p begin bombing. ~ select bomber. done. leave. begin bombing. done.press any key to continue.One Moment Please one moment please to select a bomber. to continue. if done bombing.condition Suggested ApproachArrows indicate path. BOMBNOS WEREYOU DROPPED , DESTROYING % OF YOUR ASSIGNED TARGETS.NONEONETWOTHREE OF YOUR BOMBERS WASWERE LOST.YOU TOOK NO HIT. HITS. YOUR SCORE: to drop a bomb. to see photoRickety Annpoint where yourbomber will enterthe target area.assigned target.(not used intraining.)anti aircraft site.avoid if possible.practice target.hit as close tocenter as you can.Game Paused to continue. if done bombing.You must fly out of thetarget area to leavethis bombing run.YOU ARE OUT OF BOMBSxxxx8;;;9<<<7===:>>>          00++++001120`}`>F##Fii 2 2  221 "1"$1$'0%(/&).'*-(*,))+*(++'**&))%(($'&#&$#%""$ !#!" !     2   2  2 2 !1##1%%0(&0)'/*(/*).**-**,++++++***(((&&&$$$"""            222gc22oD!!!!!Do((0@  pdd#Z K(}04211fb11nC CnGGGKKKKKOOOGHHGKGHGKKGGHIHGHIHGHIHHIIHIMIIMMIIIMMMMMQQQQMMQPQMQPPQOPQPOPQPOPQKKOOKOPOOPPHcMcHcMcHcMMMMcccccHHHMcHcMcHcMcHHHHcccccMMM