JDesignerPro by BulletProof Select a Data Source

The purpose of the Select a Data Source(SDS) screen is to allow you to choose which data source to use for the screen you are building. Currently the JDesignerPro Screen Builder allows one data source at a time to be referenced per screen. However, in the final JDP interface, a screen could easily connect to several databases.

When you click the SDS tab, the screen will load and automatically display the available data sources. These will be ODBC-compatible Ststem data sources that JDP located on your server during installation. The sources will appear in the Result List on the left.

As you go through the building sequence, follow the tabs left to right, completing each screen along the way. The data selected on one screen is used on subsequent screens.

The steps are:

  1. Double click a source name. It's details will appear in the fields.
  2. If your database requires it, enter a User ID and Password in those fields.
  3. If there is a database within the datasource you wish to specify, type its name in the Database field.
  4. The Connect String field automatically constructs the string when you press the Connect button. Once you see the connect string, you may modify it if necessary and re-press the Connect button.
  5. The Connect button establishes that JDP now has the information necessary to connect to that data source. This is a virtual connection. It is not a full-time open channel. This allows a high degree of scalability in JDP. Thousands of users can have your JDP interface open at the same time while each retains access to the database.

Now that you are connected to the data source, click the Select a Table tab.
