Visual Basic 5 Utilities

EVENTMNG.ZIP EventManager EventManager is a software tool dedicated to programmers of VisualBasic-5.0, Access-7.0 or any other languages which support ActiveX-Dlls. 7 In cooperation between the end user who finally will use your program and you, the programmer, a table of possible events shall be defined. Possible events are e.g. switching on a machine, starting a program, dialling a phone number and so on. Later on the end user shall be able without assistance to add "times" to each of the defined events: points of time, periods of time, repeating intervals and exceptions. EventManager offers complete input masks for every purpose.
MDBU5.ZIP Mdb utilities , For visual basic 5(32 bit) A general purpose database utility for any VB5 programmer. Allows all usual modifications and additions to an existing VB *.mdb, fields, indexes and settings can be added, removed or changed while keeping data intact... SQL Form allows queries to be tested or executed on the fly..
RESTORE.ZIP Restore - A free VB Add-in from MainSoft The Visual Basic IDE doesn't have the ability of automatically reloading the project that was active during the previous session. You must reload it from the File menu (Recent files list).

Visual Basic 5 sourcecodes

BLT.ZIP This DirectDraw sample is a modified version of the StarFld Sample. 33 images are loaded in DirectDraw surfaces and blitted to the back buffer using black as a transparent color. The result is a simple animation. With very few changes, you could also blit an image on every frame (such as a cockpit).
BROWSER.ZIP Minibrowser, a tutorial on how to use the Microsoft WebBrowser control in VB5.
DBSRCH1.ZIP dBSearch Originally called LISTSRCH - this module allowed the developer to set up a populated listbox and search the contents of the listbox by typing into a textbox. This allowed "Quicken" style searching with the module finding the first match for what the user had typed and filling in the remainder.
DXTZ.ZIP DirectX Test Zone
DXVB01.ZIP Using directx from visual basic The provided TLB files describes some of the objects exposed by the DirectX API and allow to use them as if they were native Visual Basic objects (DirectX is "Component Object Model" based).
DXVB02.ZIP Using directx from visual basic v 0.2 The provided TLB files describes some of the objects exposed by the DirectX API and allow to use them as if they were native Visual Basic objects (DirectX is "Component Object Model" based).
EVAL.ZIP CEval - Algebraic expression evaluator class for VB5 This class implements an Algebraic expression evaluator for Visual Basic 5. It support floating point numbers, most standard operators, plus or minus unary operators and parantheses to override default precedence rules. Rudimentary support for user-defined symbols is also included.
GLVB01.ZIP Using opengl from visual basic v 0.1
GUID.ZIP Demo Generating a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
JDSVRVB5.ZIP Jim & Don's Screensaver
LBAR_VB.ZIP Visual Basic 4.0 32 bit CT List Bar Demo
MN_SRC.ZIP Direct-X and VBasic 5 demo
NUM2TEXT.ZIP Num2text - vb5 conversion demo This program demonstrates how to convert a number to text. This demo converts numbers to a format you might see in a check writing program. For example, 123.1 is converted to "One hundred twenty-three and 10/100".
SUBCLS32.ZIP Subclass - Visual Basic subclassing control This package includes a VB-authored subclassing control. A subclassing control allows Visual Basic programs to detect messages for which Visual Basic does not provide direct support for. This controls is documented below. This package also includes a number of subclassing example programs. These examples are unzipped to the Examples directory (see Examples.txt for additional information).
SYSTRAY.ZIP SysTray - System Tray Demo This program demonstrates how to display an icon on the system taskbar (tray notification area) under Windows 95 and later, or Windows NT 4.0 or later. The program first determines if it is running under one of these operating systems and terminates if it is not.
WAITCURS.ZIP WaitCursor - Wait cursor class demo This Visual Basic 5.0 example program demonstrates how you can use a simple class to help you set an hourglass cursor. This class not only provides the SetCursor method, which provides a convenient method of setting the hourglass cursor (or a custom cursor if you like), but it automatically restores the previous cursor when the class object is destroyed.
VB5HOOK.ZIP This sample program demonstrates how to subclass a form using vb5's new addressof operator.
WORDWRAP.ZIP WordWrap - Printing-with-word-wrap demo for Visual Basic 5 This demo program demonstrates a technique for printing unformated text to the printer. The code is implemented as a class module to make it easy to reuse the code in other projects. The code prints the text to the printer with word wrap, margins and page headers and footers. You can customize the margin settings and header text using the class's public members.