................................................................................ . .. . . ... . .. . . .. . . ....... .. . ... ........ . .. ... ..... ........ ....... .. .. . ........... . ..... ...... . ......... ... ... ...+Banbury.. .... . ..... . .. ...................... . *Newcastle....... .... ... . ........................*Cannae .....*Naples . . .. . ....... .....*Capua.............*Hangchow .......... .... ..*Yakutsk..................*Cremona. ..*Ca+Atlanta.... . ... ...*Piter.................... .. ....... ... ..... .. . ..............*Utica.*Tientsin *Cunaxa ......*Reading... . . ........*Sevastopol... .......*Nanking *Mecca.... *+Philadelphia .. .......................*Damasc*Canton ......*New York. .*Rig*Berlin............+Genoa...+Delhi ............. .....................*Lisbon.+*Salamis. .. ......*Yo*Exeter ...........*Mosc*Vladivostok........*Peking ..*Cambrid+Washington *Smolensk+Athens. ......+Sverdlovsk.. .. .. ......+Boston ... .. ...... .+Samarkand.....*Shanghai. . .... . *Minsk.......................... . . ... *Issus ..... ............+Crete......... ... ........ .. ...*Bab+Lyons..+Cusdal...... ..*Liverpool .................. .....*Orl*Paris.....*Tsingtao .... .. .............*Thebes .................. .. ............... ...... .............. . . ................ ...... ..... ..... .. .. .... .............*Odessa... ... ...*Tatung*Tarsus *Oxf*Nottingham .................. .. .. ..+Zimbabwe ........ ................... . .. .. . ......... ................... . . .......*Birmingham .... .............. ... .. ............. ......... ... ... ...... . ..........*Dover ............ .. . .. ... ..*Brighton. ........ .+Tenochtitlan . .. .....*London ......... .. . .......... ......... . .. ........ ........ ....... *Hastings ......... ....... ....*Coventry .......... . ........... ...... ........ . ..........*Ve ..... ....... . ............ ... ....... .. ............ .*Sidon ...... . ............ .. ..... ... ...... . .... ..... . . .. . .. . . . .... . ... . . .. ................................................................................ 4000 BC: Babylonians found the city of Babylon 4000 BC: Germans found the city of Berlin 4000 BC: Egyptians found the city of Thebes 4000 BC: Americans found the city of Washington 4000 BC: Greeks found the city of Athens 4000 BC: Mongols found the city of Samarkand 3920 BC: Germans produce first Militia 3880 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER MASONRY 3820 BC: Athens destroyed 3820 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER POTTERY 3820 BC: Greek civilization destroyed by Russians 3800 BC: English found the city of London 3780 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER CEREMONIAL BURIAL 3780 BC: Russians make peace with Germans 3780 BC: RUSSIANS FOUND THE CITY OF MOSCOW 3780 BC: Mongols produce first Phalanx 3740 BC: Egyptians discover Alphabet 3700 BC: RUSSIANS FOUND THE CITY OF RIGA 3680 BC: Mongols discover Iron Working 3680 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER HORSEBACK RIDING 3680 BC: Russians make peace with Mongols 3560 BC: Russians declare war on Germans 3560 BC: RUSSIANS CAPTURE BERLIN 3560 BC: German civilization destroyed by Russians 3540 BC: French found the city of Paris 3520 BC: Russians declare war on Mongols 3480 BC: Samarkand destroyed 3480 BC: Mongol civilization destroyed by Russians 3480 BC: Babylonians discover Writing 3480 BC: Egyptians discover MapMaking 3480 BC: Indians found the city of Delhi 3460 BC: Babylonians produce first Settlers 3320 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER CODE OF LAWS 3320 BC: Babylonians discover Bronze Working 3320 BC: Russians make peace with Babylonians 3120 BC: English found the city of Coventry 3100 BC: Russians declare war on Babylonians 3100 BC: Babylon destroyed 3100 BC: Babylonian civilization destroyed by Russians 3100 BC: RUSSIANS FOUND THE CITY OF KIEV 3100 BC: Egyptians discover Mathematics 3080 BC: Zulus found the city of Zimbabwe 3060 BC: RUSSIANS PRODUCE FIRST CAVALRY 3060 BC: Russians make peace with Egyptians 3060 BC: Russians declare war on Egyptians 3000 BC: RUSSIANS: 4 CITIES; 230,000 POPULATION *** 1:Russians 2:Egyptians 3:English 4:Americans 5:Indians 6:French 7:Zulus 3000 BC: Russians make peace with Egyptians 3000 BC: Russians declare war on Egyptians 2980 BC: RUSSIANS CAPTURE THEBES 2980 BC: Egyptian civilization destroyed by Russians 2960 BC: Aztecs found the city of Tenochtitlan 2880 BC: Zimbabwe destroyed 2880 BC: Zulu civilization destroyed by Indians 2860 BC: French found the city of Orleans 2820 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER MONARCHY 2700 BC: Aztecs discover Currency 2700 BC: Indians make peace with French 2660 BC: Russians make peace with Indians 2580 BC: Americans found the city of New York 2520 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER THE WHEEL 2520 BC: Russians declare war on Indians 2320 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER TRADE 2300 BC: Russians make peace with French 2300 BC: French found the city of Lyons 2280 BC: Russians declare war on French 2280 BC: Lyons destroyed 2240 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER LITERACY 2240 BC: Russians make peace with Indians 2240 BC: Russians make peace with French 2240 BC: Aztecs produce first Diplomat 2220 BC: Russians declare war on Indians 2220 BC: Russians declare war on French 2220 BC: RUSSIANS CAPTURE ORLEANS 2200 BC: English found the city of Birmingham 2180 BC: Russians make peace with French 2160 BC: Russians declare war on French 2160 BC: Paris destroyed 2160 BC: French civilization destroyed by Russians 2020 BC: Russians make peace with Aztecs 2000 BC: RUSSIANS: 6 CITIES; 540,000 POPULATION *** 1:Russians 2:English 3:Americans 4:Indians 5:Aztecs 2000 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER MYSTICISM 1940 BC: RUSSIANS PRODUCE FIRST CHARIOT 1900 BC: RUSSIANS PRODUCE FIRST CATAPULT 1900 BC: English capture New York 1820 BC: Americans found the city of Boston 1800 BC: RUSSIANS FOUND THE CITY OF MINSK 1760 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER PHILOSOPHY 1700 BC: Delhi destroyed 1700 BC: Indian civilization destroyed by Russians 1700 BC: English found the city of Dover 1560 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER RELIGION 1540 BC: Russians declare war on Aztecs 1520 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER DEMOCRACY 1520 BC: English found the city of Nottingham 1500 BC: Tenochtitlan destroyed 1500 BC: Aztec civilization destroyed by Russians 1440 BC: Americans found the city of Philadelphia 1360 BC: Boston destroyed 1360 BC: English found the city of York 1340 BC: RUSSIANS FOUND THE CITY OF SMOLENSK 1280 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER FEUDALISM 1240 BC: English discover Construction 1140 BC: Americans found the city of Atlanta 1100 BC: RUSSIANS BUILD MICHELANGELO'S CHAPEL 1080 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER ASTRONOMY 1040 BC: Washington destroyed 1000 BC: RUSSIANS: 8 CITIES; 1,000,000 POPULATION *** 1:Russians 2:English 3:Americans 980 BC: English found the city of Liverpool 900 BC: English discover Engineering 900 BC: Philadelphia destroyed 860 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER UNIVERSITY 860 BC: English found the city of Brighton 740 BC: Atlanta destroyed 740 BC: American civilization destroyed by English 740 BC: English found the city of Oxford 720 BC: Chinese found the city of Peking 640 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER THEORY OF GRAVITY 520 BC: English found the city of Reading 380 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER MEDICINE 320 BC: RUSSIANS BUILD THE PYRAMIDS 200 BC: English discover Navigation 180 BC: English build the Great Wall 40 BC: RUSSIANS DISCOVER CHEMISTRY 20 BC: English build the Lighthouse 0 AD: RUSSIANS: 8 CITIES; 1,220,000 POPULATION *** 1:English 2:Russians 3:Chinese 100 AD: RUSSIANS FORM MONARCHY 200 AD: English form Monarchy 460 AD: English found the city of Exeter 520 AD: RUSSIANS BUILD COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY 560 AD: English found the city of Cambridge 640 AD: English produce first Legion 720 AD: English found the city of Hastings 780 AD: Chinese found the city of Shanghai 840 AD: English found the city of Canterbury 840 AD: English build the Oracle 880 AD: Chinese found the city of Canton 1000 AD: RUSSIANS: 8 CITIES; 1,580,000 POPULATION *** 1:English 2:Russians 3:Chinese 1010 AD: English build Magellan's Expedition 1070 AD: English found the city of Banbury 1100 AD: Chinese found the city of Nanking 1120 AD: Banbury destroyed 1130 AD: English found the city of Newcastle 1160 AD: Chinese found the city of Tsingtao 1170 AD: RUSSIANS PRODUCE FIRST CARAVAN 1180 AD: English found the city of Mecca 1230 AD: RUSSIANS PRODUCE FIRST SAIL 1320 AD: Russians make peace with English 1350 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER PHYSICS 1370 AD: English discover Chivalry 1380 AD: English produce first Knights 1390 AD: English found the city of Naples 1480 AD: English found the city of Sidon 1500 AD: RUSSIANS: 8 CITIES; 1,760,000 POPULATION *** 1:English 2:Russians 3:Chinese 1510 AD: English found the city of Tyre 1515 AD: Chinese found the city of Hangchow 1535 AD: Chinese form Monarchy 1550 AD: Chinese found the city of Tientsin 1570 AD: English build the Hanging Gardens 1575 AD: Russians make peace with Chinese 1595 AD: RUSSIANS FORM REPUBLIC 1600 AD: English found the city of Tarsus 1605 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER ATOMIC THEORY 1645 AD: RUSSIANS FOUND THE CITY OF ODESSA 1650 AD: English found the city of Issus 1665 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER INVENTION 1665 AD: English capture Hangchow 1670 AD: RUSSIANS BUILD SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE 1700 AD: English discover The Republic 1700 AD: English capture Nanking 1710 AD: English capture Peking 1720 AD: RUSSIANS FOUND THE CITY OF SEVASTOPOL 1720 AD: English capture Canton 1730 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER GUNPOWDER 1730 AD: English form Republic 1745 AD: Chinese make peace with English 1745 AD: Chinese found the city of Tatung 1745 AD: English found the city of Cunaxa 1750 AD: RUSSIANS: 10 CITIES; 1,940,000 POPULATION *** 1:English 2:Russians 3:Chinese 1762 AD: RUSSIANS PRODUCE FIRST MUSKETEERS 1764 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER EXPLOSIVES 1776 AD: RUSSIANS FOUND THE CITY OF CUSDAL 1778 AD: English discover Magnetism 1782 AD: English found the city of Cremona 1784 AD: English produce first Frigate 1790 AD: RUSSIANS FOUND THE CITY OF SVERDLOVSK 1792 AD: RUSSIANS BUILD J.S.BACH'S CATHEDRAL 1808 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER BANKING 1814 AD: English discover Steam Engine 1822 AD: English produce first Ironclad 1830 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER BRIDGE BUILDING 1832 AD: English discover Conscription 1832 AD: English produce first Riflemen 1834 AD: English capture Tientsin 1840 AD: English build the Colossus 1842 AD: Cusdal destroyed 1844 AD: English found the city of Cannae 1850 AD: RUSSIANS: 11 CITIES; 3,000,000 POPULATION *** 1:English 2:Russians 3:Chinese 1853 AD: English found the city of Capua 1858 AD: English found the city of Turin 1859 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER RAILROAD 1862 AD: RUSSIANS BUILD ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE 1867 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER INDUSTRIALIZATION 1874 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER METALLURGY 1885 AD: English produce first Cannon 1886 AD: English form Monarchy 1886 AD: Russians declare war on English 1888 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER ELECTRICITY 1891 AD: English found the city of Genoa 1892 AD: Chinese found the city of Macao 1892 AD: English form Republic 1895 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER ELECTRONICS 1900 AD: RUSSIANS: 11 CITIES; 3,510,000 POPULATION *** 1:English 2:Russians 3:Chinese 1900 AD: English form Monarchy 1902 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER STEEL 1903 AD: RUSSIANS BUILD DARWIN'S VOYAGE 1903 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER THE CORPORATION 1903 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER REFINING 1907 AD: English found the city of Utica 1907 AD: English build the Great Library 1908 AD: English form Republic 1910 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER COMBUSTION 1913 AD: Barbarians capture Macao 1917 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER COMPUTERS 1919 AD: English form Monarchy 1920 AD: English build Hoover Dam 1924 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER AUTOMOBILE 1924 AD: English form Republic 1925 AD: RUSSIANS PRODUCE FIRST ARMOR 1926 AD: Genoa destroyed 1926 AD: English form Monarchy 1926 AD: English produce first Cruiser 1927 AD: Chinese capture Macao 1928 AD: RUSSIANS CAPTURE UTICA 1930 AD: English declare war on Chinese 1931 AD: RUSSIANS BUILD WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE 1931 AD: English capture Shanghai 1932 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER MASS PRODUCTION 1932 AD: English form Republic 1933 AD: RUSSIANS CAPTURE TURIN 1933 AD: English form Monarchy 1939 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER NUCLEAR FISSION 1939 AD: Chinese make peace with English 1940 AD: English form Republic 1941 AD: RUSSIANS CAPTURE CANTON 1941 AD: English form Monarchy 1946 AD: English capture Canton 1947 AD: RUSSIANS CAPTURE CANTON 1947 AD: Russians make peace with English 1948 AD: English form Republic 1949 AD: Chinese form Republic 1950 AD: RUSSIANS: 14 CITIES; 3,720,000 POPULATION *** 1:English 2:Russians 3:Chinese 1951 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER FLIGHT 1956 AD: English produce first Submarine 1958 AD: English found the city of Crete 1960 AD: English found the city of Damascus 1965 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER ADVANCED FLIGHT 1965 AD: English produce first Transport 1967 AD: RUSSIANS BUILD SETI PROGRAM 1971 AD: English capture Macao 1973 AD: RUSSIANS FOUND THE CITY OF YAKUTSK 1975 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER ROCKETRY 1980 AD: RUSSIANS FOUND THE CITY OF VLADIVOSTOK 1980 AD: English produce first Bomber 1983 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER SPACE FLIGHT 1987 AD: RUSSIANS FOUND THE CITY OF PITER 1988 AD: English discover Communism 1992 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER NUCLEAR POWER 1992 AD: English discover Labor Union 1992 AD: English produce first Mech. Inf. 1996 AD: English produce first Battleship 2000 AD: RUSSIANS: 17 CITIES; 3,830,000 POPULATION *** 1:English 2:Russians 3:Chinese 2002 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER PLASTICS 2010 AD: English discover Recycling 2013 AD: English build United Nations 2014 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER SUPERCONDUCTOR 2015 AD: English discover Robotics 2016 AD: RUSSIANS BUILD APOLLO PROGRAM 2025 AD: English produce first Artillery 2027 AD: English form Monarchy 2027 AD: Russians declare war on English 2028 AD: Crete destroyed 2028 AD: English form Republic 2028 AD: English capture Utica 2028 AD: English form Monarchy 2030 AD: Sverdlovsk destroyed 2031 AD: English found the city of Verona 2032 AD: English capture Canton 2032 AD: English capture Orleans 2034 AD: RUSSIANS BUILD MANHATTAN PROJECT 2036 AD: English form Republic 2037 AD: RUSSIANS DISCOVER FUSION POWER 2038 AD: Turin destroyed 2038 AD: English form Monarchy 2040 AD: RUSSIANS PRODUCE FIRST NUCLEAR 2040 AD: English found the city of Salamis 2044 AD: English form Republic 2047 AD: English found the city of Lisbon 2049 AD: English capture Vladivostok 2050 AD: RUSSIANS: 12 CITIES; 4,410,000 POPULATION *** 1:English 2:Russians 3:Chinese 2050 AD: English form Monarchy 2052 AD: English form Republic 2053 AD: English capture Sevastopol