Latest Updates

Just very short reminders of what was done at what time on this site. ^_^

  • On the day of...
    • 7.7.99.:.The CLAMP Links Guide has a new home on RedRival~whopee! No more banners, and a short address too ^_^ So to celebrate, the entire site layout has been changed to a more uniform look
    • 6.16.99.:.Well, well...after nearly 2 months of inactivity, I finally got around to making the Tokyo Babylon Links Guide, and gave the CCSakura Guide a new look as well
    • 4.22.99.:.I cleaned up the whole site, got rid of defective links, etc., etc.
    • 4.20.99.:.Clover Links Guide is up! Its very small though...and u did notice the link button page I put up a little while ago, didn't u? Feel free to link to my pages!
    • 3.29.99.:.Got rid of the useless frames for the CLAMP info pages, and I updated old info, put up some new pics there
    • 3.17.99.:.New intro page layout for the CCSakura Guide
    • 2.23.99.:.MKRayearth page given a new look
    • 2.17.99.:.Wish Links Guide launched~the javascript took forever ^^;
    • 12.31.98.:.The X Links Guide is UP!!! yay!
    • 12.28.98.:.Gave the main page a new look! I hope it was worth it!
    • 12.21.98.:.Remodeled the CCSakura Links Guide!
    • 12.09.98.:.New links added to the CLAMP Links page
    • 11.29.98.:.The new CLAMP info pages are up!
    • 11.15.98.:.Major remodeling done and changed entire site theme to...the CLAMP Links Guide!

Site graphics, design & content � 1999 Amie.
Titles �CLAMP & distributors.