Machiavelli Readme.txt Version 1.0 ******-- CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO THE MANUAL --****** THE SETUP SCREEN When you are setting up a multi-player game (where more than one player is "human"), the game now gives you the option to enable multi-player security. If you click the YES button, each player is asked to enter a password (and to repeat it for verification) when he or she chooses a family name. Whenever you load saved games, each player must re-enter, and re-verify, his password. In addition, the program checks whether the saved files have been corrupted or "hacked." MOVEMENT SCREEN Please Note: Double clicking on a group will not bring up the modify group screen, Please use the group button to do this. RANDOM MAP You now have the ability to customize your randomly generated world when you choose the Random Map option. Click NO when the game asks if you want to use the default parameters. The Custom Terrain screen allows you to drag separate yin-yang buttons along slider bars for most terrain types, altering the percentages of ocean squares and land features (mountains, hills, forests, etc.). You can also affect the proportion of large river squares to small river squares. Setting the SCATTER value high results in widely varied terrain, with numerous small lakes scattered throughout a large continent (if you went for mostly land) or numerous islands dotting the seas (if you went for large oceans). Setting the scatter value low results in large, unbroken landmasses or vast ocean reaches. The default value is 20. The SEED number is a random number the computer uses to actually create the map. You can enter any number you like, or accept the one that is listed. If you use the same seed number and all the same parameters, the map the computer creates will be identical (you can also save map files as listed in the manual). When you are satisfied with your choices, click the MAKE MAP bar to start the game. CITY SCREENS When you use the BRIBE button to gain access to a city, you must exit the screen and re-enter in order to purchase mercenaries. MARKET SCREENS The TRASH box allows you to discard cargoes for which there is no demand. Drag items onto the TRASH box to empty your cargo holds. You earn nothing (and pay nothing) for commodities you throw in the trash. ST. MARC'S BASILICA The VOTE button allows you to recast your vote for pope later in the turn in which the vote is called, after you have manipulated (assassinations, purchases) the cardinals of your choosing. This vote "corrects" the vote you cast at the beginning of the turn. When the VOTE button is inactive, it is dark. DOGE'S PALACE The VOTE button allows you to recast your vote for the doge later in the turn in which the vote is called, after you have manipulated (assassinations bribes) the senators of your choosing. This vote "corrects" the vote you cast at the beginning of the turn. When the VOTE button is inactive, it is dark. LIBRARY When you are drafting a message to another player, you can include map information. Click and drag on the Detail map to draw a box around the area you want to send. Then click on the crest of the player to whom you are sending the information (you can send a text message and a bribe as well). Finally, click the SEND MAP INFO button. DEN OF INIQUITIES You don't need to choose between warehouses and villas when you approach the arsonist: both options are available on the same screen. To burn a warehouse click to highlight a city that contains warehouses, then click on the crest of the faction you wish to victimize. To burn a villa, click on the name of the faction you wish to set back. The arsonist names his fee, and you can accept or cancel the transaction. You now have the option of implicating another player once the action has been undertaken. Click the YES button to attempt to pass the blame; the computer randomly determines your success. Please note: If you fail, you will not be given a message for it. If successful, however, the computer will lay blame to the player you picked. BAZAAR Drag an item from the Item Icons columns into your warehouse hold in order to institute a "buy" order (if you have no warehouse in this city, you'll be asked if you wish to purchase space). Each of your turns that the item is available, your warehouse manager attempts to purchase enough to fill your order. If you run out of money or that city runs out of the item the order may remain unfilled. When a trade group makes port, any cargoes specified on the manifest are drawn from your warehouse holds first, then from available items (if any exist). PIRATES You can recieve a popularity bonus from attacking and defeating Pirates. The Bonus is randomly determined. COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS The following command line parameters NO LONGER have any affect on the game: VGA NOXMS NOEMS ******-- TECHNICAL ISSUES --****** NOVELL DOS 7.0 The Dos extender that is used with Machiavelli is not compatible with the EMM386.EXE that comes with Novell DOS 7.0. If you are using the Novell EMM386.EXE you will have to remove it, in order to get Machiavelli to function properly. QEMM 7.5 We have encountered a potential problem with QEMM's Quick Boot. On certain graphics cards (The ATI in particular) rebooting with Quick Boot may severely corrupt the graphics of Machiavelli. If this occurs reboot your machine with the RESET button or POWER DOWN. LOGITECH MOUSE DRIVER If you are having problems with your mouse. Please check the verison of the driver. We have found problems with Logitech Driver version 6.00 and Machiavelli. We reccomend upgrading to version 6.12, or switching to a Microsoft mouse driver, Version 8.01a or better. MODEM Machiavelli's turned based two player system uses file xfers to exchange information between two systems. Error correction and compression are supported, so you should have no need for a complicated init string, the standard ATZ should work fine. If you encounter problems while xfering, we suggest droppping to a lower baud rate. Since Machiavelli is not real time, lowering the baud rate one level will have little effect on game data xfer. IN GENERAL If you experience any problems with Machiavelli, Please contact our Customer Service at (410) 771-1151.