Windows Graphics Programming sourcecode

AS09A.ZIP AniSprite is a multi layer sprite animation library for Microsoft Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. Besides the basic features, like flicker free / multi layer animations, AniSprite supports: * alpha blending * back shining * image fading * multiple animation areas * 256 colour animation * unlimited number of sprites * speedy GDI free implementation (except for the screen blitting) * 16 bit and 32 bit implementation * source availability * Windows DLL interface plus stubs for C/C++/Visual basic
BITMAP.ZIP This program is a simple viewer for Windows Bitmap, Windows Icon, Z-Soft PCX, and CompueServe GIF images. with C source.
BPWING.ZIP Demonstration of WinG with Borland Pascal
BPWING02.ZIP Demonstration of WinG with Borland Pascal
CLGRAPH1.ZIP Clumsy c++ graphics libraries for windows(tm) The Clumsy C++ Graphics Libraries provide an object-oriented approach to performing graphics in MS Windows 3.1(TM). The classes support all Windows graphics capabilities with much improvement. All graphic objects (lines, rectangles, ellipses, etc.) have been encapsulated in classes and manipulation methods (transformation, scaling, rotation, shading, etc.) added to them.
D3DIMEX.ZIP Direct3D Immediate Mode Example Shell built with MSVC++ v4.0
DIRECT3D.ZIP Direct-3D demo source in C
DXERROR.ZIP This document describes a C++ DirectX error handler. It may or may not be helpful to you (check it out). I coded it to be portable. I used standard include files, functions, and data types. I included the source files (dxerror.cpp, .h). I intended for this to be compatible with most C++ compilers (if its not you have the src).
DXFIRE.ZIP This is my DirectX fire demo program. It is written in Borland C++, but it should be easily converted to other compilers. You must already have the DirectX Drivers installed to run this program. If you want to compile it you also need the DirectX SDK. Feel free to use the DXScreen class in any programs you wish, but if you're nice you'll at least mention me in the credits.
ENIGMA32.ZIP Judges Report To design and build a three demensional (3D) toolkit for Windows 95/NT. The toolkit should have the ability to provide accurate real world simulations according to the rules of physics, which would allow it usage in a large number of situations. (C++ soruce for Windows.)
EXAMPLES.ZIP Windows API Controls for GLpro examples
FLOATER.ZIP Floater is a "simplest" Direct3D Retained-Mode Full Screen demo With C++ source
GVECTS.ZIP Source for a Gouraud shaded vecors in Windows
LENGINE.ZIP LEngine, 3D Descentlike terrain engine (C++/Windows)
MGWIN161.ZIP MGUI 1.6 MGUI (MORELLO Graphic User Interface) is a user interface currently available in DOS (16 and 32 bit), Windows, Win32 and Unix X-Window environments. The main features of MGUI API are: - Total source code compatibility among all supported platforms. - Same look & feel in all environments (similar to OSF/Motif). - Coding process is very smart and produces a compact source code. - A manager object automatically positions and resizes its children, making layout construction very simple. - A designing tool (MGUI Designer) generates C source files that can be compiled in all supported environments. - Supports 16, 256, 32K and 64K colors under DOS BGI, up to 16 million in DOS 32 bit, Windows and X-Window environments. - Text Cut & Paste capabilities. - Drawing primitives for line, rectangle, circ
SLICK.ZIP This is an example of using the OpenGL libraries with Win32 SDK techniques. It was written and built with MSVC++ 2.0.
WING_MAP.ZIP PLG Models Real Time Renderer with Environment mapping. Windows version: needs Win32s and WinG Produces 30000 polys/sec on a 486DX-100MHz and a Local Bus VGA Coded by Thanassis Tsiodras.
WINGL.ZIP Simple Win95 graphics library with source code. Designed for doing fast buffered graphics in a window, with draw functions and PCX & BMP image support. Also supports multiple buffers. Written for Borland C/C++ 5, but should easily port to other compilers (you may have to include extra header files).
WINSRC.ZIP WinMPEG Display MPEG coded video, using Grayscale or Ordered dither output. Can also extract frames to BMP files. C source
ZSORTDD.ZIP Michael Abrash's Z Sorted Spans demo converted to DirectDraw. Source code included, showing how easy it is to set up a double-buffered drawing surface. Includes executable compiled for 486 and upwards with FPU. Executable requires the DirectX runtime installed. Source requires the DirectX SDK in order to recompile. Converted and uploaded by Keith Harrison.