1 Hello 2 World 3 Loading AI railset... 4 Creating applicable roads map... 5 Reading race data files... 6 Creating opponents... 7 Creating police... 8 Creating ambients... 9 Creating pedestrians... 10 Initializing AI collidables... 11 Resetting all AI... 12 Loading city layout... 13 Loading bangers... 14 Loading facades... 15 Gill Sans MT, 12, 24, 0, 400 16 Gill Sans MT, 12, 16, 0, 400 17 %d%% complete... 18 Loading static terrain... 19 Loading portal information... 20 Loading collision database... 21 Player 22 Loading audio... 23 Loading city... 24 Loading player... 25 Loading AI... 26 Opp.%d 27 Loading more audio... 28 Circuit Race 29 Checkpoint Race 30 Blitz Race 31 Free-for-all 32 Cops & Robbers 33 Robbers Teams 34 Cops & Robbers 35 Opponent 1 36 Opponent 2 37 Opponent 3 38 Opponent 4 39 Opponent 5 40 Opponent 6 41 Opponent 7 42 Opponent 8 43 finished 1st! 44 finished 2nd 45 finished 3rd 46 finished 4th 47 finished 5th 48 finished 6th 49 finished 7th 50 finished 8th 51 That didn't happen! 52 Sleep with the fishes! 53 Waiting for 1 player 54 Waiting for 2 players 55 Waiting for 3 players 56 Waiting for 4 players 57 Waiting for 5 players 58 Waiting for 6 players 59 Waiting for 7 players 60 has left the game. 61 The Host has quit. 62 has joined. 63 You have been ejected. 64 Loading remote players... 65 Gill Sans MT, 16, 32, 0, 400 66 You finished 1st! 67 You finished 2nd. 68 You finished 3rd. 69 You finished 4th. 70 You finished 5th. 71 You finished 6th. 72 You finished 7th. 73 You finished 8th. 74 You are a loaf. 75 Ready... 76 Set... 77 GO!! 78 Game Over! 79 You finished 1st! 80 You finished 2nd 81 You finished 3rd 82 You finished 4th 83 You finished 5th 84 You finished 6th 85 You finished 7th 86 You finished 8th 87 You are a loaf. 88 You've just got yourself the Panoz GTR-1!!! 89 What're you crazy? You've unlocked the City Bus!!! 90 You've unlocked the Ford Mustang Cruiser! 91 You've unlocked the next set of races!!! 92 Congratulations! Now try PROFESSIONAL! 93 Congratulations! You've passed all the Checkpoint races!!! 94 Broadway 95 Gill Sans MT, 12, 24, 0, 400 96 Gill Sans MT, 20, 36, 0, 400 97 Gill Sans MT, 8, 16, 0, 400 98 --- 99 DriverX 100 DriverX 101 Would you like to join an existing game or host one of your own? 102 has joined. 103 has left. 104 **The Host has quit** 105 http://www.zone.com/asp/midtredir.asp 106 Please click on the Midtown Madness icon in the task bar once you have verified connection to the Internet. 107 Please click on the Midtown Madness icon in the task bar once you have verified connection to the Internet. 108 noname 109 Cops and Robbers 110 Cruise 111 Professional 112 Amateur 113 ERROR: Host city not installed. 114 ERROR: Network versions do not match. 115 Ready... 116 Set... 117 Go!!! 118 Wait...5 second penalty! 119 Time's Up! 120 finished in 121 Time's Up! 122 The Host has quit. 123 Ready... 124 Set... 125 Go!!! 126 Wait...5 second penalty! 127 finished in 128 Time's Up! 129 The Host has quit. 130 You dropped the gold! 131 Go!!! 132 Wait...5 second penalty! 133 You have the GOLD! 134 GOLD DELIVERED! 135 GOLD DELIVERED! 136 Time's Up! 137 Point limit reached 138 Point limit reached 139 Point limit reached 140 COPS 141 ROBBERS 142 BLUE 143 RED 144 ROBBERS 145 COPS 146 BLUE 147 RED 148 Time's Up! 149 Point limit reached 150 The Host has quit. 151 has the gold! 152 You have the GOLD! 153 has the gold! 154 dropped the gold! 155 delivered the gold! 156 20 minutes remaining 157 15 minutes remaining 158 10 minutes remaining 159 5 minutes remaining 160 1 minute remaining 161 Go!!! 162 Wait...5 second penalty! 163 Ready... 164 Set... 165 Go!!! 166 Wait...5 second penalty! 167 damaged out 168 finished in 169 Time's Up! 170 The Host has quit. 171 Ready... 172 Set... 173 GO!! 174 Time's Up! 175 Game Over! 176 Step into the Panoz GTR-1!!! 177 Take all your friends for a ride in the City Bus!!! 178 You have unleashed the awesome power of the Freightliner Century! 179 You've beaten all the Blitz races!! 180 You Won! 181 Ready... 182 Set... 183 GO!!! 184 Wait...5 second penalty 185 You finished 1st! 186 You finished 2nd. 187 You finished 3rd. 188 You finished 4th. 189 You finished 5th. 190 You finished 6th. 191 You finished 7th. 192 You finished 8th. 193 You are a loaf. 194 Take the Panoz GTR-1 for spin. You've earned it. 195 Who needs exact change? Now you can DRIVE the City Bus. 196 You got yourself the Ford Mustang Fastback 197 You are insane! You've beaten all the Circuit races! 198 Please switch your desktop to High Color (16-bit) mode before starting Midtown Madness. 199 Please run Redetect Video (in your Midtown Madness folder) and select a different renderer in Graphics Options (Options menu). 200 Error detected while setting up graphics card. 201 Midtown Madness is already running. Please activate it from the task bar. 202 Your computer currently has insufficent virtual memory to run this game. This may cause Midtown Madness to perform sluggishly or stop responding. To fix the problem, try freeing up disk space or adjusting your virtual memory settings (Click the Start button, point to Settings, click Control Panel, double-click System, and then click the Performance tab). 203 You are out or nearly out of disk space right now. Midtown Madness may not be able to save player or race data. Please free up some disk space. 204 More video memory required for this screen resolution and/or texture resolution. Please try different Graphics Options settings (Options menu). 205 Initializing graphics... 206 Loading interface... 207 Loading race... 208 Checkpoint 1 209 Checkpoint 2 210 Checkpoint 3 211 Checkpoint 4 212 Checkpoint 5 213 Checkpoint 6 214 Checkpoint 7 215 Checkpoint 8 216 Checkpoint 9 217 Checkpoint 10 218 Checkpoint 11 219 Checkpoint 12 220 Checkpoint 13 221 Checkpoint 14 222 Checkpoint 15 223 Checkpoint 16 224 Checkpoint 17 225 Checkpoint 18 226 Checkpoint 19 227 Checkpoint 20 228 Lap time 229 Final lap! 230 Gill Sans MT, 16, 22, 0, 700 231 Gill Sans MT, 20, 40, 0, 700 232 Gill Sans MT, 16, 22, 0, 700 233 Place: 234 Check: 235 Gill Sans MT, 16, 22, 0, 700 236 Gill Sans MT, 20, 40, 0, 700 237 Gill Sans MT, 16, 22, 0, 700 238 Place: 239 Check: 240 Lap: 241 Gill Sans MT, 12, 20, 0, 700 242 Gill Sans MT, 10, 16, 0, 400 243 COPS 244 ROBBERS 245 BLUE 246 RED 247 $ 248 UNDEFINED 249 Button 250 Joy 251 Key: 252 0 253 Change Camera 254 External View 255 Transmission 256 Horn 257 Throttle 258 Brakes 259 Steering 260 Steer Left 261 Steer Right 262 Look Right 263 Look Left 264 Look Back 265 Look Forward 266 Wide Angle 267 Dashboard On/Off 268 Shift Up 269 Shift Down 270 Reverse 271 Next Waypoint 272 Prev. Waypoint 273 Map Toggle 274 HUD Toggle 275 Full Screen Map 276 Map Resolution 277 Toggle CD Player 278 Start/Stop CD 279 Next CD Track 280 Prev. CD Track 281 Rear View Mirror 282 Camera Pan 283 Handbrake 284 Opponent Position 285 Enter Chat Msg 286 Left Mouse Button 287 Right Mouse Button 288 Mouse X-Axis 289 Mouse Y-Axis 290 X-Axis 291 X-Axis Left 292 X-Axis Right 293 Y-Axis 294 Y-Axis Up 295 Y-Axis Down 296 Z-Axis 297 U-Axis 298 R-Axis 299 V-Axis 300 POV-Axis 301 UNKNOWN 302 Mono 303 Stereo 304 Surround (Not Recommended) 305 Surround 306 Stereo FX 307 Controllers 308 Weightless 309 Quarter-Ton 310 Half-Ton 311 GOLD MASS 312 5 Minutes 313 10 Minutes 314 20 Minutes 315 30 Minutes 316 100 Points 317 250 Points 318 500 Points 319 1,000 Points 320 POINTS 321 RACE 322 TIME 323 VEHICLE 324 Race Statistics 325 SCORE 326 TIME 327 RACE 328 NAME 329 DRIVER 330 TIME 331 VEHICLE 332 CHOOSE TO HOST OR JOIN A GAME 333 Morning 334 Noon 335 Sunset 336 Night 337 Sunny 338 Cloudy 339 Raining 340 Snowing 341 Com1 342 Com2 343 Com3 344 Com4 345 9600 346 14400 347 38400 348 56000 349 57600 350 115200 351 128000 352 256000 353 1 bit 354 1.5 bits 355 2 bits 356 None 357 XOn/XOff 358 RTS 359 DTR 360 RTS/DTR 361 No Parity 362 Odd 363 Even 364 Mark 365 RANKING: 366 LAST RACE: 367 LAST VEHICLE: 368 CONTROLLER: 369 NETNAME: 370 SCORE: 371 - Recommended 372 Low 373 Medium 374 High 375 Very High [AGP] 376 %d x %d - Recommended 377 Menu Test 378 Type message here. Press ENTER to send 379 Locale: 380 Weather: Clear 381 Weather: Foggy 382 Weather: Raining 383 Weather: Snowing 384 Time: Morning 385 Time: Noon 386 Time: Evening 387 Time: Night 388 Difficulty: Amateur 389 Difficulty: Pro 390 Laps 391 Checkpoints 392 Driver: 393 Car: 394 Color: 395 Players in Session 396 waiting for host to start... 397 Start Race 398 waiting for host to start... 399 Select Provider 400 ..... 401 noname 402 Select the game session you'd like to play in. 403 Net Select2 404 Create Session 405 Join Session 406 Audio Options 407 Wave Volume 408 CD Volume 409 Balance 410 CHAT MENU 412 Control Options 413 Steering Sensitivity 414 Controller Dead Zone 415 Force-Feedback Scale 416 Road Force Scale 417 CONTROL 418 DEBUG 419 Record Pos 420 QUIT MENU 421 DO YOU WANT TO EXIT THE GAME? 422 Yes 423 No 424 Graphics 425 SHADOWS 426 OBJECT DETAIL 427 FAR CLIP DISTANCE 428 LIGHTING QUALITY 429 Cloud Shadows 430 Vehicle Reflections 431 Textured Sky 432 Interlacing 433 Best Texture Filter 434 FUNCTION MAPPING 435 MAIN MENU 436 Restart Race 437 Options 438 Help 439 Quit to Race Menu 440 Exit to Windows 441 Previous Menu 442 Cancel 443 OK 444 Exit Menu 445 Options 446 Audio Options 447 Control Options 448 Graphics Options 449 QUIT MENU 450 DO YOU WANT TO QUIT THE RACE? 451 Yes 452 No 453 Results 454 Restart Race 455 Next Race 456 Show Roster 457 Race Menu 458 Exit to Windows 459 Roster 460 Host 461 Cop 462 Robber 463 Red 464 Blue 465 0 466 Gill Sans MT, 16, 16, 0, 400 467 Gill Sans MT, 16, 16, 0, 400 468 Gill Sans MT, 16, 16, 0, 400 469 Gill Sans MT, 16, 20, 0, 400 470 Gill Sans MT, 16, 24, 0, 400 471 Gill Sans MT, 16, 32, 0, 400 472 Gill Sans MT, 24, 48, 0, 400 473 Gill Sans MT, 32, 64, 0, 400 474 Gill Sans MT, 16, 16, 0, 400 475 Gill Sans MT, 16, 16, 0, 400 476 Gill Sans MT, 16, 16, 0, 400 477 Gill Sans MT, 16, 20, 0, 400 478 Gill Sans MT, 16, 24, 0, 400 479 Gill Sans MT, 20, 32, 0, 400 480 Gill Sans MT, 20, 40, 0, 400 481 Gill Sans MT, 32, 64, 0, 400 482 Low 483 Medium 484 High 485 Very High 486 Manual 487 Automatic 488 Mouse 489 Keyboard 490 Joystick 491 Gamepad 492 Steering Wheel 493 Blitz 494 Circuit 495 Checkpoint 496 Cruise 497 Cops and Robbers 498 1 499 2 500 3 501 4 502 5 503 6 504 7 505 8 506 9 507 10 508 None 509 Vehicles Only 510 Vehicles and Props 511 Vehicles, Props and Skidmarks 512 Navigation Bar 513 0 514 OFF 515 ON 516 This application requires DirectX 6.1 or higher to operate. 517 320 518 200 519 Please switch to a 16-bit mode and restart this application. 520 %s 521 A '%s' video board was found but is not supported because it doesn't have enough video memory and is missing too many 3-D features. 522 A '%s' video board was found but is not supported because it is missing too many 3-D features. 523 A '%s' video board was found but is not supported because it needs at least two MBs of video memory. 524 Software Renderer 525 Click OK to have Midtown Madness detect the presence of a hardware accelerator card. This may take a few seconds, during which your screen may flicker. 526 No suitable video boards found, application cannot run.