CLX Version 1.06 released on May 1, 1995 This is the procedure to install the version 1.06 update of clx software. It requires that you have previously installed clx version 1.05. We have decided not to release a full version but rather an update. Please follow the instructions thoroughly. For a new installation, first unpack the clx_105.tgz file, follow the instructions in the install.txt file and then continue with upd_106.tgz. Login as root and install the new files from the root directory: # zcat upd_106.tgz | tar xvf - This will install new files in the directories bin db command doc and tools in the clx default path /usr/local/clx. Now start postmaster (if it was not already running): $ ~postgres/.pmstart Then login as clx_us and perform the following command sequence: $ monitor -c "destroy ar_band" clx_db $ monitor clx_db < ~clx_us/db/ Help files under ~/box must be deleted. Use the new sysadmin utility mbx_chk for this: $ cd ~clx_us/tools $ mbx_chk This completes the update of the clx software version 1.06 Further below you will find a list of new features and errors/bugs which were removed with the new version. (Unfortunately, we cannot tell you which new bugs have been introduced with the new version :-) ERROR IN AMATEUR BAND LIMITS There was a change in the file ~clx_us/db/ Firstly, the 40 m band limits were wrong for SSB and CW and secondly, the file has been extended to make it possible to either specify a band in meters or frequency in MHz with the "sh/dx" command. HELP FILES HAVE MOVED The user help files have been moved to a new location due to some problems with the ~clx_us/box directory. NEW SYMBOLS IN SH/CONF There are special symbols for different types of links: = stands for an active connection - stands for an active connection ~ connection set up ^ initialisation started ? status unknown TALK The talk command has been completely rewritten. It now handles talk messages more intelligently by routing them to other nodes in case the user is not connected locally. Here is the logic behind talk routing: - You need not specify a user's SSID. clx will automatically detect this and forward the message to the correct call. - If the user is not connected locally, the message will be routed to the appropriate node. clx will substitute a missing SSID automatically. - When a user goes from one neighboring node to another, the talk messages will follow him. - In case it is not known where the user is connected, you can force routing to a specific node by specifying the node callsign with the talk command. You can either use '>' or '@' as the forwarding symbol. You must not put blanks between the two calls. This is the correct way to do it: talk dj0zy@db0bcc Hello Radio! - When you receive an external talk, the originating node will be shown so that you can reply accordingly. PCxx TELEGRAMS COMPLETELY REWORKED In version 1.06 of the clx software, the internal handling of telegrams has been completely reworked. This should eliminate the problems with ANNOUNCE and TALK which were not reproducible but ocurred rather often. As a lot of code has changed regarding the PCxx messages we would be interested to hear of any unusual observations, even details. Please let us know about it. NEW TOOLS The current Postgres version from time to time corrupts its index files. To repair them, we have created a tool called new_idx. CLX must be down when you use this, otherwise some processes will crash. Another tool was created to keep clx's database of files in sync with the entries under ~/box. mbx_chk checks if all files have corresponding entries in the ml_file table and if all entries in the table have corresponding files under ~/box. The remaining files/entries will be deleted. Also files with a negative size in the database (this is when the files are listed with "#" as the size symbol) will be deleted. Changed the check script to detect missing portmapper, postmaster not running as "postgres" and wrong execute permissions on external programs. OTHER DETAILS You can now use "sh/dx 40" or "sh/dx 7" to list 40 m DX spots. The "dir" command now shows how many times a message has been accessed. This figure is displayed next to the message number. Spurious connect commands showing up on the console which actually should have gone to the connect in progrss are gone. When the link connection breaks, messages being forwarded at that time will now be closed regularly and not left open (which was indicated by the "#" symbol). "sh/ann " should now work. Talk messages are now being routed via passive links if the partner is connected there. Franta, DJ0ZY Ben, DL6RAI Mon May 1 07:50:53 GMT 1995