.: Information :.

Rabi's X Page
All the manga, anime and merchandise info you could want, interesting facts, translations of the mangas, and no images except for fanarts

Arashi's X Page
Summary, character and objects guide, a tarot card guide (the inside pics of the mangas), a little background info, summary and info on the x movie, 1 music file and lyrics

Souhi's X Page
Some background info, character files, manga info, manga summaries of the first 3 volumes, an X terms page, image gallery of 22 pics-thumbnailed, an x quiz to test ur knowledge, an X poll, fanarts, and shrines to subaru, sorata, and seishirou

Spiral Dance X Homepage
Review/background info of the series, story summary, long character descriptions, and an extensive review of the movie

X at EX Online
A detailed X synopsis and review of the movie, and good chracter descriptions

X at EX Online ~new~
another EX review, this time of the english translated version sold by Viz Entertainment

CLAMP X-clusive from Acemax
Detailed summary and synopsis, info on the x books(not manga), and image gallery-approx. 60 CLAMP images

X Shrine
Reviews/summaries/comparisons of the manga, anime and movie, 5 files of mp3's, 9 midis, about 80 pics-all thumbnailed, some loading time, a long X Movie review/summary, and a character descriptions/guide

Kamui-chan's Homepage
fanfics, translations for the latest in the X manga, and lots of Asuka images, text linked

Hinoto's X Page
X poll, story summary, character and anime info, a hinoto shrine, images of kotori, X RPG info, and a "What If" page

Sailor Tenshi no Shimen ~new~
basic info, opinions, character descriptions, 20 thumbed pics, and midi music files

X Character Poker Treasure Cave
A fun lil page describing a few cute poker cards

Freday's X Page
Long review and opinions of X

X (chinese)
Story synopsis, short character files, merchandise info, a gallery of 20 pics through text links, voting page for your fave character, takes some loading time

X (chinese)
Lots of info, all in chinese

X de CLAMP(French) ~new~
short intro, summaries of the mangas, character guides, tarot card guide, 30 images thumbnailed, detailed review/analysis of the movie, merchandise info, about 8 wallpapers for the desktop and also a x desktop theme, & fan arts

Site design & content � 1999 Amie.
Titles �CLAMP & distributors.