This is the release of the external RMAIL server described in my paper for this year's Digital Communications Conference. 73, Frank Warren KB4CYC This distribution contains the following files: copr - Copyright notice for RMAILER - this file rmailer.exe - the executable for RMAILER - the 'man' page for RMAILER rmailer.hx - RMAILER's release history sample.dst - a sample .dst file for a mailing list named SAMPLE fbbrmail.doc - how to use RMAILER as a server for F6FBB BBS slicer.exe - split export files on message breaks into 50K slices slicer.doc - how to use slicer whattime.exe - utility to feed time data to errorlevel decision branchings in batch files - the 'man' page for WHATTIME whatrats.txt - What is RATS? Questions may be routed to the author via: Internet: or Packet: