NASA SELECT rebroadcast frequencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town/City State 2m 70cm Source --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMSAT OSCAR 145.945 - 145.955 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitchener,Ont. Ca 146.865 445.760 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birmingham, AL 145.380 - 145.150 - Huntsville, AL 145.100 - 147.100 - Phoenix, AZ - 448.975 - 449.000 Tucson, AZ - 448.625 Los Angeles, CA 145.320 445.400 145.460 445.425 224.040 - 224.940 446.575 - 447.000 - 447.025 - 447.400 - 447.475 - 448.375 - 448.500 - 448.650 - 449.000 Monterey, CA - 443.300 Mountain View, CA 145.585 - Pasadena, CA 224.040 - Sacramento, CA 147.195 444.750 chandler@beagle 147.404 443.925 chandler@beagle San Diego, CA 146.640 443.400 - 449.450 - 448.625 448.675 San Francisco, CA 145.585 444.775 - 443.300 San Jose, CA 145.585 443.300 Santa Barbara, CA - 449.000 Santa Cruz, CA - 444.300 Ventura/Oxnard, CA 146.655 - Connecticut, CT - 448.425 Washington, DC 147.450 - Cape Canaveral, FL 146.940 - Jacksonville, FL 147.120 - Melbourne, FL 145.170 - Sorry, can't make out address Merritt Island, FL 146.940 - Vero Beach, FL 145.130 - Atlanta, GA 146.655 - 147.345 - Ashburn, GA 147.285 - Forsyth, GA 147.915 - Champaign, IL 146.880 - Chicago, IL 145.210 - 145.350 - Downers Grove, IL 145.350 - Cedar Rapids, IA 146.400 444.300 York, ME 224.840 - Portland, ME 146.925 - Mpls/St.Paul MN 145.150 - 147.120 - 149.200 - Waseca, MN 147.450 427.250 South Brunswick,NJ - 443.400 Southern NM, NM - 448.625 - 448.650 - 448.675 - 448.975 - 449.000 Las Vegas, NV - 449.000 Albany, NY 146.820 - Kings Park, NY 145.430 - Akron, OH 147.330 - Cleveland, OH 147.195 - Dayton, OH 145.110 - Greenville, OH 416.790 - Dallas, TX 146.600 448.750 El Paso, TX - 448.650 Ft. Worth, TX 145.310 448.750 Houston, TX 146.640 - 171.150 - Wausau, WI 146.820 - 147.060 - Salt Lake City, UT - 448.625 Cedar City, UT - 448.650 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for all the replies. The list above is what I have after some digging. I have to assume these frequencies are current and functioning until being told otherwise, as I have no real way of verifying them. I have also receive some informations on the video retransmissions and SSB/HF retransmissions. I've decided not to include them at this time due to time constraints and concentrated mainly on 2m and 70cm bands. There are some non- amateur band frequencies that I've decided to include as part of the list; you may find them useful if your HT can receive them. AMSAT OSCAR may be very useful. I can't receive anything on those frequencies. A local ham informed me that I need a very high gain antenna to receive anything from satellites. If you do get something from OSCAR, or any other 2m/70cm rebroadcasts from satellites, please drop me a note. I am sure many people outside USA will be very interested in your setup. If you are interested in HF/SSB, there is another list available from N8QLT from compuserve. His email address is 70534,227 on compuserve. N8QLT's list consists of large collections of aviation band, NASA contractor, HF/SSB, and 2m/70m frequencies. There is a large overlap between N8QLT's list and this list.( Not too surprising!) I think there is a small list of the HF/SSB frequencies that may already exist in the FAQ. Email if you want know more. Finally, if you are satellite capable, you can receive NASA SELECT video direct from GE SATCOM F2R, transopnder 13, C-band, 72 degrees west longitude. The transponder frequency is 3960 MHz. The audio sub-carrier is at 6.8 MHz. Vertical polarization. NASA operates a BBS called NASA SpaceLink with some interesting information on it. The phone number is 202-267-5697. The IP address for the BBS is for those who prefer internet access. This list is a compilation from personal emails, local lists, HAM BBS files, and words of mouth. You may reproduce and/or distribute this list in any form for non-commercial purposes only. All rules in amateur radio do apply. Keep sending the frequencies and I'll keep updating the list. N9RRD 4/15/93