{15}With that pesky Lord Ross out of the {15}way, Endrick and Elandra entered the {15}throne room, where the king of the {15}Mryaal stared raptly into the depths {15}of his evil ruby, oblivious to {15}everything else around him. Before {15}they could fall into the jewel's {15}thrall, Endrick grabbed the ruby {15}and smashed it against the floor. {15}The king awoke from his daze and {15}immediately called in several {15}retainers to repeal the strange {15}laws he had been passing. {15}`I thank you for saving my kingdom, {15}brave adventurers.^ the king spoke. {15}`There is something foul afoot in {15}Mysteria, but I know not what it {15}might be. The kingdom of the Goblins {15}is suffering as well...just before {15}I found that vile ruby, a Goblin {15}emissary had come to me and reported {15}a terrible plague that was causing {15}all his people to go mad. He had {15}asked me to tell your Human king of {15}this plague, but once I found the {15}ruby, I completely forgot about the {15}entire matter.^ {15}`Please, brave adventurers,travel to {15}the Goblin kingdom, and see if you {15}can determine the source of their {15}plague. Perhaps then you will find {15}a clue as to what force is trying to {15}destroy the land of Mysteria.^ {15}And so our heroes set forth toward {15}the Goblin kingdom, hoping to solve {15}the mystery of the {10}Realms of Chaos.