DELTA-V VERSION 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents i. Contacting Bethesda Softworks ii. Additions or Modifications iii. General Hints and Tips -------------------------------------------------------------------- i. Contacting Bethesda Softworks Technical support: (301)963-2002, Monday through Friday, between 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Please be near your computer and have pencil and paper handy when calling. Customer Service: (301)926-8300, Monday through Friday, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00. p.m. Eastern Time. Bethesda Softworks bulletin board service (BBS): (301)990-7552. Modem settings: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity at speeds up to 14,400 baud. To use the BBS, you will need to set up an account at sign-on. To receive an account number, you will need to have a Warranty Card on file. On the BBS, you may post messages and questions, or receive demos or updates, 24 hours a day. Bethesda Softworks can also be reached on-line through America Online ("Bethesda" e-mail Bethesda01), Compuserve ("Go GAMAPUB" Forum A, e-mail 71333,234), GEnie ("Scorpia" e-mail Bethesda), Internet e-mail 71333,, and Prodigy (e-mail BJSY29B). This list may change and Users should reference Bethesda's own BBS for the latest information on which services are supported. ii. Recent Additions or Modifications Proton Torpedoes and Lasers are provided as standard equipment with your Trace. For users of four button joysticks, like the Thrustmaster or Gravis Gamepad, buttons three and four can be used to switch your active weapons. Button three selects the weapon in bay A; button four selects the weapon in bay B. In many missions you will receive or intercept messages from a variety of characters. Some will give you advice and tips while others will taunt and try to distract you. All messages disappear after a few seconds, and pressing the Q key will remove messages immediately. A "Replay" option has been added to the Operations Room. This option allows players to immediately retry an unsuccessful run. The player will be placed at the beginning of the "run" with the most recent Trace configuration. iii. General Hints and Tips DeltaV is a fast-paced action flight adventure. Below is a list of several tips that will make you a more successful runner. - Speed is governed by altitude. The higher your altitude the slower your forward velocity. In order to go fast, you need to hug the bottom of the trench, but remember this will build up heat and may eventually damage your trace. - It is usually safer to remain beneath the trench lip. Enemy ICE will have a much harder time tracking you. - Some obstacles may require you to go outside of the trench, but the penalty will be the greater danger of enemy fire. It is a trade-off, so make your choices wisely. - Energy and armor are valuable to your success. Keep an eye on the green and blue bars on your HUD at all times. As you progress, you will find new and hidden items to destroy or capture. Be on the look out for Power Rings, Mind Fields, Power Spins, Bonus Trenches and more. DeltaV is shipped with maximum detail set as default. If needed, game speed and playability may be improved by selecting SETUP and modifying parameters in the GRAPHICS CONFIGURATION screen. This will be extremely important for players with slower machines. Please read the General Tips addendum in the manual for other helpful hints. Thank you for playing DeltaV. -- Bethesda Softworks