Visual Basic networking and communication VBX

CSEVAL_1.ZIP SocketTools VBX Evaluation Includes each component in VBX format for use by Visual Basic 3.0 and the 16-bit edition of Visual Basic 4.0 or other product that supports the 2.0 VBX specification. Includes samples written with Visual Basic 3.0. Catalyst SocketTools is a collection of custom controls that harnesses the power of the internet for integration into applications. SocketTools is a comprehensive suite, with components that assist in facilitating existing TCP/IP applications as well as controls that allow you to build your own customized web browser.
CSWSK20C.ZIP SocketWrench/VB 2.0c Windows Sockets Custom Control Is a custom control which allows Visual Basic developers to program against the Windows Sockets API. It supports the TCP and UDP protocols (both blocking and non-blocking modes), and the same control can be used to build both client and server applications. The package includes the control, sample programs (including an FTP client), on-line help, a technical reference and a tutorial for programmers unfamiliar with TCP/IP and sockets programming.
MSLOT.ZIP MABRY MSLOT CONTROL (VBX) Visual Basic custom control that makes mailslot use simple. No Windows API calls required. Requires Windows for Workgroups. Source code available.
XCALL.ZIP XCall VBX and C++ library (Demo) Erform simple cross-application function call simulations. It encapsulates general DDE features to exchange custom data structures and events between two or more applications. It is implemented both for 16 and 32-bit C programming as a set of C++ classes and for Visual Basic 3.0 and 4.0 as a custom control element VBX.

Visual Basic graphics VBX

ART_DEMO.ZIP VBX ARTIST - Drag & Paint Image Editing Control for VisualBasic Is an invisible control able to edit/annotate an image held within such objects as pictureboxes or forms. Generally you would select a paint tool (Brush, shape, floodfill, eraser, text, sissors, etc) and relevant properties (fore and back color, line width, font name, etc). The control then acts, modifying the image, while it is being dragged (either within the mouse move event of a control such as a picturebox, or via our own Artist API calls ). (Dragging within a mouse move event is a single line of code).
EASYNE.ZIP EASYNET Custom Control for Visual Basic, Ver 1.85.006 (VBX) is a custom control that lets you quickly build flowchart- enabled applications (network, workflow, database, etc...). - *Drawing can be made interactively or programmaticaly. - *You may move, resize, stretch each item. - *You may associate user data to each item - *You may navigate in the network diagram. - *Distinct pictures, colors, draw styles for each item. - *Multi-selection, multi-line wordwrapped text, metafile support, - drag & drop, + many other features. - *Many properties and events allow you to "customize" your - *diagramming application. - *VB1 compatible. It works with Delphi, SQL Windows, etc... - *RUNTIME ROYALTY FREE
MDR_DEM1.ZIP Metadraw, Object Oriented MetaFile Graphics Editing Control Is a special purpose picturebox/image editing tool. MetaDraw looks like a standard picturebox on your form, but offers unique support for the creation, editing and display of MetaFiles - an ideal graphical format for applications requiring the drawing and/or moving of graphical objects. MetaDraw is also specially designed to allow you to tag individual graphic objects for HyperGraphic/HotSpot applications.
TRUBAR.ZIP TrueBar VBX makes bar code generation easy. Just pick the orientation, set the size, and pick the bar code style. Then, set the caption to whatever you want the bars to be. TrueBar VBX uses the Caption property to determine what to display. ForeColor is used for the color of the Bars. BackColor is used for the color of the background. If TrueBar VBX cannot fit the entire bar code in the control window, it will fill the entire control with the background color.

Visual Basic file and disc VBX

LONG16.ZIP iseFile VBX Control The iseFile control provides a set of dialog boxes for operations such as opening, saving, and converting long filenames to short and vice versa. The iseFile Custom Control allows applications built with 16-bit versions of Visual Basic to use long filenames in Windows systems (Windows 95 and NT) that support them. The iseFile Custom Control resembles very closely the actions of the standard Visual Basic Common Dialog box for opening and saving files, but has an additional property that holds the long filename of a file if it is available.

Visual Basic gauges, meters and instruments VBX

BMPLST.ZIP MABRY BMPLST CONTROL (VBX) This control is a list box with bitmaps. The bitmaps can be placed on any side of the text (top, bottom, right, left). Source code available.
MSSTAT.ZIP MABRY MSSTAT CONTROL (VBX) Status bar VBX for Visual Basic. This control displays a multi-element status bar on the bottom of your form. It automatically handles the NumLock, CapsLock, ScrollLock, and Insert key indicators. It also displays times/dates in International and programmer defined formats. Source code available.

Various Visual Basic VBX controls

EMEDIT20.ZIP early morning editor VBX v2.0, Advanced editor
GRADE.ZIP Formatted Label Custom Control (VBX) >ASP< FLabel is a label control that lets you format the text within it. You can have different fonts, different colors, multiple paragraphs, paragraph formatting, etc. Using properties, you can print your text. All this and it's bound, too.
HITIME.ZIP MABRY HITIME CONTROL (VBX/OCX/ActiveX) This is a high resolution timer custom control for Visual Basic. It allows you to have timer events come in nearly every millisecond, as opposed to every 55 milliseconds with the normal Visual Basic Timer control. Source code available.
INPUT3.ZIP 3D-VB Input, ver 3.0, enhanced TextBox control (VBX) This control emulates the standard Visual Basic TextBox control which allows the user to enter text. 3D-VB Input can give the text and the control a 3D look. It also allows for different alignment of the text. Plus the first VB control with Property Menus. [ver 3.0] incudes properties to access database data.
MENUEV.ZIP MABRY MENUEV CONTROL (VBX) MenuEv provides menu selection notification. In other words, it tells you when the user has selected a menu item. This is really useful for status bar-style help. MenuEv is really easy to use. All you need to do is place it on your form. Events start coming in automatically. MenuEv will even automatically update another control with the selected menu item's text. Source code available.
PROBE.ZIP Control Probe/Debug Control (VBX) >ASP< This VBX lets you examine and modify other controls' properties at run-time. After telling Probe the name of another control, Probe will give you a list of the properties in that control. Probe can also display a dialog box that will let you modify other controls' properties (at run-time).
REG_INI.ZIP RegIni 2.1 Registry & INI file VBX Control RegIni is a VBX custom control that consists of a set of easy to use APIs which manipulate entries in Windows Initialisation (.INI) files and in the Registry. The APIs perform all the necessary error checking and can be used under Windows, Windows NT and Windows 95 platforms. (Requires VB3 or VB4)
SMARTMDB.ZIP Menu Event Notification Control (VBX) >ASP< MenuEv provides menu selection notification. In other words, it tells you when the user has selected a menu item. This is really useful for status bar-style help. MenuEv is really easy to use. All you need to do is place it on your form. Events start coming in automatically. MenuEv will even automatically update another control with the selected menu item's text.
TL_DEMKT.ZIP TList 3/Pro VBX, The Enhanced Outline Control
VER.ZIP Version Info/File Install VBX >ASP< Ver lets you use the functionality of VER.DLL through properties. It makes getting version info from a file (EXE, DLL, VBX, etc.) very easy. Ver also gives you installation functionality. Included with this control is a sample installation/setup utility.