The executable programs in this directory were created on a Sun Sparcstation running SunOS 4.1.3. The code is fairly generic and should compile on a variety of UNIX machines. Programs and files: callbook.db - The FCC Callsign Database call - A unix-style command line program which looks up callsigns or names nucall - A login-style callbook server program. mknlist - creates an unsorted index of all the lastname,firstname combinations in the database. The database is first created using mknlist, and then 'nsort' is run to sort the data. This is only done once. nsort - sorts the names index created by mknlist (see above) pick - a test program used to select every n'th callsign in the database. During testing, the list created by 'pick' was fed to the 'call' program to test its accuracy. cblib.a - a library of data manipulation functions used by both 'call' and 'nucall' welcome.cbk - a text file which displayed by nucall at signon. call.log - a logon record of all who use 'nucall' Programming Notes: This software was written and compiled under both SunOS 4.1.3 and under Solaris 2.3. The executables in this directory were compiled under SunOS 4.under SunOS 4.1.3 making them compatible with either OS. These programs make use of the mmap() system call, which is available under most systems using BSD4.3 versions of UNIX. For those systems not supporting the mmap system call, the user will have to create a workaround. This workaround typically involves using the fseek() system call.