Pascal programming tutorials and textfiles files

PASBOOK.ZIP Turbo pascal reference a free book Welcome to the Turbo Pascal Reference, an electronic freeware book. This reference book is divided into ten chapters, providing detailed reference information to Turbo Pascal 6.0, Turbo Pascal 7.0, Borland Pascal, and Turbo Vision. Chapter 1 contains information about this book, why it was created, information regarding your right to copy this book, and a detailed outline of the remaining chapters.
PASCAL.ZIP Pascal tutorial

Pascal Mathematics programming files

3PTPAS.ZIP Circle Finder (pascal source) PRogram Summary: Program will find the center and radius of a circle that is formed by three points not in a straight line.
BCDFIN.ZIP BCDFIN.INC -- transcendental functions needed for financial calculations in TURBOBCD (pascal)
BESSEL.ZIP evaluation of Bessel function of the second kind (pascal source)
CALCPI.ZIP Program to calculate PI (Pascal source)
COMPLEX.ZIP TURBO Pascal library of Complex Number routines
CRC.ZIP CRC-Calculation unit in pascal
CRCTABLE.ZIP CRC calculations in Pascal
CUBFIT.ZIP Pascal program to perform a linear least-squares fit
FFT_PROC.ZIP Real FFT with single sine look-up per pass
LEASTSQU.ZIP Pascal Programs to perform a liner least-squares fits
MATHPACK.ZIP mathpak, mathpackage for Pascal
PRIME.ZIP Pascal source that calculates primes
RANDOM.ZIP Random number generator for systems having 16 bit integers. (pascal)
REGRESS.ZIP Performs a linear regression (best line fit) on an ASCII -formatted file. (pascal source)

Pascal Communication files

6DATGEN0.ZIP DataGen 6.0 (for Turbo Pascal 6.0) DataGen is designed to assist the Turbo Pascal Programmer in generating single screen -- single datafile database applications.
ASYNC203.ZIP Asynchronous Communications Module for Turbo Pascal V2.03 Low-level serial communications service routines
ASYNCTRM.ZIP Dumbterm is an example program written to demonstrate the use of both interrupt routines and com port communication. Pascal
CISBX.ZIP This pascal unit will perform Compuserve B Protocol file transfers in both binary and text file formats.
CRC80.ZIP The CRC80 program is a bare 80 bit CRC generator program. It is an engine for calculating 80 bit CRCs. Pascal source
NBDETECT.ZIP A turboc program to detect the presence of netbios.
PCL4P51.ZIP PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS LIBRARY FOR PASCAL Ver 5.1, >ASP< Async comm library supporting COM1-COM20 to 115,200 baud, 4+ ports concurrently, many dumb multiport boards, 16550 UART, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control, any UART address & IRQ. Protected Mode. Supports Turbo & Borland Pascal. By MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. $75
SPEAKP_1.ZIP Speak Now , Modem Communications program (pascal)

Pascal programming libraries

ALLSWAGS.ZIP ALLSWAGS from Sourceware Archive Group. This archive contains ALL SWAG PASCAL snippets THROUGH 08/31/97, PLUS version 3.13 of READER.EXE and all DOC and info files. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. There are 60 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available.
BONUS507.ZIP The files in this subdirectory are non-commercial units and utilities developed for turbo pascal 5.0 By a variety of authors, including us at turbopower software. Many of the utilities build upon turbo professional units; others stand by themselves. aLmost all have complete source code, so you can use them, modify them, or just study them for ideas.
CTLB101A.ZIP Containers Library v1.01 A data management system for Borland Pascal that allows you to quickly incorporate data structuring capabilities into your applications. It consists of a large set of reusable data structures that range from dynamic arrays to B+ trees. All code is linked to the executable file so there is no run-time software to distribute. BitSoft Development, L.L.C. - $29/$49
PASWIZ15.ZIP Pascal Wizard Library v1.5 for Turbo Pascal and compatibles. BCD math, mouse, joystick, kbd, music, string and math extensions, equipment info, equation solver, archive directories. By Tom Hanlin.
VTP031.ZIP Visionix Programmers Library Beta 0.31 An advance set up pascal units for accessing CD-ROMS, Video, File I/O and more. Supports Borland Pascal 6.0 and above. This replaces Visionix 020

Pascal compiler, debugger and utilities

BLRPLT.ZIP BiolerPlate: Startup for OWL Programming A boiler plate code generator for Turbo Pascal� ObjectWindow programs
BP7SB101.ZIP BP7SB 1.01 is a Source Beautifier for Turbo / Borland Pascal sources.
BPC-TRTL.ZIP TinyRTL v.1.0 (TP7.0) TinyRTL is a System unit replacement. It allows you to create tiny EXE files when using Turbo Pascal. The overhead is only 96 bytes. The Pascal programs using TinyRTL look a little bit like Assembler ones. So, you have to know ASM in order to use TinyRTL. However, you still can use all the Pascal structures, such as loops, high-level procedures, and even objects (probably future versions will have a better support for them).
FPKPAS65.ZIP This package contains a freeware pascal compiler for 386+. The language and the runtime library is less or more compatible to TP 7.0
MYSTIC.ZIP Mystic Pascal version 1.6 Is an integrated programming environment for the IBM Personal Computer and compatibles. Mystic Pascal rigidly follows the ISO Pascal Standard.
PAS-PCOD.ZIP FACILIS is a p-code compiler for an extended subset of Pascal. It is written in Turbo Pascal for the IBMPC. This compiler will be of interest especially to two groups of users: (1) students learning the Pascal language, before making a commitment to a commercial compiler; (2) compiler tinkerers who desire source code for modification or extension.
PASP4.ZIP This is the Pascal source of a public domain Pascal compiler and interpreter
SURPAS.ZIP Shareware Pascal Compiler, from Australia
TMTP100D.ZIP Pascal lite version 1.00 Freeware This is a full 32-bit Pascal compiler for 80386/486/Pentium Intel CPU's. Pascal Lite produces native 32-bit protected-mode using the PMODE extender.

Pascal disc and files sourcecode

BIGLDSW.ZIP BigLoad - BigFile Support for Turbo Pascal A libary for game developers TPU, TPP for Real & Protected Mode with example files
CDROMV10.ZIP CD-ROM Turbo Pascal Unit
DMI.ZIP The program will show 'graphically' the amount of free disk and memory space. Pascal source
DRVTYP20.ZIP Turbo Pascal 6+ source code to detect available disk drives. Detects fixed, remote, removable, compressed, RAM, SUBST'ed and CDROM drives.
ENGINE.ZIP Uses SearchEngine to find and delete all *.BAK files in any subdirectory in the current volume. (pascal source)
EXTAR10.ZIP Extract from tar file, correcting names to be acceptable for ms-dos , pas source
NETCPY30.ZIP Cp - unix like file copy in pascal 'CP' is a small file copy utility. It works much like the DOS copy command and is patterned after the Unix facility by the same name. This is the third major release of CP. This release adds network file sharing. Run 'CP' to see the command usage and some example command lines.
SPLVIEW.ZIP SpellView V1.2 An Extended DOS ASCII viewer by Spellcaster. Complete source code included (pascal)
TABIT.ZIP This program expands the tabs in a file. with pascal source

Pascal sourcecode

APP28.ZIP App28 is a Turbo Pascal unit that enables TurboVision applications to be toggled in and out of 28-line mode, giving programmers another video option to present to users of their programs. Freeware. Source code provided.
BITOPS.ZIP This Pascal unit provides a set of bit manipulation routines for UCSD Pascal. The routines are designed to operate on byte quantities. It is a simple matter to adapt the routines to operate on word (or other size) quantities, however.
BMSEARCH.ZIP Boyer-Moore string searching pascal source This is one of the fastest string search algorithms.
DRYSTN.ZIP "DHRYSTONE" Benchmark Program in Pascal
FORUM210.ZIP Forum BBS v2.10 - will build under tp5+
H2P120.ZIP H2Pas - converts C header files to Pascal units. It will convert structs, constant defines, procedure and function headers, and comment styles.
MTASK20.ZIP MTASK 2.0 Is a unit for Turbo Pascal 5.5, to allow a Turbo Pascal program to exhibit simple multi-tasking. MTASK gives your program a non-preemptive, request driven multi-tasking capability.
MULTASTP.ZIP Non-preemptive multitasking unit for turbo pascal version 4
P2C.ZIP Pascal to C translator.
PAS_0693.ZIP Collection of Pascal sources
PAS_0793.ZIP Collection of Pascal sources
PASDNGS.ZIP Collection of Pascal sources
PASGRAPH.ZIP Collection of Pascal sources for graphics
PBBEZIER.ZIP Simple Pascal Routine to show you the formula of a Bezier-Curve.
PENTIUM.ZIP Pentium Chip Fault Finder v1.0s (pascal source)
SEARCH.ZIP SEARCHES -- A unit for rapidly searching a buffer for a string. (pascal source)
SORTDEMO.ZIP SORTDEMO (v1.0) Pascal Sorting Demo's. Visual demonstration of several common sort algorithms, written in Pascal. Partial source code included for two sorts. Full source with registration ($10 U.S.). Robert Manning, RobertM782@AOL.COM, PO Box 2011, Lomita CA 90717 USA.
WHET.ZIP Whetstone benchmark, pascal source