In the " Black Moon Chronicles", four types of units may have access to the spells. In game terminology, these units are enchanters. They are :

The spells fall into several categories :

Each spell costs some mana points to the player who is casting it. Moreover, when the level of the author of the spell is higher, the damage occasioned by the spell is more important, but its cost in mana also increases.


Fireball ( Attack ) MG 0
Cost of spell in mana : low
The magician creates a fireball with his hands, which he then throws towards a target. When the fireball reaches its target, it explodes into a multitude of flames which reach the units around the target. This is the Magician's attack spell par excellence.


Eradication ( Attack ) MG 1
Cost of spell in mana : low
The Magician designates his enemy with a gesture and the latter is dismembered amidst horrible suffering for having dared defy the Magician. Only luck or God's Blessing can allow the target of this spell to survive. Thanks to this spell, the Magician can get rid of his enemies easily and in a spectacular manner.


Fire rain ( Attack ) MG 2
Cost of spell in mana : average
The Magician designates a zone and subjects it to a rain of flames which does not stop until the Magician so desires. The rain of fire is a more powerful version of the fireball. This spell makes it possible to inflict rapid damage to very numerous troops.


Polymorphism ( Attack ) MG 3
Cost of spell in mana : low
The Magician transforms the target of this spell into a pig. God's Blessing may protect you against this spell.


Invoking the elementaries ( Invocation ) MG 4
Cost of spell in mana : average
The Magician calls on the devastating forces of nature to destroy his enemy, provided the latter is near the element invoked. Moreover, the type of element invoked depends on the Magician's clan : Air for Wismerhill, Earth for Empire and Dwarves, fire for Light, Water for Justice and the War Tree for the Elves.
This spell makes it possible to involking a powerful creature capable of breaking the enemy ranks. However, the life span of the creature invoked is limited.


Chton's Hand ( Special Empire Spell ) MG 5
Cost of the spell in mana : high

The Magician provokes a huge earthquake which devastates part of the battle field. The enemy troops are swallowed up by the gullies created by the earthquake. The survivors still present on the battle field flee, scared by such great power.


Heavenly Light ( Special Light Spell ) MG 6
Cost of the spell in mana : high

The Magician provokes a white flash which lights up the field. The enemy units present there sustain substantial damage caused by fire and some even burn out.


Divine Lightning ( Protection ) MG 7
Cost of the spell in mana : low
This spell allows the magician to drain energy from a creature and make it its own. The magician uses this spell to cure himself at the expense of his enemies.



The priests are enchanters who derive their energy from the prayers they address to their gods. Their spells are aimed at caring and protecting rather than combating and destroying.


Care ( Protection ) PR 0
Cost of the spell in mana : low
Through this spell, the priest cares for the wounded during battles and allows them to pursue the fight. The care spell also cures poisoning. This is the priest's main spell.


God's Blessing ( Protection ) PR 1
Cost of spell in mana : average
Through this spell, the priest blesses the troops who are leaving for combat, giving them strength and more steadfast courage. This spell provides for increasing the assault power of some of your troops. It may also counteract the effect of other spells : thus, it cures poisoning, prevents metamorphosis into a pig when your have been affected by the Polymorphous spell, and decreases the efficacy of the Eradication spell by regularly dispensing life points to your troops, throughout the spellbinding period.


Resurrection ( Protection ) PR 2
Cost of spell in mana : low
The priest brings back to life any dead, whether it be a main character or an ordinary soldier. The unit's level of experience is decreased by 1.


Vade retro ( Protection ) PR 3
Cost of spell in mana : low
Through this spell, the priest may send away demons back to their original level and thus cause them to disappear from man's world. But beware: it is well known that major demons may resist a priest's will !


Last-Day Judgment ( Attack ) PR 4
Cost of this spell in mana : high

The priest calls on God to unleash his anger against his enemies. A Light Pillar shoots out from the ground and throws destructive lightning on part of the battle field. Few fighters may boast of having survived such a spell.


Back to God ( Special Justice Spell ) PR 5
Cost of this spell in mana : high
The priest sacrifices his life, renounces earhtly life and takes place at the side of the gods. The priest has regained the ranks of the blissfully happy for eternity. In exchange for this sacrifice, God makes show of his clemency and generosity toward the fighting army. The latter is protected by God's aura throughout the battle.



Animation of the dead ( Invocation ) NE 0
Cost of this spell in mana : low
The necromancer animates the soldiers who have just been killed or the dead who lay in the cemeteries.


Demonic Invocation ( Invocation ) NE 1
Cost of this spell in mana : average
Through this spell, the necromancer invokes a demonic creature: a demon arises from the abyssal pit of hell. To this end, the necromancer must find himself close to a fault or an invocation gate. When the demon appears, the necromancer endows it with a mission. But here too, beware: it is well known that demons take advantage of human weaknesses to rebel and do just as they like. This spell is very potent but it must be used judiciously and with moderation, because it may turn against you.


Take life ( Protection ) NE 2
Cost of this spell in mana : low

This spell allows the necromancer to drain energy from a creature and make it its own. The necromancer uses this spell to cure himself at the expense of his enemies.


Eradication ( Attack ) NE 3
Cost of this spell in mana : average
The necromancer designates his enemy with a gesture and the latter is dismembered amidst horrible suffering for having dared defy the necromancer. Only luck or God's Blessing can allow the target of this spell to survive. Thanks to this spell, the necromancer can get rid of his enemies easily and in a spectacular manner.



Teleportation ( succubus and vampire ) ( Protection )
Cost of this spell in mana : low

To escape from mortals, the succubi and vampires practice the art of disappearing and reappearing elsewhere. This capacity makes them elusive on the battle field.


Eradication ( magioliche ) ( Attaque )
Cost of this spell in mana : high
The magioliche points its wasted and putrid index finger toward a creature. The latter dies immediately for ever.