XOne momentplease ...LoadingdataYou lost fighterI lost Gun Jammed!escapingRULES your bullets cannot hit your planes.bullet range is shortmediumlong. plane armor is thinthickbomber armor is guns heat up neverslowfastyour planes climb averagetheir planes climb your maximum speed is slow.average.fast. their maximum speed is stick forward/back is normal. reversed.View New PlaneNew PostPauseRulesQuitLeaveEscape to changeto select when donePress anykey tocontinuetheancient artof warinthe skiesTraining Flight vs CONTROLSgunupdownstickbackaheadto adjust throttlefor a half rollto shootTRAINING MANUALChapter IIContinue your training?Continue with the fight! Good choice.Return to the airfield?What! You want to try to escape?let the fight continue without you?I am approaching your next bomber.You are approaching my next bomber.Manfred von RichthofenRene FonckMick MannockAlbert BallGeorges GuynemerOswald BoelckeLou P. de LoupeYOUR OPPONENTOne on One ContestFirst to shoot down onethreesix planes. plane.ROUND Care for another?You wonlost this contest.your plane maneuvers on its own.you maneuver your plane. shoots. changes view.INSIDE LOOPFULL ROLLHAMMERHEADSPLIT SENGLISH BUNTIMMELMANNSPIRALFOKKER BOUNCEHALF CUBAN EIGHTSPINOUTSIDE LOOP. back (repeat ).. neutral.1.2.3.. back.. forward (repeat ).. shoot.Fly with the head and not with the muscles.What you do after the first pass is very important.Speed is everything. Hit and run.See, decide, attack, reverse and you shall win.Intercept, engage, and kill!Once you start an attack, always carry it through.If your opponent dives on you, fly to meet him.If possible, attack from behind and at close range.Next time, get close and aim well before firing.Fly close, aim well, then fire.I have won, now I shall play my violin...I don't believe in fighting like a gentleman.Always get in close before you open fire.Think cooly in difficult situations.Don't fire into thin air!Do not despair, you are not my first victory.I win by ceaseless, restless perseverance.To not give everything is to not give anything.Remain calm during combat or you will make mistakes.The action is fierce but you'll get use to it.He who gets excited is sure to make mistakes.If you take less risks, you will lose less often.I never went into the air thinking I would lose.It's the little things that cost you victories.Victory belongs to he who shoots true.Give all you've got to give and then give more.Always keep your eye on your opponent.Always wait for the best moment before firing.The cleverest brain usually wins.The winner is the one who makes the least mistakes.Aces are made, not born. Practice, practice, practice.There are two types of pilots, hunters and targets.Ah, my kind of fight. Close and tough.You are a worthy opponent.Good fight... We shall meet again.When in doubt, attack!Success flourishes only in perseverance.Aggressiveness is the keynote of success.The agressive spirit is everything.The best defense is a hard and fast offense.No guts, no glory.You are a skilled opponent. It is an honor.My pilots were tired. We will do better next time.What does not destroy you makes you stronger.This fight was yours. I will make the next one mine.Good job, old chap.You have a deadly angle of fire.I always hope for the best and wait for the worst.It is not the fall but the sudden stop at the bottom.fieldoffirerear gunner postfront gunner postHANDLEY PAGE~ to save these rules to disk. *** rules saved *** Now for your my bombers.fighters.to back upRichthofenFonckMannockBallGuynemerBoelckede LoupeThey lost press any key to continue. press . bomberSURPRISEDvuuuvvwxyz{|}~ t4Tt $,4< %-5=&.6>'/7? (08 !)19 "*2: #+3;@ZA[BCD\E]F@ZA[BCQdReS@ZA[Bpqrstu/F^G_HIJ`KaLF^G_HIWiXjYF^G_Hz{|}~+NbOcPfQdReSNbOcPfD\E]FNbOcBpqrstu/STUhVgWiXjYSTUhVgJ`KaLSTUhHz{|}~+klmnopqrstu/klmnopD\E]FklmnBfQdReSuvwxyz{|}~+uvwxyzJ`KaLuvwxHIJiXjY=9  <:3+7/ %-% $!)$                 "          ""!!!""                :>4(0$  #$%&'())))((  """"""""""""############ #####!!!!!!!  NNTH"Zx@*br60ll06rb*@xZ"HT  N>p>'> ::a .@X N N'(#a'Xp0u}y}C4B5B4C5C4B5B8C5@6?9>7A6@9B8>7A6C5BA6?9?6A9A6?9>4A7C4;=:8A7C4;=6@A7@>796@A;@>79><9;