{10}QUICKIE INSTRUCTIONS {15}Arrows Move. Ctrl Jumps. {15}Alt Fires. Spacebar Changes. {12}The controls can be changed from {12}the Game Configuration menu. {Scursor,1} {12}Function Keys: {15}F1 Main Menu {15}F2/F8 Save/QuickSave {15}F3/F9 Load/QuickLoad {15}F4 Sound Effects {15}F5 Joystick Mode {15}F6 Keyboard Config {15}F7 Music Toggle {15}F10 Quit to DOS {10}INTRODUCTION {15}Endrick and Elandra have always {15}been close friends, as well as {15}brother and sister. At an early {15}age, Elandra's intellegence and {15}dexterity showed an aptitude for {15}magic,and soon she {15}became a student {15}of those arcane {15}arts.The brash and {15}brawny Endrick, on {15}the other hand, {15}found he was well {15}suited to learning {15}swordplay and the {15}martial arts. {10}INTRODUCTION {15}So brother and {15}sister parted, {15}each attending {15}academies of {15}their chosen {15}trade. After {15}many years of {15}intense training, {15}they each became {15}masters of their art. Once their {15}training was completed,Endrick and {15}Elandra reunited. Their skills in {15}might and magic complemented one {15}another, and they soon became the {15}most admired team of heroes for {15}hire in Mysteria. {10}INTRODUCTION {15}Inexplicably, over a period of {15}years, a shadow cast itself over {15}the peaceful realms of Mysteria. {15}The kingdoms of the Mryaal, who {15}were proud cat people in the south {15}and the Goblins, who were cave {15}dwellers from the east, cut off {15}relations with {15}the kingdom {15}of the Humans. {15}It was during {15}this dark time {15}that an army of {15}demon-spawn {15}attacked the {15}Human kingdom. {10}INTRODUCTION {15}Abandoned by their former allies, {15}the battle went badly for the {15}humans. Endrick and Elandra, as {15}well as many other heroes, fought {15}bravely to defend their villages {15}from the attacking forces,but they {15}were defeated by superior numbers. {10}INTRODUCTION {15}The two siblings {15}agreed to {15}attempt to find {15}the source of {15}the dark shadow {15}that was ruining {15}Mysteria, and if {15}possible, put an {15}end to it. {15}They believed that the first step {15}of their quest was to visit the {15}kingdoms of the Mryaal and the {15}Goblins-- perhaps they held clues {15}that would lead them to the {15}salvation of their homeland, the {15}wonderous Mysteria. {10}ABOUT `REALMS OF CHAOS^ {12}Realms of Chaos {15}was {15}designed for action game {15}purists who don't want {15}their travails contamin- {15}ated by any but the most {15}basic of thought {15}processes. During your {15}quest, you will face and {15}defeat vast hordes of {15}hostile creatures and {15}laugh in the face of {15}death while narrowly {15}avoiding devious traps {15}like spike pits and {15}huge crushing walls. {10}ABOUT `REALMS OF CHAOS^ (cont.) {12}Realms of Chaos {15}has {15}a unique feature... {15}you have two heroes {15}at your disposal, {15}each with their own {15}special abilities, {15}and you can choose {15}between them right {15}during the action! {15}If one character is {15}having difficulty {15}clearing an area, {15}or has taken a lot {15}of battle damage, {15}then you can change {15}to the other! {10}ENDRICK'S PROFILE {15}CLASS: {12}Warrior {15}WEAPON: {12}Longsword {15}STAMINA: {12}3 HP {15}SEX: {12}Male {15}HEIGHT: {12}6'2^ {15}WEIGHT: {12}210 lbs. {15}AGE: {12}23 {15}Endrick begins the adventure as the {15}stronger character.He cannot move as {15}swiftly or jump as high as Elandra, {15}but he makes up for it with the {15}power of his sword, `Grayclaw.^ {12}QUOTE: `No matter the problem, steel {12} is the solution.^ {10}ELANDRA'S PROFILE {15}CLASS: {12}Sorceress {15}WEAPON: {12}Fireballs {15}STAMINA: {12}2 HP {15}SEX: {12}Female {15}HEIGHT: {12}5'8^ {15}WEIGHT: {12}? {15}AGE: {12}21 {15}Elandra begins the adventure as the {15}weaker character, but with the range {15}and speed of her fireballs, as well {15}as her lighter, more mobile body, {15}she has the potential to exceed even {15}her brother's powerful abilities! {12}QUOTE: `I love a good barbeque.^ {10}YOUR ADVENTURE BEGINS {15}In {12}Chapter 1:Revolt of the Mryaal, {15}Endrick and Elandra are travelling {15}to Castle Mryaal, hoping to find {15}information concerning the shadow {15}that is destroying Mysteria. They {15}are taking a route they have used {15}in the past, when they wanted to {15}approach the castle secretly.Their {15}path will take them through a vast {15}forest, then down a well to a {15}secret underground passage that {15}will lead them through catacombs {15}and into the dungeon of the {15}castle. From there, they must make {15}their way through the castle to {15}its throne room. {10}THE OBJECTIVE {15}Endrick and Elandra {15}are going to meet {15}opposition through {15}every leg of their {15}journey. They must {15}fight to stay alive! {15}Don't hesitate to {15}kill anything that moves (and even a {15}few things that don't!) because they {15}are most likely going to hurt our {15}heroes if you don't! You will also {15}encounter many hollow statues along {15}the way. Be sure to smash these, {15}because they always contain useful {15}items to pick up! {10}TAKING DAMAGE {15}In the upper left hand corner of the {15}screen is a display which indicates {15}the number of {12}health points {15}that {15}character has. Every time Endrick or {15}Elandra gets hit, that character {15}loses half a health point. If one {15}of the characters loses all of their {15}health points, they will die,and you {15}will be forced to start that level {15}over again from the beginning. Some {15}dangers will cause instant death, {15}like spike pits or deep water. You {15}can never run out of lives in {12}Realms {12}of Chaos. {10}POISONING {15}If you are playing the {12}Challenge {12}Mode, {15}you must beware getting {15}poisoned! A character can become {15}poisoned by two different means-- {15}they can either be attacked by {15}a poisonous enemy (like a spider) {15}or they can pick up a flask of {15}poison dropped by a slain enemy. {15}When a character is poisoned, they {15}will flash white,move very slowly, {15}and take damage.To cure a poisoned {15}character, you must have them pick {15}up a red flask of Elixer. {10}ELANDRA'S FIREBALLS {15}When you are playing as Elandra, {15}her fireball reserve is displayed {15}in the upper right hand corner of {15}the screen. When that number {15}reaches zero, then she can no {15}longer throw fireballs, and is {15}then vulnerable to enemy attacks! {15}To recharge her reserve, you must {15}change to Endrick for a while, so {15}Elandra can rest. Her fireballs {15}recharge at the rate of about one {15}every two seconds. She starts the {15}quest with a maximum ten fireballs {15}in reserve, but you can increase {15}this maximum. (See page 473) {10}COLLECT ITEMS {15}You will find many items on your {15}journey, and you will want to pick {15}up most of them. They can be found {15}in statues, or dropped by slain {15}enemies. Collect items simply by {15}walking over them. {15}Steel Coin - {12}50 Pts {15}Pouch of Coins - {12}100 Pts {15}Necklace - {12}200 Pts {15}Gold Goblet - {12}500 Pts {15}Diamond Ring - {12}1000 Pts {10}COLLECT ITEMS (cont.) {15}You will find many flasks of Magic {15}Elixer throughout your quest.These {15}items heal damage taken from {15}enemies, and will also cure a {15}hero who has been poisoned. Be {15}aware that flasks will only affect {15}the character that picks them up, {15}and their effects are immediate. {15}Partial Flask - {12}2 Health Pts {15}Full Flask - {12}Full Health Pts {15}Black Potion - {12}Poisons Hero {10}COLLECTING MAGIC CRYSTALS {15}Throughout your adventure,you will {15}see Magic Crystals everywhere.Look {15}around thoroughly for these items, {15}especially in secret nooks and {15}crannies.The big crystals are each {15}worth 10 of the small crystals. {15}For every 100 crystals you {15}collect, Elandra's Max Fireball {15}Capacity will increase by one. If {15}her capacity exceeds 20 fireballs {15}then she will have an {15}INFINITE supply, and {15}can mow down even the {15}most powerful enemies {15}with impunity! {10}FIND SECRET AREAS {15}Every episode of {12}Realms of Chaos {15}contains two secret areas. These {15}areas are hard to find, and very {15}difficult to complete, but they're {15}well worth the effort. To go to a {15}secret area, you must find {15}a {12}Crest of Warping.{15}Collect {15}this rare item, and the {15}heroes will be zapped {15}away to a secret area. {15}Somewhere in this area, {15}you will find a {12}Crest of {12}Power.{15}This item will power {15}up both of the characters' {15}weapons, and also transport {15}them into the next area. {10}BONUS SCORING {15}When you complete the final area of {15}a level,you will see the {12}Bonus Score {12}Tally {15}screen. This screen will award {15}1000 points for each of these tasks {15}you have successfully accomplished: {15}1. Defeating the boss creature {15}2. Finding the secret area {15}3. Beat the level's par time {15}4. Defeat par number of enemies {15}5. Collect par number of crystals {15}6. Open par number of statues {15}7. Finish with full health points {12}NOTE: Some levels might not contain {12} a boss or a secret area. {10}SCORE...WHAT'S THE POINT? {15}Score can be accumulated both by {15}collecting treasures, and by being {15}awarded bonus points at the end of {15}a level. It is important get a {15}high score, because after every {15}10000 points, both of your {15}characters' stamina will increase. {15}That is, their capacity for health {15}points will increase by one, up to {15}a maximum of five. Elandra starts {15}out as a weak character,but if you {15}play well, her stamina will be {15}increased, making her a very {15}powerful character by the end of {15}the game. {10}MOVEMENT {15}You must control Endrick and Elandra {15}as they explore the beautiful and {15}often dangerous realms of Mysteria. {12}Left/Right: {15}Moves your character. {12}Up: {15}Climbs vines or chains. {15}Aims fireballs upward. {12}Down: {15}Character crouches, {15}Press left or right to {15}move while crouching. {15}Aims fireballs downward. {10}OTHER CONTROLS {12}ALT: {15}Fire the character's {15}weapon. Endrick is {15}armed with a sword, {15}while Elandra throws {15}fireballs. {12}CTRL: {15}Character jumps. {12}SPACEBAR: {15}Press to change the {15}characters you {15}currently control. {12}All controls can be reconfigured. {10}OTHER CONTROLS (cont.) {12}F1 - MAIN MENU {15} This can be accessed from both {15} the main game and the title {15} opening.It allows you to select {15} from a variety of menus and {15} options. {12}F2 - SAVE GAME {15} You can save your game at any {15} point using this option.You may {15} have up to 9 different saved {15} games, and you can type in a {15} file description for each one. {15} You will want to save your {15} game often. {10}OTHER CONTROLS (cont.) {12}F3 - RESTORE GAME {15} This allows you to restore any {15} of the 9 saved games. Be {15} careful, because the current {15} game you are playing will be {15} lost when you restore the {15} saved game. {12}F4 - SOUND EFFECTS MENU {15} This allows you to configure {15} the game's sound effects. You {15} may choose Soundblaster, PC {15} Speaker, or no sound effects. {10}OTHER CONTROLS (cont.) {12}F5 - JOYSTICK TOGGLE {15} This will toggle the joystick {15} control on or off. When you {15} turn the joystick on, you will {15} asked to calibrate the game {15} to your joystick by centering {15} it and pressing a button. {12}F6 - KEYBOARD CONFIGURE {15} When you select this option, {15} You will be allowed to change {15} the keys that control your {15} characters. {10}OTHER CONTROLS (cont.) {12}F7 - MUSIC TOGGLE {15} This will toggle the music on {15} or off, provided an Adlib or {15} Soundblaster is installed in {15} your system. {12}F8 - QUICKSAVE {15} This is a slightly different {15} method of saving your game. {15} It will not prompt you or {15} anything, it will just save {15} your game to file #9 and {15} return you to the action. {15} This is useful for those who {15} do not wish to mess around {15} with the saving interface. {10}OTHER CONTROLS (cont.) {12}F9 - QUICKLOAD {15} This is the complement to {15} QuickSaving.It merely restores {15} the game saved in file #9 and {15} returns you to the action. {12}F10- QUIT TO DOS {15} This allows you to quit {15} immediately to DOS without {15} going to the title opening. {12}All of the these functions (plus a {12}few more) can be accessed from the {12}main menu, as well as by pressing {12}their function keys.The exceptions {12}to this are QSave and QLoad. {10}GAME CONFIGURATION OPTIONS {15}You may use the {15}keyboard or a {15}joystick with {15}this game. If you {15}are using a {12}Gravis {12}PC Gamepad, {15}then {15}you can use button 3 or 4 to change {15}characters. If you are playing {15}using the keyboard, you have the {15}option to reconfigure the controls {15}from the {12}Game Options {15}menu. {12}NOTE: Any changes made to the game {12}configuration will be saved to {12}disk, so that you do not have to {12}reconfigure every time you play. {10}GAME CONFIGURATION OPTIONS {15}If your system {15}has an {12}Adlib {15}or {12}Soundblaster {15}card installed, {15}the game play {15}will be enhanced {15}by exciting {15}music. This can {15}be toggled from {15}the {12}Game Setup {15}menu. The {12}Soundblaster {15}is also {15}capable of playing awesome {15}digitized sound effects in lieu of {15}the usual {12}PC Speaker {15}sound. Again, {15}the sound effects can be {15}configured from the {12}Game Options {15}menu. {10}SAVING YOUR GAME {15}You will soon find that this is {15}NOT an easy game! Fortunately, it {15}has a built in save game function {15}that will allow you to save your {15}progress anywhere within a level. {15}Use this ability often! You should {15}save any time you're about to {15}wander into dangerous territory, {15}so that when your character gets {15}killed, you can restore your saved {15}game and try again immediately, {15}rather than having to start over {15}again at the beginning of the {15}level. Save smart, save often! {10}DIFFICULTY MODE {15}There are three different difficulty {15}modes to choose from when you start {15}a new game: {12}NORMAL MODE: {15}In this mode, all {15} hits cost half a Health Point, {15} and there is no poisoning. {12}CHALLENGE MODE: {15}If you play this {15} mode, all hits cost a full {15} Health Point, and your {15} character can be poisoned. {10}DIFFICULTY MODE (cont.) {12}PRACTICE MODE: {15}This is a special {15} mode for beginners and soft- {15} ware reviewers. Hits do no {15} damage to the character,and of {15} course there is no poisoning. {12}NOTE: If you play Practice Mode, {12} you will not be able to play {12} past the forest level. {10}IN CONCLUSION {15}That's it for the instructions! {15}You are now armed with the {15}knowledge necessary to go forth {15}into the {12}Realms of Chaos {15}and {15}save the wonderous Mysteria!