Card Captor Sakura Cosplay

Cosplay ?? well its a borrowed word for Costume Play its very popular with the younger Japanese. High school and collage seem to be the most involved in this activity. I wish we were more open here in the states to these things.
Ok now these images were sponged from across the net I unfortunately haven't been to one of these "cons" to get my own photos from them. So if you know the person in the photo or who took it I would like to know! so I can stick credit and stats with the image date place etc. And any links to any pages or e-mails. And if you have any CLEAN images please feel free to send them to me! Now on to the pics!
sakura-1.gif (7785 bytes) sakura-2.gif (8341 bytes) sakura-01.gif (7737 bytes) tomoyo-02.gif (7073 bytes) tomoyo-03.gif (7606 bytes) tomoyo-01.gif (7088 bytes)
tomoyo-04.gif (8446 bytes) tomoyo-05.gif (8300 bytes) tomoyo-07.gif (7594 bytes) sakura-03.gif (7073 bytes) sakura-04.gif (7959 bytes) tomoyo-06.gif (6511 bytes)
sakura-cos-01.gif (7370 bytes) sakura-cos-02.gif (7608 bytes) sakura-cos-03.gif (8006 bytes) group-02.gif (7976 bytes) group-01.gif (7687 bytes) group-03.gif (8641 bytes)
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busysince 7/7/99