Fastgraph Graphics library

AAAS13.ZIP Action Arcade Adventure Set, Chapt. 13 By Diana Gruber. Book excerpt covers sprite animation through linked lists of structures containing pointers to action functions. CHAPT13.WRI file is in Windows Write format, requires Windows 3.1 to read or print. Extensive example code uses Fastgraph.
AAAS5.ZIP Action Arcade Adventure Set, Chapt. 5 By Diana Gruber. Book excerpt covers tile-based scrolling in Mode X. CHAPT5.WRI file is in Windows Write format, requires Windows 3.1 to read or print. Encludes example code based on Fastgraph.
ATTSPRIT.ZIP Attached Sprites article
CHIPSET.ZIP List of SVGA chipsets supported in Fastgraph 5.0
FGE20.ZIP The Fastgraph Game Editor This zip file contains the game editor from the book Action Arcade Adventure Set, plus the source code for the program and a chapter out of the book describing how to use the program.
FGFX10.ZIP Effects v1.0 An example of special effects using fastgraph This program demonstrates several methods of fading in an image from an off-screen video page using either Fastgraph or Fastgraph/Light. The set of routines provided herein are written for 320 x 200 graphics video modes, but they could easily be extended to work in other resolutions.
FGGIF50.ZIP Release notes fastgraph (r) 5.0 For dos freeware gif library
FGL404A.ZIP Fastgraph/Light graphics library V4.04 HIgh-performance graphics toolkit for BC++, TC, TC++, MSC, QuickC, Power C, Visual C++, Watcom C++, Zortech C++, QB, BASIC PDS, VBDOS, Borland/Turbo Pascal, and MS FTN. Over 225 routines, from pixel display to animation tools. 28 video modes supporting CGA through 1024x768x256 SVGA.
FGL404B.ZIP Fastgraph/Light graphics library V4.04 User's Guide and Reference Manual. Use with FGL404A.ZIP.
FGL404C.ZIP Fastgraph/Light graphics library V4.04 C source code for the example programs in the Fastgraph User's Guide. Use with FGL404A.ZIP.
FGL404D.ZIP Fastgraph/Light graphics library V4.04 BASIC source code for the example programs in the Fastgraph User's Guide. Use with FGL404A.ZIP.
FGL404E.ZIP Fastgraph/Light graphics library V4.04 Pascal source code for the example programs in the Fastgraph User's Guide. Use with FGL404A.ZIP.
FGL404F.ZIP Fastgraph/Light graphics library V4.04 FORTRAN source code for the example programs in the Fastgraph User's Guide. Use with FGL404A.ZIP.
FISH.ZIP High color version of the Fastgraph fish tank.
FSM.ZIP Modeling Sprite Animation Using Finite State Automata
FUNCTION.ZIP Summary of functions in Fastgraph 5.0
GAMEDEV1.ZIP Alternative Marketing Methods: Self-publishing via Shareware and Low-Cost Retail
HEDGE13.ZIP Hedge Row version 1.30 beta. This is an Unreleased, partially finished game by Diana Gruber. It is being distributed with source code for the benefit of game programmers and Fastgraph users. It features a recursive maze algorithm, SVGA support, EMS/XMS logical pages, and constricted mouse support. Source code is in C and may be linked with Fastgraph or Fastgraph/Light.
OPTIMIZE.ZIP Writing Smaller Games
ORDER.ZIP FastGraph Order form
QFRIP.ZIP Designing a Tile Ripper, how to make tile-based games
QFRIP1.ZIP Source code for the tile ripper featured in PC Techniques February/March 1994. A tile ripper is a utility to generate 16x16 tiles from pcx files. Code requires Fastgraph or Fastgraph/Light to relink. By Diana Gruber
QFSPRIT1.ZIP Quickfire sprite code as seen in PC Techniques, June/July 1994. Code requires Fastgraph or Fastgraph/Light to Link. By Diana Gruber.
QFSPRITE.ZIP Sprite Animation article
UPDAT301.ZIP Patch: 3.00 to 3.01 (Fastgraph only)
UPDAT302.ZIP Patch: 3.01 to 3.02 (Fastgraph only)
UPDAT303.ZIP Patch: 3.02 to 3.03 (Fastgraph only)
UPDAT304.ZIP Patch: 3.03 to 3.04 (Fastgraph only)
UPDAT305.ZIP Patch: 3.04 to 3.05 (Fastgraph only)
UPDAT401.ZIP Patch: 4.00 to 4.01 (Fastgraph only)
UPDAT402.ZIP Patch: 4.01 to 4.02 (Fastgraph only)
UPDAT403.ZIP Patch: 4.02 to 4.03 (Fastgraph only)
UPDAT404.ZIP Patch: 4.03 to 4.04 (Fastgraph only)

FastGraph Windows files

FGWIN.ZIP Frequently Asked Questions about Fastgraph for Windows
FGWINFO.ZIP Writing Windows Games with Fastgraph for Windows
FISHTANK.ZIP Fish tank animation demo includes C, Delphi, Pascal, and Visual Basic source
IMAGE.ZIP BMP/PCX/flic file viewer includes C, Delphi, Pascal, and Visual Basic source
QF.ZIP Quickfire! tile-based side-scrolling game, includes C source
RAINBOW.ZIP Simple color cycling demo includes C, Delphi, Pascal, and Visual Basic source
SPRITES.ZIP Fastgraph for Windows Basic Sprite Loading for Builder C++
TETRIS.ZIP Fastgraph Tetris for Windows
TGSDEMO.ZIP Displays scaled logo against background of continuously scrolling clouds, includes C++ source The purpose of this demo is to demonstrate bitmap scaling and scrolling with Fastgraph for Windows. TGSDEMO is based on a program originally written by Michael Miller, but it has been almost completely re-written for this version. Thanks for the head start, Michael!
UPDAT101.ZIP Patch file to update FGW 1.00 to version 1.01 The Fastgraph for Windows maintenance update corrects all problems reported since the release of Fastgraph for Windows 1.00. It also includes support for three more compilers, enhanced DirectDraw support, and other improvements and new features.

Programs written in FastGraph

3DPIT14B.ZIP 3-D PITFALL, ver 1.4: geometric arcade game; challenging, fun, colorful, many options!
BATTLE12.ZIP BATTLESHIP! version 1.2 This classic game has come to life on your PC. Play against the computer in this delightful rendition of the classic board game. The sound effects and music are great. A VGA monitor is required. A SoundBlaster and mouse is recommended. By James Boer.
DUBVG.ZIP This Virtual Gallery shows examples of imagery created by dub Media. Cool VR demo from Dub Media -- check it out! (no source)
FADE.ZIP Palette fade demo includes C, Delphi, Pascal, and Visual Basic source
GRAFITTI.ZIP GRAFITTI ARTIST v1.0. The CHUNK Project presents the coolest 256 color VGA DOS paint program ever. 19 unique brushes. 386,Mouse,VGA Author: Aratus Clarke using FastGraph
MAZEMAN1.ZIP MazeMan, ver 1.1; arcade game: requires vga; help MazeMan escape the Labyrinth of Doom; not-just-another-maze-game: very playable, challenging, and enjoyably addicting.
ROTAK11.ZIP ROTAKTIX An insidiously addictive 3-in-a-row action puzzle game from Data Wave Software. Super 256 color VGA/MCGA graphics and effects, Soundblaster sound and music + fun gameplay Keep you comming back for more. This is an updated version (1.1) that fixes some minor incompatabilities, updates graphics & music
SCRAM12.ZIP Scramble version 1.1
XERIX11.ZIP XERIX version 1.1 by Brendan Reville. 256-color VGA futuristic space adventure. Guide a space ship through a strange world and destroy/avoid enemy obstacles. Smooth, multi-level scrolling, triple parallaxing, beautiful graphics. Optional EMS/XMS, Adlib, and SoundBlaster support. Written with Fastgraph.