The file master.dir in this directory is a complete listing of the space- related programs, data, and documentation available for download from the Celestial BBS, 205/*409-9280*, which operates at 300/1200/2400/4800/9600 bps, 24 hours/day. Due to the extensive nature of these files, it is impossible for me to maintain two sources, with the exception of the weekly postings of two-line element sets (tle.*) and these key programs: * (LaTeX documentation and FORTRAN source code for the NORAD orbital models needed for using the two-line element sets), * (a complete database of all payloads launched into orbit), * (a library of Turbo Pascal units to implement SGP4/SDP4), * (an implementation of sgp4-pl2 to output satellite ECI position, subpoint, look angles, and right ascension/declination), * (a package for quickly and easily updating two-line element sets), and * unzip (a Sun executable for unzipping these programs). More information on the first five files is available in the file master.dir. There is no access charge for using the Celestial BBS and the file master.dir should serve to give you a pretty good idea of the value of the material available there. - Dr TS Kelso Adjunct Professor of Space Operations Air Force Institute of Technology SYSOP, Celestial BBS