DOS File/Disc/CD utilities

ASCII.ZIP ASCII - Show ASCII text in a file. This program prints a list of all ASCII text in a file. It can be used to, among other things, show all text messages in an .EXE or .COM file. (C source)
BAT2C21.ZIP Batch file to C file converter
BDIFF123.ZIP BDIFF/BUPDATE: Binary file differencer/updater Bdiff creates a binary difference between two files. On unix like systems, many people use diff and patch to update source files. They are very powerful for "line oriented" data. However, they are incapable of handling binary data. Modifying a single line in source file amounts to a considerable difference in its compiled object. Calling address, variable address, segment value, they will all change even when object's structure remains similar.
BEXE.ZIP BOOTEXE v1.0 A program to prepare a floppy disk to boot a computer with a user-defined executable. The executable is assumed to be in DOS EXE format; however the executable must not assume that DOS is installed. Developed by TechniLib.
BOOTCHK.ZIP BOOTCHK, BOOTRST Boot sector archival, verification, restoration BOOTCHK and BOOTRST are DOS-based programs that help protect your computer from damaging viruses and trojans. They do not reduce the need for a comprehensive virus detection program nor regular backups. with C src
BOOTIT.ZIP BOOTIT v2.07 >ASP< - Multi-Boot Utility. Allows up to 255 "master" partitions per hard drive, custom menu creation, multi-boot from a single partition. Select the boot configuration from the custom menu. By TeraByte Unlimited. Shareware $39.95
C2E_E2C.ZIP COM2EXE & EXE2COM converter with ASM source
CALCZ10B.ZIP CALCZIP v1.0B Calculates required disk space for Zip archive installation on hard disk. Option to display Zip archive imbedded information. Works only on ZIP archives generated with PKZIP vs 2.04g. Information on disk space requirement calculation included. Includes incentives to register for an enhanced version. Preliminary release. -AV by author.
CDC11.ZIP CDC Version 1.1 CDC is a program that compares disks and CD ROMs. If you work in a quality assurance department or other department that make copies of disks or CDs, use CDC to compare the original to the copy.
CHARGER.ZIP BC - Backup Copy Routine BC is very similar to the standard DOS COPY routine. The important difference is that BC will first check the destination for a copy of the file to be transfered. If the destination file is more recent than the source the file will not be copied. If a wild card is used to copy files and a file will not fit on the disk, you will be prompted to insert a new formatted disk. PAscal source
CLUSTER2.ZIP CLUSTERS v2.0 Reports HD waste in cluster size PowerBASIC source code is included. The source contains a library of routines for doing text-mode boxes, that you are free to use in your own PowerBASIC programs. This program is free, but remains copyr.
COMPARIT.ZIP Comparit Text Comparison Utility Is a windows program which compares text files and displays the results within the screen window. Optionally the user may print out the results of the comparison. A wide variety of options allows you to alter the methods of comparison (ignore leading and trailing spaces) and the appearance of the the comparison report (color, indentation, line numbers, prefixes and headings)
CRCDR114.ZIP Computes & displays a single 16-bit & a single 32-bit CRC value for an entire directory. In other words, the computed CRC values represent accumulated CRC's of all files contained in a directory. May be used to provide a high degree of assurance that the contents of directories on physically separated computers are identical. May also be used to see if the contents of a directory have changed over time. (utility)
CRCFILE.ZIP Crcfile returns the crc of a file
CRCSET13.ZIP Crcset is an anti-virus utility. Its purpose is to protect programs (in which supporting code is linked) with one of the most effective weapons against computer viruses: the cyclic redundancy check, or crc. C/pascal source
CRUSH18.ZIP CRUSH v1.8 - >ASP< Super-compressor for DOS. Fed up with limited compression performance of Stacker, PKZIP (2.04g), ZOO, ARJ and LHA? CRUSH will usually give 5%-50% improved compression over any other DOS compression tool, & yet allows the user to continue using the archiver already in use. CRUSH is fast & the ideal choice for users keen to save disk space. Too good to be true? No! Try it! PocketD v4.1 compat. New! no 1000 file limit
CSDUMP.ZIP Dump - Dump a file in hex format, C source
DLSUPERC.ZIP DLSuperC is a comprehensive compare program that compares two files and produces an assortment of reports that can be configured to suit a users preference for seeing which lines have been modified and changed. The program features simplicity and ease of use although it offers a large number of optional and unique comparison, listing, and filtering options. It even flags reformatted line changes and detects matching lines that have been moved from their original sequence. Most importantly DLSuperC appears to generate change reports that visually communicates user perceived change activity consistent with changes that appear to have been made either through user initiated data editing or through automatic program initiated modification. Property of Donald M. Ludlow - SuperC Inc.
DMPEXE12.ZIP Obsession exe-file expander ver 1.2 [o1/o1] This program can unpack any exepacked file. It means that a file packed with an unknown exepacker, can be expanded to it's original size and format. This is a must for all you crackers and patchers out there. *Cardware* now with support for the soft-ice debugger.
DOS2UNIX.ZIP DOS2UNIX.C and UNIX2DOS.C Cleanout/convert cr/lf combinations in a file but keep it's original date/time stamp. With C source
DOSFDATE.ZIP Filedate changer utility
DTCD101.ZIP DTown Audio-CD Player DTCD is coded in 100% assembly, coded in approximately 800 lines. This is the TSR-Version. It simply traps Interrupt 15h, Subfunction 4Fh. This function is called by Int 9 every time a key is pressed or released to translate a scan-code. When one of the control keys is pressed, the shift-key-status is read and the appropriate CD-ROM routine is called. With asm source
FGREP145.ZIP fgrep 1.45 Fgrep (Fast GREP) is a small utility that can be used to find specific strings of characters in ASCII text files. String search capabilities are not extensive (no regular expressions), but fgrep is small and quite fast (on a standard PC equipped with a fairly slow fixed disk, fgrep can perform a case and spacing insensitive search of 30 files totalling over 1/3 megabyte of text in about 22 seconds). Fgrep is intended to replace DOS's FIND filter with something faster and more flexible.
FILEPART.ZIP FilePart and FileJoin is a set of programs that will split a rather large file(like the DirectX3 SDK) into seperate files that are just small enough so you can copy them onto a 1.44MB disk. You can then use FileJoin to rejoin the seperate files into the 1 big file again. There is no size limit.
FILESPY.ZIP FILESPY/2 v96.05.18 Shows the type of nearly any file. Covers EXE,DLL etc. for OS/2,Linux, DOS,Win,NT,95; archives with contents and optional unpacking (arc,arj,zip,gzip,tar,zoo bundle,lharc,expand,cab) wordprocessors (Win Word,WP, AMI PRO, plainText .. ) databases (dBase, ACCESS ...) spreadsheets (Excel...) and misc. (pgp,project, prog.lang. etc. etc.). command-line driven with full redirecting. For OS/2; DOS Version avaiable; Freeware/Cardware
FILTER5.ZIP Filter5 is a very simple program with the job of adding a linefeed for each carriage return found in your input file.
HC.ZIP HC - Horizontal Concatenation of files It concatenates correspon- ding lines from files. The effects of hc are best visualized by imagining the files to be printed on long strips of paper with Velcro strips on the left and right margins; hc sticks these files together to make one wide file on the standard output. C source
HPCDA.ZIP HPCDA is a small CD-Audio reader for the HP4324 CD-R. I wrote it out of desperation trying to make Incat Software tools work properly. With ASM src
HSTOP099.ZIP HS/HSTOP (HackStop) Protects EXE and COM files. Designed to drastically hinder hacking, analysis, modification and reverse engineering of your programs. Additional crypts COM files with random keys! Wildcards supported. Yet unhackable!
HTYPE.ZIP HType Is a simple DOS utility that writes out a file of some kind in HEX and ASCII tables. It will give You a brief idea of any file without the need to load it in some HEX editor of som kind. Just use it as the TYPE command. With Asm src
KDISKUS.ZIP KeyDisk Protect soft against copy version 3.6 This soft protects yours applications DOS and WINDOWS 3.x & 95 (in all language) against copy. Supports floppies HD, hard drives and Networks. KEY-DISK is an easy, powerful and economic package against soft copy (floppies 5"25 HD or 3"5 HD, hard drives & networks) made for all IBM PC and compatibles users. With it you control yours soft spreading, create evolutive demo versions, modulate versions, hiring versions, & obtain substantial benefits.
LIST.ZIP List List is a little command line program that lists the Creation date, size and real file size. It also shows how much that are waisted. The real file size is what the file actually occupies on Your disk. If Your hard drive are formatted with 32kb clusters a file can't be smaller than that ! So if DIR says 1 byte, it's 32kb in reality. Nice, uuhhh ?
LOC.ZIP LOC - Lines Of Code Utility Is a Lines Of Code counting tool. Although it cannot analyze your code and verify that it conforms to any particular technique that might ensure some level of "quality", it does provide some good indicators that help gage software quality and quantity.
LOWER.ZIP LOWER A little utility that converts all ascii chars in a file to lower case. I mainly use it to convert source code files so they dont look so messy. Usage: Lower >filename<. With Asm src.
MAKENM.ZIP Create unique file names for batch files with MakeName. It creates a batch file that sets a DOS variable to a string which represents the current date and time. You can call this from another batch file to set a unique file name. Very useful for backup & export applications. Can be used with DOS, Win 3.1, Win 95 & OS/2. Created by Pinnacle Software -- visit our Web site at or dial our free files BBS at 514-345-8654 (sign on as GUEST).
MAXI19.ZIP MAXIForm- The Original Floppy Disk Expander version 1.9 - MAXIForm will format 360k disks to 420k, 720k to 800k, 1.2 meg to 1.4 meg and 1.44 meg to 1.6 meg. For use with DOS version 3.2 or later. v1.9 includes support for SmartDrive caching. ASP shareware from Herne Data Systems Ltd.
PC_ST.ZIP St to msdos disc converter Allows an ibm compatible with ms-dos to read disks formatted on the atari st. This is not a difficult task; the format is identical, but if microsoft dos didn't format the disk and write 4 bytes of non-critical data to the boot sector, it reports that disk to be unformatted. These programs write the missing bytes. Do not use either program on a bootable st disk (such as dungeon master), as writing new data in the boot sector will destroy the boot program!
POCK51.ZIP POCKETD PLUS v5.1 >ASP< - 35k DOS Army Knife NEW! Supports Win95 long filenames and more!! "BEST UTILITY" awards 1992, 1994 and 1995 by PsL, WHAT PC and Ziff-Davis. Tiny but superb color DIR, Utility factory, power file COPY & immensely powerful file manager. Over 300 (!) options and sub-options from command-line or Windows/DOS menu-driven interface. Still the most powerful and innovative utility around.
README.ZIP CDCLIP.EXE - CDROM Digital Audio Reader CDCLIP will read "digital audio data" from an audio/music CD and store the data in a binary output file (default is WAV format). Automatic "jitter" correction is performed to insure correct digital copies. CDCLIP can also be used to extract raw 2352 byte data sectors from a non-audio disc using the /DATA option (not supported by all CDROM drives).
REFORM10.ZIP Reformat version 1.0 a Text reformatting utility REFORMAT is a utility for IBM compatibles to reformat the line length of any ASCII text file. The program will take a text file, with lines of any length, and reformat them to the length you specify. For example, if you have a text file that is 80 characters per line (such as this file you're reading), REFORMAT can change the length of each line to say, 65 characters per line, or whatever length you like.
REP128.ZIP Replicator For DOS Version 1.28 >ASP< Replicator is a disk image utility used to create images of diskettes and catalog them in a database. Recreate disks as needed. Store up to 10 description lines and a complete list of files contained on the original disk for each disk image in the database. Modify database entries at any time. Easy push button interface. Network support.
SEEJUNK.ZIP Seejunk , Look at unallocated bytes at the end of a file.
SHRINKWR.ZIP ShrinkWr.exe Version 1.01 The program can - save disk images from a floppy drive (3.5 or 5.25) on a hard-disk - copy disk images from a hard-disk back onto a floppy-diskette - the image files contain a checksum - the image files are ShrinkWrap (Macintosh) compatible - read IBM images and convert to ShrinkWrap format - read AST images and convert to ShrinkWrap format - display the content (dir) of a MS_DOS image - the program supports 180/360/1.2(5.25) and 720/1.4(3.5) disks - verify original diskettes with the image - replace/copy the boot sector of a diskette - extract all files from a disk-image
SPLIT3.ZIP Big file splitting and unsplitting utilities
STF162.ZIP SHOW TWO FILES VER 1.62 >ASP< Show & Compare 2 ASCII files side-by-side. Differences are highlighted by dimming unequal lines. Move around the files independently or together using Home, End, Arrow keys or use the mouse. Searches for and highlights found text. Optional Individual Character hilite. V 1.62 adds Percent to top bar and adds an Append File function. Utilities - Disk/File Compare R.P.MCCORMICK
TMTOC103.ZIP Open/Cope v 1.03 This program will eject your CD-ROM. Optionally Unlocks and/or interrupts Audio playing. Includes .ASM source. Includes 3 bonus utilities : UNLOCK, LOCK and RESET (in both .ASM & .COM) 100% TASM by Warp Lion / Thaumaturge
TOLOW.ZIP Tolow This is a utility that converts all long filenames to lower case. Every time I have been messing around in my web work directory from DOS the filenames has been changed. It's a pain to manually rename them to lowercase so the web server and html stuff will recognise them. It renames ALL files in the given directory or the current if nothing on command line. Usage: Tolow [path] Example: Tolow A:\MYDIR
TOUCH.ZIP TOUCH is a small utility program which sets the timestamp of one or more files to the current or specified time/date. It is useful as a method of forcing MAKE to recognize a file as "changed", even when it has not. With C source.
TWRAP11.ZIP TWRAP v1.1 - "Text Wrapper" Word-wraps files with lines too long to fit in 80-column format. Useful for formatting copied/pasted text from Internet, forum, or other medium which result in long lines of text instead of 80-column text. UNLIMITED input file size. Shareware, -AV by author.
TXTLS1V0.ZIP TEXTools is a powerful integrated collection of 50+ DOS filters that you can easily combine together like building blocks, to form "mini-programs", (called pipes) that process text for achieving various goals. It can be used interactively from the command prompt to quickly handle adhoc requests, or it can be called from batch file processes, (even other programs) to handle more complex tasks.
TXTSPLIT.ZIP The program splitter provides for splitting an input text or ascii file into two or more subfiles, based on a phrase or word that you define. Splitter reads the input file until that phrase or word is found, and then splits the file at that point, creating a new subfile. This continues until the end of the input file is found.
UNZIP200.ZIP UNZIPIT Version 2.0 DOS Utility to automate the installation of ZIP Files. Uses a scroll bar to search any Hard or Floppy Drive on your system. Then sets up and installs the selected Zip File to a default or user defined directory. REQUIRES PKUNZIP 204G
VACUUM.ZIP The vacuum cleaner for floppy disks is a program you hope you will never need to use. It recovers data from otherwise unreadable disks. The results are not organized the way you want them, but using a good text editor you may be able to reconstruct lost ascii text files. (asm src)
ZIPSRC32.ZIP FreeZip version 1.0 (32-Bit version) FreeZip is a program designed to extract files from .ZIP archives, or to add files to them. FreeZip is just that--free, so you can distribute copies of it to anyone. It's pretty easy to use and there's lots of online help. Because FreeZip is totally free, and not shareware, it's a good deal for schools or nonprofit instutions interested in unzipping files but without big budgets. FreeZip can also be used to create .ZIP files, although that's not its main purpose. FreeZip does not require PKZIP from PKWare.

Windows File and Disc utilities

ASCII18.ZIP AsciiConvert v1.8 >ASP< AsciiConvert converts and restructures comma-delimited, fixed-width ASCII and other files. Functions include: field re-sequencing, new fields, constants, dates, field concatenations/merge, 'line- wrap', reformatting, trimming, HTML table tags, etc. $19.00. Req. VBRUN300. SWREG# 7285.
AUTORUN.ZIP AUTORUN.EXE for the Windows 95 Operating system Is aimed at developers distributing files on CD-ROM for Windows 95. In conjunction with AUTORUN.INF and AUTORUN.GIT, it controls what happens when a user inserts your CD-ROM in the drive. If a special DAT file is absent in the user's \WINDOWS\SYSTEM (or equivalent) directory, then your SETUP program installs your application. If the DAT file is present, then your application runs. Your SETUP program should create the DAT file - your Uninstaller delete it.
COMNT11.ZIP ES Commentator allows you to add comments To files (up to 176 characters) There is a text search with which you can search your comments. Once you have found the file you want to work on, Commentator will launch any application DOS or Windows (95 or 3.1) with that file on the command line. Ideal librarian for WP,CAD,DTP, Spreadsheets and MIDI. Single user and LAN versions.
CSDIFF.ZIP ComponentSoftware Diff (CSDiff) V1.2 CSDiff is a free advanced file difference analysis tool for Windows 95/NT. Use it to analyze what have changed between two revisions of the same file. CSDiff is usually used to analyze program source files, HTML documents and MS-Word documents. FREEWARE. >ASP<
DATA_REC.ZIP TIRAMISU FOR DOS/WINDOWS V3.05 sophisticated data recovery - TIRAMISU is a software for reconstructing data from a crashed hard drive. It helps when the drive is: - hit by a virus - formatted - 'fdisk'ed - zapped by a power failure - damaged by applications
DATESET.ZIP Windows 95 program datetimestamp.Exe Takes selected file(s) and changes the dates and times to a value which you specify. The compiled program and source code are included. To compile source you will need Delphi 3.
DIRTKT.ZIP Directory Toolkit for Windows 95/NT Version 2.6 Provides features missing from Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 or higher. Directory Toolkit can compare files in two directories, rename, copy, move, & delete multiple files using wildcards while preserving long file names (the DOS commands don't). New to version 2.6, Directory Toolkit now has built in ZIP file functions.
EFCWL.ZIP Commander 1.01b, One of the finest Norton Commander clones, for Win95/NT The Commander Lite is a useful tool for your Computer. You have a large palette of commands for files, directories and logical
FAT32REC.ZIP Tiramisu for 32-bit fat v1.11 - Special edition - sophisticated data recovery - TIRAMISU is a software for reconstructing data from a crashed hard drive. It helps when the drive is: - hit by a virus - formatted - 'fdisk'ed - zapped by a power failure - damaged by applications
FDT20.ZIP File Date Time - FDT 2.0 (32-Bit version) FileDateTime is a little utility for Windows 95 and Windows NT, that allows you to set the file date time stamp. It works as a 32 bit application and it is able to handle long file names. If you like to use a 16 bit application of FDT, use FDT 1.0, it's freeware!
FINDALL3.ZIP Find All for Windows (FINDALLW.EXE) is a Windows utility that makes software development in Windows 3.x a little easier if your current environment does not support searching multiple files for ocurrences of specific text. It allows you to search directories and subdirectories for information, view the list of files that contain the information, view and/or edit contents of individual files in the list, and print the "found" list or "pretty print" contents of individual files in the list.
FSEC10.ZIP HyperComputing File Security Guard 1.0 Set a password protection to your text files. Encrypting of other kinds of files is not recommended! Usage: You can protect plain text files with a password. Select a file and set a password on it. With the knowledge of the password you can decode the files.
FSUS16.ZIP File Susi for Windows 95/3.x/NT Windows file-splitter, The fastest and easiest way to split/combine files
GRDUW17.ZIP GRDUW for Windows 95. Version 1.7 GR Disk Utility for Windows 95 is a disk utility that can replace the standard Explorer features when you need to format or duplicate a disk. Have you tryed to format a NOT FORMATTED diskette with the explorer ? I'm sure NOT! The diskette media supported are the standard formats 720K, 1.44M and the non standard formats 1.72Mb and MSDMF (1.68Mb).
GROUP32.ZIP Grouper v2.0, file launcher. The quick, easy way to organize and launch files and programs. Group files together and launch all, organize all files of a project to find and launch quickly. Win 3.1/Win95
IFA400.ZIP Instant File Access v4.00 Adds LONG FILE NAMES, File/Directory recall, Floating file lists, File Manager functions, etc., to Windows 3.11 programs. Also allows Win 3.11 programs to view and open Windows 95 long filenames.
INFVU95.ZIP INFOVIEW v1.10 Is a Windows 95 utility to view any file or folder of any size. InfoView allows you to view a file as it appears on your system or in Hex (debug) mode, or with a specific number of bytes per line or by having each line end with a character you specify. InfoView has a registry viewer to examine the file registry. InfoView also has Windows 95 screen capture tool to let you capture any window or portion of the screen then view it, save it, print it or copy it to the clipboard. InfoView will accept files dropped onto it from other applications or files from the command line. This is the Windows 95 (32bit) rewrite of the popular 16bit InfView file viewer (superior shareware).
MDISK41.ZIP MAXIDisk The Original Floppy Disk Expander Version 4.14 Will format 360k disks to 420k, 720k to 800k, 1.2 meg to 1.4 meg and 1.44 meg to 1.6 meg or 1.7 meg, 2.88 meg to 3.2. MAXI is also a full featured disk copier. Also supports Macintosh disks. For use with Windows 3.x or later. ASP shareware from Herne Data Systems Ltd.
REPW202.ZIP Replicator For Windows v2.02 - >ASP< Replicator is a disk image utility used to create images of diskettes and catalog them in a database. Recreate disks easily. The database stores a description and file list for each diskette. Modify database entries at any time. Network support & DMF support. Works best under Windows 95. Ver 2.02 adds improved support for keyboard users.
S32_3021.ZIP Search32 - Anet's text retrieval utility for windows 95/nt Text retrieval system provides you a special "search engine". Developed on Anet's unique algorithm, this engine, like those used by Yahoo and Infoseek, does not scan the whole disk. Instead, it browses preprepared "index files". These index files contain information about every word in every text file. Result? Superfast search results showing text strings and file names! Files easy to identify and open one by one.
SAFESCAN.ZIP SafetyScan operates by regularly scanning your hard drive for various error producing files and then optionally cleaning them from your system for you. SafetyScan targets specific types of error producing files that common disk utilities, un-install, defrag, scandisk, and sweep type programs will miss.
SR.ZIP Search and Replace for Windows Help Contents - Version 2.85 Is a Search (grep) utility you can use to find a given string in multiple files, including files inside of ZIP archives. In the registered version, you can replace some, all, or none of these strings with another string. In the shareware version, you can only replace in the first file in each session. A touch button allows you to change the date and time of the files you specify.
SYNCTREE.ZIP Synctree SyncTree is a small WIN32 program to synchronize two directory trees based on file dates. I wrote it in order to ensure that my source code is up-to-date when copying back and forth from home, but I'm sure it could have other uses as well. Files are copied from one tree to the other if either they don't exist or are newer. Provisions are made for excluding specific directories (sub-trees), and for excluding files based on file mask. With C source
UPD8R.ZIP WinUpD8R v4.2 >ASP< If you use "floppy net" to move files back and forth between computers, you NEED this program!! Finalist in PCMAG Best Windows Utility Category. WinUpD8R can automatically keep your files up-to-date on multiple machines while providing (at least) triple-redundant backup of your data in the process. No cables or modem transfers necessary. Windows 3.1 or '95 required. Shareware.
WG16_30.ZIP WinGREP 3.0 (16-bit) Integrated search & replace for the professional developer. WinGREP is a multi-file search and replace utility for MS Windows 3.1, 95 and NT. It is integrated with over 18 editors and IDE's including Borland C++, Delphi, MS Developer Studio, and many more. WinGREP will open the file in your editor and position it to the correct line. A hierarchical tree is used to display the search results. Extensive search options and full regular expression and DOS style searching helps to make this one of the best search utilities for the professional developer.
WG32_30.ZIP WinGREP 3.0 (32-bit) Integrated text search/replace for the professional developer. WinGREP is a multi-file search and replace utility for MS Windows 3.1, 95 and NT. It is integrated with over 18 editors and IDE's including Borland C++, Delphi, MS Developer Studio, and many more. WinGREP will open the file in your editor and position it to the correct line. A hierarchical tree is used to display the search results. Extensive search options and full regular expression and DOS style searching helps to make this one of the best search utilities for the professional developer.
XFIND_.ZIP XFind 1.02 searches in textfiles It displays ALL founded lines in ONE screen (you wont have to flip)! AND you can CHANGE the lines in that screen! Additional it shows one line over and one under the location. Shareware
ZAPFILE.ZIP ZapFile (With Delphi source) Paranoia dictates that sometimes when we want a file deleted, we want it to stay deleted so that no one can remove our hard disks and find any magnetic remnents of files we have created and later deleted. Our government insists that three rewrites of the file are sufficient to destroy the image. ZapFile assumes the government standard is false and that it takes more to accomplish a total erasure of the file. ZapFile rewrites the file 100 times, saves it to disk each time, and finally deletes it. If this file can be accessed it should contain only chr(126) as readable characters. The original file is now forever erased and a disk reader will find only '~' characters on disk where the file used to be.. ZapFile, Copyright � 1997 Charles M. Fisher
ZIPWRK32.ZIP ZipWorks v2.6 Archive Utility Is a full featured 32 bit ZIP file Manipulater for Windows 95. The built-in 32 bit compression is fully compatible with PKZIP v2.04. There is an option available to associate ZipWorks with the file extension "ZIP". We highly recommend that you take advantage of this very useful feature, which will add 3 right-click menu items to your propriate zip files in Explorer - Open, UnZip, and UnZip To Path. v2.6 >ASP<