Atari videogame files

52FAQ01.ZIP Atari 5200 supersystem frequently asked questions
ACTIVS.ZIP Activision announces atari 2600 action pack!
COLORS.ZIP Colors, for the Jaguar
JAGFAQ.ZIP FAQs about the Atari Jaguar video game system
JAGHW.ZIP Atari continues to expand jaguar peripherals
JAGMANIA.ZIP Jagmania for the Jaguar
PAINTER.ZIP Painter - a jaguar game for the jaguar server development kit.
TOSDUMP.ZIP An atari program to dump the rom files

N64-Nintendo files

64DISASM.ZIP Nintendo 64-Image Disassembler V1.0 (Win'95)
DISASM08.ZIP Disassembler V.8 Disassembles N64-Images, displaying most of the opcodes!
DOCIC.ZIP Info on doctor v64 main circuit board:
DV64DOC.ZIP Brief manual of the doctor v64 + how to modify it to be able to load game images.
HS2V64.ZIP High Speed to Doctor V64 converter 0.2
JSTETRIS.ZIP Tetris for the Jaguar binary file
N64ED02.ZIP N64 Editor 0.2 Alows you to edit and search the N64 ROMs! WIN 95 / NT
N64TOOL.ZIP VD64 Image header Editor v0.1 [PC/EXE]
V64-SH_1.ZIP N64shell Nintendo 64 RS232 loader,lightbar & name identification

SNES (Nintendo) programming files

F4CGINTR.ZIP F4CG Intro with Source for SNES An F4CG intro that never saw the light of day nor the darkness of night. coded by Minus with additional SID playing code from Alfatech.
GAMEGEAR.ZIP Gamegear source
GBB108.ZIP GB Basic V1.08 GB Basic is a floating-point BASIC interpreter for GameBoy that allows you to write & execute programs up to 7.4K bytes in size. Currently string variables are not supported, but may be in the future.
GBDI10.ZIP Game Boy Disassembler
GBE.ZIP Gameboy Tile Editor v0.1 GBE is a simple tile editor designed for use in creating background or sprite images to be used in GameBoy programs. It allows you to store up to 256 sprites in a single file and the accompanying program will translate them into assembler source code.
GBSIM-_1.ZIP Gbsim is a gameboy emulation for the pc. with source
GBSPEC.ZIP Everything You Always Wanted To Know About GAMEBOY
GBTOOL_1.ZIP Gb-tools v2.1B tools for developing programs for the nintendo gameboy.
MOM-TL12.ZIP Game boy tool 1.2 GBTOOL can strip the Smart Card header from a file, so you can use the file with Game Boy emulators/disassemblers.
OS-DIZ11.ZIP HeroZero's GameBoy Disassembler v1.1
SINE.ZIP SNES demosource
VGAMEB_2.ZIP Virtual GameBoy The Portable Nintendo GameBoy Emulator
VGAMEB_T.ZIP VIRTUAL GAMEBOY - Scroller etc demo programs
VGBMEN_1.ZIP Complete VGBMan source code For the final, half-done revision. No warranties, no crap. TPascal 7 source.
VGBMEN_2.ZIP Vgb menu 1.0 Is a front end for the vgb-dos emulator through windows x.Xx.
VGBWIN-U.ZIP Virtual GameBoy The Portable Nintendo GameBoy Emulator version 0.3

SEGA Megadrive/Genesis/Game Gear... files

CPANEL.ZIP The following is a code sample that will bring up the CD control panel screen from inside your game code. This is a Sega Standard
GENGRAPH.ZIP MAPSEGA and SPRSEGA are graphic and map converters. They convert from WGT sprite and map formats to the Sega.
MGDOS.ZIP The Portable SEGA Mark3/MasterSystem/GameGear Emulator veRsion 1.0 (12/06/1996) MasterGear is a portable emulator of two SEGA game consoles: the MasterSystem (known as Mark3 in Japan) and the portable GameGear which is basically an improved MasterSystem in a smaller package. The emulator is written in C and therefore can be ported to any computer platform out there, given that this platform can run 32-bit applications.
SEGA.ZIP The Assembler. (Oddly named asm.exe) (Version .3) This is my Sega assembler, disassembler, and some simple source code to test the assembler. The source code prints a text message to the screen, sets up the VBL to redraw a sprite. The sprite is moved with the joystick. Includes Sprites for RPG1 from VILEWRATH.
SEGA1409.ZIP Sega Programming FAQ
SEGAGLOV.ZIP 3DGV Version 0.2 Beta 3DGV Is a 3D GIF viewer using the Sega 3D glasses. It reads either two GIF files or a single MIG (Multi Image Gif) file. The two images are both loaded into video memory, and the screen is toggled quickly back and forth between them, while the lenses on the glasses are alternately darkened. Thus one eye sees one image and the other sees the other image giving a 3D effect with appropriate images.
VGA_READ.ZIP How to build an Gameboy cartridge-reader

SONY Playstation (PSX) files

CDPSX.ZIP Example PlayStation Disc Layout
CDXATOOL.ZIP CDXA Data Reader for MSCDEX ver 0.01 Utility for playstation
FMV-FIX.ZIP Correcting The FMV on PSX's
GMESHARK.ZIP Sony playstation usa codes
ORP-PSX.ZIP The playstation from sony PSX FAQ
OTBP2S.ZIP PCX2SCX convertor 0.000 Including code to show .SCX in turbo pascal 7.
PALOFPCX.ZIP PALOFPCX Extracter V1.0 This program is used to extract pallette of a PCX file who contain the Red, Green and Blue values (0 -< 63) of colors (0-< 255).
PERIPHER.ZIP Peripherals available for sony playstation
PS.ZIP Sony playstation (sony ps) frequently asked questions
PSX.ZIP PlayStation Disc Layout
PSXDISAS.ZIP Sony playstation disassembler (Amiga)
PSXIMGTS.ZIP Psx image tools The two programs included with this archive convert PSX 'TIM' image files into either Targa or Windows Bumpmap files (Amiga owners: if you can't load either of these formats get the datatypes from Aminet.) Both of these formats are uncompressed so they take up a lot of space. If you plan on keeping them around you may want to load them up in some other program and save them off as something else to save space.
PSXVIDEO.ZIP Psxvideo for Windows v1.05
UNIVE.ZIP Datel playstation universal adapter faq
WOTIZPSX.ZIP Wotizpsx WOTIZPSX gives you basic info on Sony standard PSX files. It will not give info on any raw files (yet) or compressed files. Luckily, there are not too many compressed files, but there are a lot of raw files.

Misc Videogame files

3DO.ZIP Panasonic real 3d0 interactive multiplayer hardware review
CDSK32_1.ZIP CartDisk dev 3.20 (final alpha 8) (c) 1996 DiskDude. ** FINAL ALPHA VERSION ** Back up SNES, MegaDrive/Genesis and GameBoy cartridges through the IBM PC printer port. Support for other consoles soon... Useful for emulators - DRAM "RAM cartridge" support comming soon (no change to hardware needed though)
CVFAQ.ZIP Colecovision faq! version 3.3
GAMEBOY.ZIP Nintendo gameboy frequently asked questions
MULTI71.ZIP Multi converters tool 7.1 This is a dos utility for sending snes and sega games to your back-up system. It has many other features like joining and splitting files, applying ips/bsl patches, pal/ntsc fixes, header editing and repair, image information, and a whole lot more. It even lets you enter a special user name!
SPECS.ZIP Specifications for future gaming systems
UCON141.ZIP uCON v1.41 "What Every Console User Needs" UCON is the latest console utility to hit the PC scene. uCON's framework was programmed by Chicken, and it started out as a Multi-Game Hunter-specific program (the original MGHPATCH). I, chp, then added features and it has eventually grown into what you have today.