Dial-Up Networking Setup ------------------------ To setup dial-up networking for connection to the Internet - 1. Click Start|Settings|Control Panel 2. Double click the Add/Remove Programs icon 3. Click the Windows Setup tab 4. Select Communications 5. Click Details 6. Check the Dial-Up Networking box 7. Click OK and OK again 8. If you are prompted for a Workgroup or Computer name type "Default" and "Group" respectively then click Close You may need you Windows CD or disks to complete the installation. After you have restarted your computer you will need to configure Dial-Up Networking. 9. Click Start|Settings|Control Panel 10. Double click the Network icon 11. Select IPX/SPX-compatible and click Remove 12. Select NetBEUI and click Remove 13. Click Add 14. Select Protocol and click Add 15. Select Microsoft in the Manufacturers window 16. Select TCP/IP in the Network Protocols window 17. Click OK and OK again You may need your Windows CD or disks at this stage. You will need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Once your computer has been restarted, re-run the CD.