supports HARDWARE 160x100 256 col (4 gfx pages chained !!!!) the way to do the fastest rotative zoomers ever seen on PC !!!!
FONT.ZIP ASM - Font Package and Code for ModeX by Draeden /VLA
FONTED12.ZIP Font Editor 1.2 with example .FNT files
FPOLY256.ZIP This is a Y mode (320x200x256 colors, 4 pages) polygon and line blitter package
FULLR_2.ZIP Fullrot #2 - 320x200x256 rotation, 32bit
FULLROTE.ZIP Full Screen Rotation and Scaling
GFXFX2.ZIP GFXFX2. Collection of graphics based sources. Made by Bas van Gaalen. Major topics: 3d rotation, Polygons (triple and quad), Flat-Shading, Gouraud Shading, Texture Mapping, Hidden face removal, Mode-X, Mode-12h, Mode 13h, Coppers, Fractals, Game techniques, Demo coding, Mouse routines, Palette routines, Plasma's, File-Format viewer: GIF, PCX, BMP, LBM, RIX and CEL, Scaling, Ten (10) different scrolls (horizontal, vertical, hardware, text, graphics, etc.), Sprites (normal, transparent), Voxel spa ce, cross-fading, and more...
GLCOMPIL.ZIP .GL compiler in C.
GM1507.ZIP G_Mouse 1.50.7 - graphical mouse pointer in 80x25 (pascal) For Borland Pascal up to 7.0. Easiest initialization and use. Supports real & protected mode. On-fly pointer shape change. Character generator programming routines to change individual characters on-fly. Full sources included. Absolutely free of charge!
GOUSHAD.ZIP How to code gouraud shading, Full pascal source included
GRAPHGEM.ZIP Graphics gems I/II/III books source code, GREAT!
GRAPHPRO.ZIP Graphics programming files from Dr. Dobb's Journal
GTCMOUS1.ZIP 80x25 VGA text mode "graphic" mouse
GURU.ZIP GuruMode a new VGA mode 12 new 256 color modes for the IBM VGA and compatibles. (all modes are "tweaked" modes, e.g. four bitplanes are used, with a complete pixel in each plane.)
GURUMODE.ZIP 12 tweaked 256 color modes
HANDYVGA.ZIP Very usefull vga-routines if you want to learn ASM
HICOLOR.ZIP Antialiasing source
HSTAR_C.ZIP C - Horizontal Stars complete source code, in C, Complete source code, in C, of a horizontal star field.
HSV.ZIP Convert from HSV to RGB, c source
IMSCALE.ZIP Image scaling routines
INCD2ASM.ZIP Assembler source for another inc loader (vga)
INTRO5.ZIP Copper Bars by Type1/TFL-TDV (asm)
ISAD2SRC.ZIP VGA/Adlib loader source
JEFFBOBS.ZIP JeffreyBobs -- A ShadeBob demo in pascal
JOHAN.ZIP Johanson line and pixel algorithms!
KSLIB.ZIP A Set Of Helpful Graphics Routines
LASRLINE.ZIP Nice Graphics Demo With Borland C Source,
LINE13X.ZIP Linedrawing source for PC
LNFDL.ZIP Packet of simple Assembly examples
MARSKIT.ZIP MARS + ASM sourced code + explanations + palette editor
MATRIX.ZIP Source code for a simple Doom-floor-effect type demo
MICROCAD.ZIP Simple CAD program (vector graphics) with c source
MODEX2.ZIP ASM - 2nd Release of ModeX Explainations and Code by Draeden /VLA
MODEX32.ZIP Michael Abrash's X-Mode routines in 32bit protected mode (PM)
MORPHT.ZIP Source for a image Morphing program
OTMVOXEL.ZIP Voxel landscape explanation and demo by Voltaire/OTM (C++)
PAGEFLIP.ZIP Page Flipping in Mode 13h
PALROT.ZIP Palette rotate source in asm
PAS_SRC.ZIP Joystick and keyboard units (Pascal/asm)
PASSRC.ZIP Bouncing ball on moving plate (Pascal)
PATTERN.ZIP Small ASM source of a pattern.
PBBEZIER.ZIP Simple Pascal Routine to show you the formula of a Bezier-Curve.
PIXELATE.ZIP Bitmap scaling - two separate routines (asm)
PLSRC193.ZIP PICLAB 1.92 source code. Piclab is a DOS-based image processing program. C and ASM source written for Microsoft C and MASM. By Lee Daniel Crocker and the Stone Soup Group.
RASTER9.ZIP Raster bars by Type1/TFL-TDV (asm)
RGB15.ZIP RGB ColourMixer ver 1.5 for Borland C/C++ programmers - takes guess work out of the red, green, and blue arguments for the setrgbpalette() function.
ROTATE.ZIP Fast 2D Rotation
ROTATE2.ZIP Bitmap rotation and scaling - by J.D'India (pascal)
ROTATEBM.ZIP Source code for a fast method of rotating bitmaps
RT.ZIP Commented VGA loader source
RVESA.ZIP SVGA VESA programming routines... ASM.
RZR92ASM.ZIP Assembler source for another loader (VGA, nice font)
S3UNIT.ZIP Unit S3 2.00 - 320x240 or 640x480x256 1M linear VRAM (pascal)
SCALE.ZIP Bitmap scaling in modeX/mode13h (asm)
SEGA.ZIP VGA 320 * 400 * 256 * 2 frames routines.
SHADEBOB.ZIP ShadeBob source (asm)
SHOW_PCX.ZIP Show 2/4/16/256 color PCX (Pascal)
SHOWFC11.ZIP Showface 1.1 - view facesaver (face) files (asm)
SORTDEMO.ZIP Demonstration of various sorting algorithms. Requires VGA (uses mode 13h,320x200x256 colors).
SPRITES.ZIP Source for an attached sprites algoritm in C
SPXDEMOS.ZIP 12 SPX graphics lib demo programs - pascal
SSCAPE.ZIP This software is a demonstration of Superscape Virtual Reality software specifically produced for PC compatible VGA systems.
STARS1.ZIP Pascal source codes for rotating stars
STARS2.ZIP STARS by Mark Mackey. Displays a starfield from a moving, rotating viewpoint.
TASM_VID.ZIP Direct Video Access Routines for TASM
TECHFUN.ZIP Black Magic TechnoFun is source to make circles ANDing effect.
TEXTBALL.ZIP Bouncin' ball in text mode!
TF_SOURC.ZIP Some usefull graphics sources in asm
TGASAVE.ZIP Save pics in .TGA (C src)
THE_COP.ZIP Copper source
TILEEX.ZIP Tile graphics demo in QuickBasic (mode 13h) (basic)
TLT.ZIP TLT ... Tiny Land Thingy SB/ADLIB/ANSI + .ASM-Source
TPSPRITE.ZIP Effective Sprite Graphics Engine For Tp 6.0
TRI-VLA1.ZIP Triangle fill routine in asm
TST.ZIP Demo Of Spawn & Graphic Save Functions
TTGA10.ZIP Tseng VGA Hi-Color Display Routines
TUBESRC.ZIP Dot Channel example demo in C++
TUT6NEW.ZIP VGA trainer in Pregenerated Arrays (C++) Documentation on how to code demo like effects in Pascal or C++!
UNITS.ZIP Units - graphics/fonts/ints (asm/Pascal)
VESATES2.ZIP This is a demonstration of how to utilize the 640x480x256 color SVGA mode by means of VESA device driver calls. Not only that, but included is several routines which show off video cards which use more than 1 meg of ram through virtual paging. Included and integrated into the demo package are routines to handle full digitized sound support (.wav or .voc type files) with double-buffering and full DMA/IRQ detection! No more asking the user for information.
VESAVGA.ZIP Basic 256 color SVGA VESA routines (asm)
VGAEX.ZIP Turbo Pascal VGA Source Code
VGAFX.ZIP VGA Text Attributes and Special Effects (ASM)
VGAKIT50.ZIP VGA sourcecodes
VIDEO05.ZIP Video 0.5 - routines to access VideoBlaster (C)
VISION.ZIP Computer vision source in C
VMODE.ZIP C source for a videocard detector
WORMHOLE.ZIP Wormhole effect with asm/C code
VORONOI.ZIP Compute Voronoi diagram or Delaunay triangulation
VOXEL.ZIP Voxel demo
VR386.ZIP VR-386 - Virtual Reality kit by David Stampe - 386+ (asm/C)
VR386DOC.ZIP The rest of the VR-386 files - including manual
VR386VID.ZIP REND386 and VR-386 video drivers 26 Dec 1993 (asm)
VRSERVER.ZIP Vertical Retrace Interrupt Server 1.1 (asm)
XINTRO18.ZIP Introduction to Mode X version 1.8 w/source and pics
XLIB06.ZIP Good modex sprite library, VGA256, (free, turbo c/Tasm source)
XPLASMA.ZIP ASM - ModeX Routines by Draeden /VLA
XSCALEBM.ZIP Bitmap scale/clip - 386, mode , Xlib, asm
XTEST.ZIP Mode-X test by VLA
YASA.ZIP Pixel supersampling source in C
ZOOM!.ZIP .ASM source for zooming a picture
ZOOMBA2.ZIP Some Simple Mode X Pascal Code This code is a simple example of setting mode X from within a pascal program and using the screen start address reg for flipping pages and for scrolling between 2 pages


DBPCXL15.ZIP Dave Boynton PCX library 1.5 for 2/16/256 color pictures + src
DVPEG2S.ZIP Source code C++ for high speed JPEG/GIF viewer/packer/decoder.
GIF_CSRC.ZIP GIF decoder source
GIF_VIEW.ZIP Source for a GIF-viewer in asm/pascal
GIF2PN1.ZIP GIF to PNG coverter source
GIFCSRC.ZIP GIF image compression source
GIFSAVE.ZIP Ave pics as .GIF
JPEG2SRC.ZIP JPEG compression sources
JPEG5B.ZIP Independent JPEG Group's JPEG release 5b source code
JPEGDUMP.ZIP Dump JPEG marker information
JPSRC.ZIP JPEG image compression source
LISTGIF.ZIP Program & Source To Scan/report Gif Size
MICROPCX.ZIP PCX viewer source
PCXSEE.ZIP Some Pascal source code for .PCX files.
PNGCHE1.ZIP Authenticate a PNG file (as per draft 0.92) this program checks the PNG identifier with conversion checks, the file structure and the chunk CRCs.
SEEPCX.ZIP List Pcx Header Info Source
V16PCX.ZIP C program to view 16 colour gif files.
V256PCX.ZIP C program to view 256 colour gif files.
ZLIB09.ZIP Compression and decompression code used in PNG

Graphics scrolling

2_DSCRL.ZIP C++ Primitive Video & 2-D Text Scrolling Scrolling files
BIGSRC.ZIP BIG scroll text source
BS_HWSCR.ZIP Source Of A Hardware Scroller, Contains the full explenation
FASTSCRL.ZIP Fast Scrolling in Mode X article
FSTSCRL1.ZIP Fast scroll source
HOBBSPR2.ZIP Horizontal scrolling with Hobbes library (C++)
JEDI.ZIP Return of the jedi type scroller driver
MOTIONRD.ZIP Smooth vertical scroller with source
PARALAX.ZIP Here is some of the source code to my parallax engine in TURBO PASCAL 7.0 and inline assembly.
PARALLAX.ZIP Parallax scrolling engine + demo w/some source (asm/Pascal)
RMTP03.ZIP Raster Master V2.1: Sprite/graphic editor for Turbo Pascal 5/5.5/6 programmers.Read/ Write PCX,ICO,TEGL's DEF. Features a paint program look with a number of drawing tools. Draw dots,lines,circles,squares,paint,clip, flip,scroll,preview image.Creates source code that can be included in your programs. Use PutImage to display. Req VGA and Mouse.
ROADS.ZIP ROADS is an attempt to play around with tiles and tiling methods. We were working on ROADS before Diana Gruber's PC Techniques articles on tiling came out, and I thought it would be nice to share some code showing a different mechanism for tiling. It was written using Borland C++ 3.1 (by choice) and Fastgraph from Ted Gruber Software.
RPG_SCRL.ZIP How to scroll tile-based RPG world - mode 13h (asm/Pascal) A sample of how to scroll in the fashion of tile-based Role Playing Games. 256 color pixel-by-pixel scrolling. Source in Pascal 6.0 and assembler.
SCRASM.ZIP Smooth fullscreen tile scroll - modex, 386+ by Steve Eisner
SCROLL2.ZIP Vertical screen scroll in mode X
SFONTF.ZIP 256-color grafix scroll funktions With .ASM source
SIV1.ZIP SenSiv Scrolling Routines - asm, 286+
TUT12.ZIP VGA trainer full-screen scrolling (Pascal)
TUT5NEW.ZIP VGA trainer in Scrollers (C++)
VERTSCR.ZIP A cute little credits type verticle scroll, asm src
VGASCROL.ZIP 640x400 image link/scrolling + utils - mode X (asm/pascal)
VSCR.ZIP ASM - Vertical Scroller Routine by Draeden /VLA
XCODE.ZIP "wrapped sprite code" - PCX/PCC, sprites, scrolling, modex
X-SCROLL.ZIP Mode-x-hardware-scroll

Plasma effects

C_PLASMA.ZIP Plasma - in C this time..
CPLASMA.ZIP CPlasma 1.0 - Polar-based plasma (pascal) Plasma effects
JCLPLASM.ZIP JCL PLasma source in C
LDPLASM.ZIP Realtime plasma display (sound/graphics demo with asm source)
PLASEXP.ZIP Plasma source
PLASMA.ZIP Plasma Source in TP
PLASMA1.ZIP Plasma sources
PLASMA2.ZIP Demo Programming Series I - HOW TO CREATE PLASMA EFFECTS This is the first demo programming tuturial in the X3M Demo Programming Series, and covers how to create plasma effects. Not that static plasma, but realtime plasma effects that makes you sea sick! and display on screen.
PLASMA3.ZIP Hi Res Plasma code
PLASMA4.ZIP Plasma Source in TP
REALPLAS.ZIP Plasma sources
TPLAS11.ZIP Tom's Plasma 1.1 - plasma fractal w/source
TRIPLAS.ZIP Plasma based on a triangle by D.Johnston - (C)
TUT15.ZIP VGA trainer in plasma (Pascal)
X3MDMO01.ZIP X3M tutorial #1 - realtime plasma (mode x) (asm/pascal) This is the first demo programming tuturial in the X3M Demo Programming Series, and covers how to create plasma effects. Not that static plasma, but realtime plasma


GN90-11.ZIP Hsiao & Hunter, Inc.'s GIF News Well, the November/December issue is here. This issue has articles on: an great new Soundblaster music program called Trak-Blaster, Sierra's "Life in the Fast Lane with the Jones", Steve Meretzky's Spellcasting 101, Joke of the Month, "Ask the Dr.", The Amiga Video Toaster, and more.
GN91-01.ZIP Well, the January/February issue is here. This issue has articles on: Another new 9600 Baud standard - V.32bis, IBM's new XGA, possible features of Origin's Wing Commander ][, Lotus' plans for a controversial CD-Rom, a look at Electronic Art's latest game "Hard Nova", and alot more. Thank you for taking the time to download GIF News. Please feel free to upload it to other BBS's in your local calling area.
GN91-03.ZIP Gif News, March/April issue is finally here. Anyway, this issue has articles on: Workstations of the 90's, telephone companies charging business rates on BBS phone lines, Amiga 24-Bit graphics, ATI VGA Wonder+, a new different Soundtracker player for the Sound Blaster, and alot more. Thanks for taking the time to download GIF News. Please feel free to upload it to other BBS's in your local calling area.
GN91-05.ZIP GIF News.In this issue, we have articles on: Psygnosis' new game Lemmings, Amiga News, possible invasion of privacy by Prodigy, the new Pro AudioSpectrum sound board for the IBM, TrakBlaster 2.0 update, and more. Again, if there is any- thing you would like to read about, please don't hesitate to let me know GIF News is a free publication dedicated to serving you, our readers.
GN91-07.ZIP GIF News, in this issue we have articles on: PC Expo in NYC, review of the game Armor Alley, Creative Lab's Voice Edit program, some hints to Legend's TimeQuest adventure, some information on the Internet, the first GIF News contest where you can actually win something, and alot more!
GN91-09.ZIP GIF News, In this issue, you will find articles on: SoundBlaster Pro Vs. AdLib Gold, Communication news, rising prices of computer games, winners of the first GIF News contest, and more.
GN91-11.ZIP GIF News
GN92-01.ZIP GIF News
GN92-03.ZIP GIF News
GN92-05.ZIP GIF News
GN92-07.ZIP GIF News
GN92-09.ZIP GIF News
GN93-01.ZIP GIF News