.: Fandom :.

Rabi's X Page
Lots of fanarts, also has fanfics on the site, plus all the manga, anime and merchandise info you could want, interesting facts, and translations of the mangas

Kamui Shrine
Fanfics, character profile of Kamui, lots of info on him, and seiyuu info and a "top reasons why we worship kamui" page, differences of him between the manga and anime, an image gallery of him-all text linked-approx. 100 pics, and a cd review and lyrics

X Fanart
11 pics so far on Souhi's site

X Fics
On a page w/ other CLAMP fics

X Elysion Fanring
A new fan ring for X

Kamui-chan's Fanfics
More fanfics for X

Shadowmask's Fanfiction ~new
a couple comedy fics

CLAMPfix Archive~new
lots of X fanfics here, amongst other CLAMP fics

monica's x fics~new
X fanfics

Hinoto Fanart
A few fanarts of Hinoto, in an image gallery of her pics

Misao vs. Fuuma
just 1 fanfic

Site design & content � 1999 Amie.
Titles �CLAMP & distributors.