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Hideaki Anno seriamente herido en un accidente

Hideaki Anno, director de Evangelion, result� seriamente en un accidente el pasado dia 27 al caerse de las escaleras mec�nicas del tren de Tokyo en hora punta. Anno se hiri� la pierna y se golpe� en la cabeza, que tuvieron como resultado siete puntos de sutura y terribles dolores de cabeza. Este accidente imposibilit� a Anno de acudir a la convencion Aussiecon3 que se celebrara en Melbourne (Australia), ya que los medicos le prohibieron el viaje. Gainax ha enviado una carta de disculpa a los organizadores de la misma, que apareci� en la Melbourne Anime Society (Australia) Message Board:

It is our sincere regret to have to inform you that Mr. Anno was seriously injured this last Friday, Aug. 27, Japan time. While in a train station during Tokyo's notorious rush hour, he he fell down an escalator, hitting his head seriously enough to require seven stitches in his forehead. He also injured his leg. Doctors say that if he were only suffering arm or leg injuries, he would be fit to travel. The blow to his head, however, has resulted in severe headaches, and the doctors have prescribed bed rest and additional, more detailed examinations.

Given that this would have been his first visit to Australia, and that Mr. Anno was personally looking forward to meeting his fans on this trip, he apologizes to everyone concerned that he has had to break his promises, especially in such a manner as this. He is presently resting, and will send a personal letter of apology once he has recovered.

Once again, our most humble thanks and apologies to the staff, who have worked so hard to arrange Mr. Anno's attendance at this year's WorldCon, and to his fans, for all their support.

Michael House, International Liasion
for Sato Hiroki, Publicity Manager,
Gainax Co., Ltd.

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