About the QRZ Amateur Radio Digital QSL Card Collection QRZ is happy to put your digital QSL card image on our web site and on the QRZ Ham Radio CDROM. Here's how you can get your card or photograph into the collection: 1. Image Format - we can accept almost any image format however we use GIF on our web site and on our CDROM. If you submit your image in another format (such as .TIF, .BMP, .JPG, etc.) we will convert it to .GIF 2. Image Size - the ideal image should be less than 400 pixels wide and about 275 pixels high. It should have a maximum 8-bit color depth and it should be less than 50 KB when compressed in the native .GIF format. (Hint: to reduce the size of your image, try saving it with fewer colors) It will look best on most other people's screens if the 'System' color palette is used. 3. Interlacing - The .GIF image should not be interlaced. If it is, we will de-interlace it before putting it on the CDROM. 4. Identifying Marks - your callsign should appear somewhere on the image. If not, we will add it to the picture for you. Your image should be called xx7xxx.gif where 'xx7xxx' is your callsign. We get a surprising number of files named 'QSL.GIF' that contain nothing but someone's face. I will simply throw these out since I'm not very good at matching faces to callsigns. Please don't rely on an email to tell me who you are (see below). 5. Email - It is not necessary to send me an email telling me that your QSL image has been uploaded. In fact, if your image is uploaded intact and it's called 'xx7xxx.gif' (where 'xx7xxx' is replaced with your callsign) then I would be happiest if you _didn't_ send me an email about it. I get over 100 emails per day and I don't save nor can I remember those that tell me that a particular QSL image has been uploaded. Just be assured that as long as I can read your image then I'll probably use it in the collection. 6. Email Attachments - I get a few images each week as email attachments. Unfortunately, I can usually read only about half of them. I can't handle Base64 (Macintosh) attachments and I don't use Eudora on my system (which runs UNIX). In general, email attachments don't work well because there are so many different types and formats to deal with. Some of the image attachments do make it when they are MIME encoded but unless you know what MIME is then you're probably not going to be successful at sending me your image that way. 6. Floppies - You can send us your image on a floppy disk if you can't seem to get FTP working right. We only accept 3 1/2 inch MSDOS formatted floppies. You can put as many images from different hams on one floppy as you like. 7. Patience - I will usually update the QSL image collection every couple of weeks or so. If your image is still in the FTP directory then it means that I've not gotten around to it yet. When your image disappears from the FTP /tmp area, then you'll know that it's either online or it was rejected due to some problem. If there is a problem with an image and your callsign is apparent in the name of the file then I will lookup your email address in our database and let you know about it. If you haven't registered your email address or if your image has a funny name then I'll just delete the file. 8. Scanning - If you don't have access to a scanner then we will be happy to scan your hard copy QSL card or photo for you. Note that this usually takes a while since we do the cards in large batches. This might take eight to ten weeks, but we will try and do a good job for you. We use an HP flatbed scanner and Adobe Photoshop to process the image. Note that we will keep your card or photo unless you provide a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) along with your card. 9. Content - in very rare cases we will refuse to use a card due to inappropriate content. We will decide what is inappropriate and if by our determination your card is in this category, we won't use it. We may also edit or crop your card to fit our technical requirements however, if it fits the usual format then this would be unlikely. The most common adjustment that we make is to reduce the depth of the color map in order to minimize the overall size of the saved image. *** RIGHT TO USE *** PLEASE NOTE *** By submitting your photo or QSL card to QRZ or to Walnut Creek CDROM in any format (digital or hard copy), you automatically waive any and all copyrights, compensation and/or royalties to the image. You also give QRZ and Walnut Creek CDROM full permission to reproduce the image(s), in whole or in part, in any media. Your submission authorizes QRZ and Walnut Creek CDROM to use your photograph or image as often, at any time, and in any way that it sees fit, with or without your further permission. For floppy disks and hard copy images to be scanned please mail them to: The QRZ Digital QSL Card Collection c/o Walnut Creek CDROM 4041 Pike Ln. Ste. D USA Concord, CA 94520-9960 or via ftp (preferred) to: ftp.qrz.com:/tmp