The files specific to the HP 9000 HP-UX build of qrz2 are: README.hp - this file, describing what it's all about. qrz2.700 - the 700 series executable image. qrz2.400 - the 300/400 series executable image. link_qrz.hp - script to link CD-ROM files to hard disk directory Please note that HP-UX mounts CD-ROMs such that all files and directories appear in upper case, and filenames end in ';1'. The qrz2 program expects all files and directories to be accessible through lower-case filenames. In order to make the program work correctly, the CD-ROM directory containing the callbook data should be mirrored on the hard disk such that the files are lower-cased and the ';1' is removed. This can easily be done by creating a subdirectory 'callbk', and in that directory make symbolic links to the actual files on the CD-ROM, such as: $ mkdir callbk $ ln -s "/mnt/cdrom/CALLBK/CALLBKC.DAT;1" callbk/callbkc.dat $ ln -s "/mnt/cdrom/CALLBK/CALLBKC.IDX;1" callbk/callbkc.idx $ ln -s "/mnt/cdrom/CALLBK/CALLBKN.DAT;1" callbk/callbkn.dat $ ln -s "/mnt/cdrom/CALLBK/CALLBKN.IDX;1" callbk/callbkn.idx $ ln -s "/mnt/cdrom/CALLBK/CALLBKS.DAT;1" callbk/callbks.dat $ ln -s "/mnt/cdrom/CALLBK/CALLBKS.IDX;1" callbk/callbks.idx $ ln -s "/mnt/cdrom/CALLBK/CALLBKZ.DAT;1" callbk/callbkz.dat $ ln -s "/mnt/cdrom/CALLBK/CALLBKZ.IDX;1" callbk/callbkz.idx Then, the QRZPATH environment variable can be set to point to this directory, and the qrz2 program should have no trouble finding the data. $ export QRZPATH= Alternatively, the data can be copied from the CD-ROM to the hard disk with filenames that fit the above convention. The script 'link_qrz.hp' is an attempt to make this setup process easier. Decide where you want to put the callbook, cd to that directory, then execute: $ link_qrz.hp /mnt/cdrom/CALLBK callbk This creates the 'callbk' directory and links for files on the CD-ROM. Then set the QRZPATH variable to point to the current directory.