Software Engineering, Incorporated
"Excellence by Design"

Last Updated: 3/10/98

Software Engineering, Inc. is a company dedicated to creating excellent quality software for Microsoft Windows. We have established a high standard of excellence for our organization and we are committed to achieving that goal through skill, honesty, integrity, relentless determination, and a meticulous attention to detail.

Specializing in C and C++ object oriented design, our highly skilled team of developers has many years of experience writing software. The experience base at Software Engineering spans many hardware platforms (including mainframes) and operating systems, including Apple, Unix, DOS, and Windows (since version 1.0). We have extensive combined experience in many specialized genres of programming such as Computer Aided Design, network communications, diagnostic tools, monitoring systems, games, client/server applications, SQL, and image processing.

We have developed a powerful new CAD program for Microsoft Windows called Symmetrica™. The extensible nature of its object oriented design allows us to easily derive new custom CAD applications from the Symmetrica CAD engine. The Symmetrica engine can be readily molded to accommodate any specialized CAD application. We would like to develop a new CAD application for you.

If you have software development needs, we would like to speak with you. For more information about custom software development for Windows, please contact our customer support department.

We have moved our offices to the following address. Please make sure you have the updated information when faxing or sending us orders.

Software Engineering, Inc. Voice: 303-290-8756
6053 South Quebec Street, Suite 100 Fax: 303-290-8146
Englewood, CO 80111

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