6000 The Holy Handgrenade | SGRENADE.BIN 5000 The Bones of Saint Mark | SBONES.BIN 5500 The Bones of Saint Peter | SBONES.BIN 5500 The Bones of Saint Paul | SBONES.BIN 5500 The Bones of Saint Luke | SBONES.BIN 100 The Bones of Judas | SBONES.BIN 2000 The Bones of Saint Aluistius | SBONES.BIN 5000 The One True Cross | SCROSS.BIN 100 The Other True Cross | SCROSS.BIN 7000 The Holy Grail | SGRAIL.BIN 6000 The Arc of the Covenant | SARKCOV.BIN 4000 The Crown of Thorns | STHORNS.BIN 6000 Brian's Own Sandal | SSANDAL.BIN 2000 The Head of John the Baptist | SHEAD.BIN 3000 A Vial of Christ's Own Blood | SHOLYBLD.BIN 3500 The Bones of Saint Michael | SBONES.BIN 5000 The Bones of Saint Francis | SBONES.BIN 3500 The Bones of Saint Nicholas | SBONES.BIN 4000 The Bones of Saint Christopher | SBONES.BIN 3000 The Bones of Saint Ignatius | SBONES.BIN 4000 The Bones of Saint Xavier | SBONES.BIN 5000 The Bones of Saint Benedict | SBONES.BIN 6000 The Bones of Saint Gibson | SBONES.BIN 2000 The Bones of Saint Williams | SBONES.BIN 2000 The Bones of Saint Sterling | SBONES.BIN 2000 The Bones of Saint Effinger | SBONES.BIN 2000 The Bones of Saint Cadigan | SBONES.BIN 5000 The Bones of Saint George | SBONES.BIN 5000 The Bones of Saint Aquinas | SBONES.BIN 100 Waldo | SHEAD.BIN