Suki Dara Suki
Reviewed by Alex
Storyline: Asahi Hinata is a very energetic, smart, but naive high school girl. One day a mysterious man comes to live in the empty house next door. Hinata is very happy, as she lives alone and has always wondered about the house next door. It turns out her new neighbor, named Asou Shirou, is also her new homeroom teacher (the old one went on maternal leave). It seems like everything about him makes her happy - going home together, going to school together, eating together, cleaning up the yard together. Does she love him? However, Asou-sensei doesn't seem to talk about himself much. What did he do before he got into teaching? "It's a secret," he tells his class. Her friends, Emi and Touko, seem to be a little worried about Hinata and her developing "relationship" with their teacher. It seems she has a past, and Hinata and Touko transferred to this school together to escape this past. But what kind of a past was it? And what's Asou-sensei's real purpose in taking this substitute teacher job? Does it have something to do with Hinata? These questions, and more, are left unanswered in the first volume of "Suki Dakara suki".
I like the characters, in general. The designs are not stereotypical CLAMP designs, and the art style is closer to Wish than to X. Hinata looks like a boy, and I was convinced she was a boy. More than once, I found myself laughing out loud at Hinata's cheerfulness. The story seems to be just starting, of course, so I have no idea where it's going. But knowing CLAMP, there has got to be a skeleton or five in Hinata's closet, not to mention Asou-sensei.

Go on to the first review: Angelic Layer--}

Site design and graphics � 1999 Amie.
Review is � 1999 Alex.
Titles & pictures �CLAMP & distributors.