Computer Graphics links

  • Alice: Interactive 3D Graphics for Windows 95
  • Multiresolution Modeling
  • A Realistic Camera Model for Computer Graphics
  • Tomby's Virtual Reality and 3D graphics page
  • AXEM Textures, the site dedicated to bitmap textures
  • Graphics Without Greek
  • Illumination Buffer (Texture mapping)
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Computer Graphics Group!
  • Very recent graphics papers
  • 3D volume morphing
  • OpenGL - The Integration of Windowing and 3D Graphics
  • SurRender, RealTime 3D Surround GFX Render Engine
  • The ITTI Gravigs Project
  • NURBS((Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) library
  • Adaptive Refinement for Mass/Spring Simulations
  • Fractal Image Encoding
  • About Dan's 3D Renderer
  • The GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)
  • The Toolbox, GIF89a animations information
  • The ZETA 3D engine
  • Dhonn Lushine's 3D Graphic Programming and other stuff site
  • ClayWorks HomePage (Clayworks is a 3d modelling package for DOS.)
  • The GOOD Project, free 3D environment for interactive programming
  • Graphics Notes: BSP-trees (With JAVA BSP-demo)
  • Interactive BSP tree tutorial (JAVA)
  • John McCarthy's Constant Slope Texture Mapping
  • Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
  • Savage Software, yler will simplify the task of creating your game sprites and animations.
  • PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Home Page
  • MGF(Materials and Geometry Format) Parser and Examples
  • RADIANCE Synthetic Imaging System (UNIX freeware)
  • BSP Tree Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  • Fast Polygon Triangulation based on Seidel's Algorithm
  • Gateway to OpenGL Info
  • ACM SIGGRAPH Online!
  • 256-color VGA Programming in C
  • Zebi's Home Page, 3D
  • AVRIL is a library of C routines for creating Virtual Worlds
  • 3D-Studio (objects, textures...)
  • PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification
  • The Pixel Foundry
  • Templar 3D Engine (X-Windows)
  • The Apprentice Project (OpenInventor 2.x pure C++ emulation library)
  • Experimental CODE Project - Player for OpenGL/D3D
  • The Player Project - 3D API C++ wrapper
  • Color Image Quantization
  • WUARCHIVE: Graphics Software Archive
  • Ray Tracing News Guide
  • Graphics Software Archive
  • Plastic Thought Inc, 3D stuff
  • 3D Artist Magazine
  • 3D CAFE, the ultimate resource for graphics artists
  • Stereoscopic Information and Resources
  • Journal of graphics tools
  • ACM Transactions on Graphics
  • QuickDraw 3D FAQ
  • OpenGL Perl Module V0.4
  • Spectral Imaging's Home Page (3d animation and modelling)
  • The Free3D Home Page, C++ 3d rendering library
  • SIGGRAPH 95 Musings
  • GVU: Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center
  • GVU Center Virtual Environments Group, Home Page
  • Virtual Environments and Real-time Deformations for Surgery Simulation
  • Computer Graphics Systems Development Corp (CGSD) - Home Page
  • Real Time Graphics Newsletter
  • CGSD: Texture Pattern Library, Texture Production Tools
  • Graphics 3D Object File Formats
  • Usenet Graphics FAQs
  • The Ray-Tracing homepage
  • 3D Device Support Page - software ... schematics ... interfacing
  • AC3D - 3D Graphics Modeler
  • Imagine Renderer
  • Coryphaeus: Activation - Real-time graphics software to prototype interactive 3D games
  • i3D: A High Speed 3D Scene Browser
  • Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
  • Computer Vision Source Code
  • Texture mapping and image warping references
  • Terrain Simplification (Terra/Scape)
  • Paul Heckbert, Computer Graphics stuff
  • The 3D Hardware accelerator FAQ Part 1 and Part 2
  • 3DGPL, a portable 3D library
  • Computer Graphics programming
  • Nan's Computer Graphics Page
  • The Visualization Toolkit (vtk) Home Page
  • Graphics FAQs
  • Graphics Frequent Answered Questions collection
  • PLUM Virtual World Project
  • 3D Engines List
  • Computer Graphics links
  • Image Processing & Assorted Graphics Source Code and Links
  • An Object-Oriented Library for Image Analysis
  • Simplification Envelopes - Automatic simplification of polygonal models
  • RAPID -- robust and accurate polygon interference detection library
  • "Portals and Mirrors" paper - Simple, Fast Evaluation of Potentially Visible Sets
  • Interactive Collision Detection for Virtual and Simulated Environments
  • Pixel-Planes project Home Page
  • Siggraph 96 papers on the net
  • An Introductory Tutorial for Developing Multi-User Virtual Environments
  • UIgroup Publications - graphics papers
  • Verbum 3D Game Engine
  • 3D Game Programming Resources
  • SBuffer FAQ sort of scanline rendering methods
  • Blast Into 3D Games : My 3D Blaster PCI Experience
  • World Wide Web Site of the European Association for Computer Graphics!
  • FAQ
  • Viewpoint Datalabs, Browse the largest library of 3D models
  • Larry's Fractal Page
  • Colour Space Conversions FAQ
  • The Graphics File Format Page
  • The UK VR-SIG 3D Object Archive
  • Font F/X- 3D Font Rendering Software for Windows 95 and NT 4.0
  • PC 3D Cards Info/Benchmarks
  • Texture Potential Mapping
  • George Edward Purdy's Computer Graphics Site
  • Free 3D Clothing Software Demo and Models
  • Michael Abrash porting page, Zsorting edge-spanning polygon rendering code
  • Power Render - 3D Developer Site!
  • Shade III v. 1.2.2 for PowerPC
  • Keith's 3D Page
  • Fastgraph Home Page - Programmers Graphics library
  • 3D Graphics Booklist
  • Center for Geometry Analysis Numerics and Graphics (GANG)
  • Behemot Graphic Editor, a raytracing program with editor for Windows
  • The Silver Millenium (Games and 3D page)
  • 3D programming guide by Ignacio Castano Aguado
  • Geometry Formulas and Facts
  • Geomview is an interactive 3D geometry viewing program
  • Geometry Center
  • Photographic Lenses Tutorial/theory
  • The Program of Computer Graphics at Cornell University
  • 3D Studio User's Companion
  • HP PEX Texture Mapping
  • Voxelator home page
  • The Geometry Junkyard (Info for Graphics programmers)
  • Cover Art service by Cyberwolf
  • SkyLine Tools - Imageing & Multimedia components
  • Imaginative Entertainment, Volumetric/Atmospheric Renderer, the Atmospheric Engine
  • QuickDraw 3D Home Page
  • Thomas' PoV-Ray Corner (Raytracing)
  • Silicon Softworks, Creative Development in 3D graphics
  • Crisis in Perspective, Leader in 3D Research and Development
  • Lag'z 3D Graphix Engine
  • Jeff Lander's Home Page - 3D Graphics and Game Programming
  • RenderDotC- photorealistic rendering Toolkit available for Windows '95/NT
  • Ledalite library: computer graphics and image synthesis
  • Exploring Chaos and Fractals
  • 3DSite: Model Market
  • TAB Design
  • Speedy Free Direction Texture Mapping and Other Nifty Tricks
  • Texture Land
  • Mesh Mart, Your one stop source for 3D mesh objects on the World Wide Web
  • Mixrosoft DirectX Multimedia Expo
  • DirectX File Format Specification
  • Texture Mapping in Technical, Scientific and Engineering Visualization
  • Wire Frame Studio - Quality 3D Graphics and Prints
  • Alchemy Mindworks Inc, home of (GIF Construction Set for Windows)
  • 3D Stereograms
  • The Midpoint Algorithm for High Speed Graphics
  • PolyTrans - Accurate, High Quality 3D Model Translation Software
  • Ray Trace with Affine Transforms
  • Shayne's Video Accelerator Page
  • Clippoly - Poloygon Clipping source
  • PHOAKS: Resources for
  • Eos Systems Inc - PhotoModeler 3D
  • POV-Ray - the Persistence of Vision Raytracer
  • Precision Digital Images - An online resource for Imaging professionals
  • FAQ
  • The Best 3-d Source Code On The Net Here!
  • Graphics Programming - Michael Abrash's Doctor Dobb's Journal Columns
  • Pixcon & Anitroll is a Free 3D animation and rendering package
  • Rayfx, We specialize in 3D graphics and special effects
  • Papers about IBM 3D Interaction Accelerator
  • Microsoft Graphics research page
  • GFX: Computer Graphics Programming
  • OpenGL and Direct 3D info by John Carmack Id Software
  • VRML Repository
  • Blue Moon Rendering Tools Home Page
  • GRAFICA Obscura, collected Computer Graphics hacks
  • Texture Mapping as a Fundamental Drawing Primitive
  • OpenGL WWW Center
  • Direct 3D Analysis
  • The OpenGL Graphics System: A Specification (Version 1.0)
  • SIGGRAPH is the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics.
  • Vern's SIRDS Gallery is a collection of Single Image (Random Dot) Stereograms.
  • The Mesa 3-D graphics library
  • Gouraud shading
  • Graphics Internetworking: Bottlenecks and Breakthroughs
  • Sureal Software, Riot 3D Engine
  • Ice Brewed Software Company -- Freeware Direct3D code examples.
  • Three D graphics homepage
  • Three D Graphics Products And Services
  • Procedural Texture Synthesis page
  • 3D-MAX consists of a pair of high speed LCD shutter glasses
  • 3-D Web The Premier Site for Stereoscopic Imagery
  • Texture Mapping and Gradient filling HowTo
  • Tom Hammersleys Graphics Coding Page
  • PyromaniaTM is a royalty free collection of Fire and Explosion effects.
  • Vector Graphics homepage
  • Real-time 3D Modeling Resources
  • ViewPoint DataLAbs: The largest collection of 3D Models anywhere.
  • Voxar's Home Page - Home of the fastest 3D Graphics on the Web
  • SpriteLib Central - Sprite Programming Library
  • Optimizing Animated GIFs
  • home of Dan Farmer, Tracer of Rays, Persistor of Vision
  • 3D Home Page
  • 3D Graphics Book List 5.01
  • An Overview of Microsoft's OpenGL Driver Models
  • Useful Animation MasterTextures
  • The great GIF Licensing Controversy
  • Soft Machine - Fontpage - Fonts for all type of graphics modes
  • Zephyr Software - ZSVGA/SVGAQB/SVGAPV/SVGAPB/SVGACC Graphics Libraries
  • Graphics viewers, editors, utilities and info
  • Paint shop pro tutorials
  • DOS SVGALIB Home Page
  • Rayshade Homepage
  • Space Shuttle models
  • CS 248: Introduction to Computer Graphics lecture notes
  • The VolPack Volume Rendering Library
  • Andrew's Stereogram Pages
  • Mesh Generation & Grid Generation on the Web
  • The Learning Matters of Chemistry - 3D Models of Atomic Orbitals