Add Result List
The Add Results List screen allows you to define the elements affecting what appears in your query result list.
The steps include:
- Select the columns you want to be available for sorting the result list. Double-click on a column to view its parameters in the fields.
- Choose whether you want a to use a tree structure to display results or a plain scrolling list.
- Choose the columns that you want to display in the tree. The search result columns will automatically be at the highest level in the tree.
- Choose the database columns that identify a unique entry in the tree. Typically these will be the key to your master table. Initially the key to the detail table is displayed.
- In Maximum result rows, choose the maximum number of rows to be returned in the result list. The default is 100. BulletProof recommends 200 or less to minimize network load and maximize query speed.
- The field, Display a list count, determines whether or not to show the number of records returned by a query. If Yes is chosen, the text in the field List count text will appear above the list with the number of matches to its right.
- The Sort pull down field let's you customize what will be seen by users. For example, if a column is called "Cust_ID" you may want to enter "Customer ID" to make the pull-down more friendly.
- The Make this the intial choice field determines which column will appear first in the sort pull down.
- Use the Special Where Clause field to add restrictions on what records will be returned from queries. For example you may want this form to return only records: Where State='CA'. The text in this field must be a proper ODBC compliant SQL "Where" statement.
Press the Reset button if you want to undo all your selections and changes. Once you have setup all your result parameters, press Accept.