::00 This program is used to install the game, Strike Commander, from floppy disks onto a computer's internal hard disk. Strike Commander also needs to know some information about which sound cards you have (if any) so that the music, speech, and sound effects can be brought to you in the highest quality possible. Also, the install program can be used to alter Strike Commander's configuration of a game that is already installed. This may be necessary if a sound card is added or removed from your computer. ::01With this menu you select what you want the installation program to do for you. You have the options of: 1) Installing the entire game. This procedure copies the entire Strike Commander game onto your hard drive. Requires 35 Megs of space. 2) Partially installing the game. For people who do not have all the room to fully install their game, this installs pieces of Strike Commander at a time. Periodically, the game will pause and create new maps for the next mission. Requires 27 Megs of hard drive space. 3) Changing the game configuration. Selected this when the game is already installed and you need to change your configuration (usually by adding or removing a sound card). ::02 The version of DOS (Disk operating System) currently running on the present system is too old to run Strike Commander. You need DOS version 5.0 or higher. It can be purchased at almost any computer dealer. ::03 The CPU (Central Processing Unit) detected on this machine is not compatible with Strike Commander. Due to its complexity, Strike Commander requires a computer with an Intel CPU that is either an 80386, an 80486, or an 80586 CPU. Unfortunately, the older 8088 and 80286 processors do not have the processing power required to play Strike Commander. If you DO have an 80386, it is possible that your processor is defective. Please call Customer Support for help. ::04 The total amount of memory detected is not enough to run Strike Commander. Either there is simply not enough memory on this machine, or the EMS driver (usually called EMM385 or QEMM386) is not active. ::05 DOS memory is the 640 kilobytes of memory that DOS can access. Strike Commander requires about 586 kilobytes to be available to run properly. Unfortunately, not enough has been detected. This can be usually be remedied by altering your AUTOEXEC.BAT and/or your CONFIG.SYS files. ::06 Even though there is insufficient DOS memory to run Strike Commander, you can still install the program onto your hard drive right now. You can always alter your system to free up more DOS memory later. This menu allows you to continue with the installation process, assuming that you will modify your system later. Or you have the option of terminating the installation process right now. ::07 This menu lets you select which floppy drive you are to use to install Strike Commander. The floppy disks (even though they may be in a hard plastic casing, the disks inside are still quite floppy) that come with the game are inserted one by one into the selected floppy drive. Please choose which drive you want to use. ::08 All the available logical drives are listed in this menu as possible destinations for the installation of Strike Commander. Please choose a logical drive that: 1) Is indeed a hard (sometimes called "fixed") drive that is local to your computer--that is, no network drives or tape drives. 2) Has enough room available to hold Strike Commander (approximately 35 Megabytes); ::09The game Strike Commander needs to know which sound cards your computer system has so that it can provide the best music and sound effect quality possible. Select the menu item that most closely reflects the sound cards of your computer. For example: If you have an Adlib, Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro, LAPC-1, or a Pro Audio Spectrum sound card, select the pertaining menu item. If you have a Sound Blaster clone such as a Thunderboard, select "Sound Blaster". If you have BOTH a Sound Blaster (or compatible) AND a Roland/LAPC-1, select the menu item that reflects this. You can also abort the program by selecting the Abort menu selection. ::10 The Sound Blaster/Pro Audio Spectrum card you have selected can be installed on your computer in several different ways. The Input/Output address (also called the Port) of your card is typically 220H (the H stands for Hexadecimal notation--or base 16). Unless you have purposely altered this address, your sound card will have this factory default setting. ::11 The Sound Blaster/Pro Audio Spectrum card you have selected can be installed on your computer in several different ways. The IRQ (interrupt number) is normally given the factory default of 7 for the Sound Blaster and 5 for the Pro Audio Spectrum. Unless you have physically altered your sound card, it should still be set to this number. ::12 Look at the settings displayed to the left of this menu. If you see any parameter that does not match your computer, select NO and change the settings to the correct ones. This is your last chance to change your mind about the system configuration before the installation process actually begins. You also have the option of quitting the installation process entirely right now by selecting the abort option. ::13 The game could not be copied from your floppy disks to your hard drive. The reasons are quite numerous, but here are some of the most common: The floppy drive setting was set to the wrong drive. There was a glitch in the disk reader. Your computer has a virus. The floppy disk has a damaged or missing file. The hard disk has an error. There are many more possible explanations. Most of the time, trying to install the game again will fix the problem. ::14 An error was been detected with an install configuration file. Two major possibilities have occurred: 1) A file needed by the installation program to properly determine your computer's configuration was not found. It could be deleted, damaged, or moved. Also, the disks directory structure could be altered from the time of the initial installation. 2) The installation program was unable to write a configuration file. The hard disk could be full or contain undetected errors. Another possibility is that the computer's memory is somehow preventing the installation from writing this file. Try installing again. ::15 Strike Commander creates the maps it uses for its landscapes using a special form of math functions called Fractals. During the installation process, the maps could not be properly created and moved to your hard drive. The typical causes of this problem is that there is not enough memory on your computer to generate these maps, or your hard drive does not have enough room to store these maps. ::16 You don't need any help here! As far as this program can tell, you have just successfully installed Strike Commander onto your computer. Congratulations! Now go and have a good time playing the game. ::17 Strike Commander is a very large game. Although we have tried very hard to keep its size under control, we are under the opinion that sacrificing the quality of a game just to reduce the number of disks we have to ship (and the amount of hard drive space you have to free up) is simply not what Origin is about. We take pride in bringing you the best computer games in the world. The selected hard drive does not have enough space to install Strike Commander right now. Free space can be created your hard drive by deleting files you no longer need. After doing so, try installing the game again. ::18 This is your last chance to change your mind about aborting the installation of Strike Commander. If you decide to go ahead and quit now, you will have to start the installation process all over again. ::19 This program tries to automatically detect the existing disk drives on your computer. For some reason, it is unable to find either a floppy or a hard drive on your computer. Please check to make sure that your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files are properly working and fully executed. Also check the actual connections to your disk drives. ::20 A drive error has been detected. The most probable cause of this error is that none of the detected hard drives has enough space to hold Strike Commander. Try freeing some space on your hard drive by deleting unnecessary files. You can save around 10 megabytes of disk space by PARTIAL installing the game. ::21 The directory that holds the Strike Commander game and its data files could not be created. This is typically caused by a drive that does not have enough room or a drive that you do not have "Write Privileges." Please try installing again. ::22 You are about to finish running the installation program, and it is terminating without properly installing Strike Commander. Either some sort of error has occurred (which hopefully has already been explained) which prevented this program from installing, or you have chosen to abort the installation. ::23 The hard drive that you have selected to put Strike Commander on either is not writable or does not have enough room to hold the game. This menu gives you the option of going back and selecting another hard drive or aborting the installation right away. ::24The installation program is moving Strike Commander from the floppy disks and putting it on the hard disk. The Strike Commander files are stored on the floppy disks in a compressed format. The install program is currently decompressing files. To keep you informed about what is happening, a progress indicator is displayed to tell you how far along each file is in its decompression. You may abort the installation progress at this time by pressing the key. But be careful, quitting this program before it is completely finished will require you to start all over at the beginning again to install the game. ::25This window is asking you to put a certain disk in a specified drive. To do this, you should: 1). Check to see if any disk is in the drive already. If so, take it out. 2). Put the specified disk in the floppy disk drive slot with the label side up. 3). Press any key when you are done. If there is an error, a window will pop up asking you to either insert the correct the disk number, or telling you that it has not detected a disk in the drive (try inserting it fully in the slot for 3.5" disks or securely closing the latch for 5.25" disks). ::26 You have opted to partially install Strike Commander on your computer. This saves quite a bit of space on your hard drive, but at the cost of having to repeat the installation process periodically (albeit an abbreviated installation). In order for Strike Commander to keep track of the partial installation, it needs several data files. And the problem here is that one or more of these files could not be found and opened by this program. This happens sometimes when the installation program is run from a different directory than it was expecting to be run, or the needed files have been altered, moved, or deleted. Try changing directories to the location of Strike Commander (if it is already installed) or to the floppy drive with the Strike Commander disk one. ::27Not enough EMS memory has been found to continue the installation process. EMS (Expanded Memory System) is memory not available to DOS, but can be accessed by programs designed to use such memory. Strike Commander makes extensive use of this memory. In fact, it needs to use some even while installing the game onto your hard drive. You can increase the amount of EMS memory available on your system in various ways. Consult your memory guides or the installation manual for assistance. ::28Strike Commander requires the presence of a VCPI compatible memory management system to run. An incompatible system has been detected. This could mean that you are running this program through OS/2 or some other non-standard operating system. The installation process can proceed despite this problem. However, you must remember to change your EMS memory manager so that Strike Commander will run properly. ::29EMS (Expanded Memory System) is memory not available to DOS, but can be accessed by programs designed to use such memory. Strike Commander makes extensive use of this memory. In fact, it needs to use some even while installing the game onto your hard drive. While enough EMS memory has been found to install Strike Commander onto your computer system, more is needed to actually play the game. You can increase the amount of EMS memory available on your system in various ways. Consult your memory guides or the installation guide for assistance. ::30If you want to customize the directory Strike Commander will reside, here is the place to change it. To use the default directory of "\SC" simply hit return. To change the directory, select the "No" menu item. This will take you to another window which will let you type in your own directory. Any good DOS path name is acceptable. After typing in the new directory, you will again have the option of accepting the directory, making a new directory, canceling the changes you have made, or aborting outright. Canceling the changes reverts the directory to the last one that was approved. ::31Memory cannot be initialized error. There are two common reasons for this message to appear: 1). The memory that is present is not VCPI compatable. This usually means that you are running under OS/2, Windows, or some unusual operating system. Switch to DOS version 5.0 to install and run the game. 2). You are using EMM386 as a memory manager AND are connected to a network. Remove the network initiali- zations from your autoexec.bat file and reboot your machine to eliminate the network presence. ::32 The files on the floppy disk could not be copied to the designated hard drive. This could happen if there is not enough room on your hard drive, or there was a read/write error on either drive. Please try installing again as these problems usually do not repeat themselves. ::33Please type in the directory that holds Strike Commander and hit return. Example: C:\origin\strike ÀÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ You type in this part. The default directory is SC. To use it, simply type "sc". If you make a mistake, use the Back Space key or the left arrow key to correct your typing. Hitting cancels this operation. ::34Because your computer currently does not have enough memory to play Strike Commander, you may need to create a frugal boot disk. This program helps you automate this process. All you need to supply is a formatted disk that fits in your A: drive. If you don't have one, exit this program and type FORMAT A: at the DOS prompt. Restart this program and select "YES" at the create boot disk menu. This program will take care of the rest. ::35The installation program could not create a boot disk. The possible reasons are: 1). The floppy disk is full. Delete some files on the floppy disk to make more room. 2). The program could not find some DOS files that are needed to create a boot disk. Please consult the Installation Guide. 3). The floppy disk is not formatted properly. Try formatting again (type FORMAT A:). ::36 Strike Commander has detected that you have changed DOS versions. In order to be compatible with the new DOS, you will have to re-install the game. The files of Strike Commander need to be reconstructed to work with the new DOS. Your saved games will remain intact. You may resume the game where you left off as soon as re-installing is complete. ::37 You have the option of going ahead and re-installing Strike Commander (now where did I put those floppy disks?) or aborting the process and re- installing later. If you select re-install now and later decide to abort, you may lose your saved games. ::38 With this menu you select what you want the installation program to do for you. You have the option of: 1) Installing the entire game. This procedure copies the entire Strike Commander game onto your hard drive. Requires 35 Megs of space. 2) Partially installing the game. For people who do not have all the room to fully install their game, this installs pieces of Strike Commander at a time. Periodically, the game will pause and create new maps for the next mission. Requires 27 Megs of hard drive space. ::39The installation program can try to detect sound cards that are already installed on your computer. To let the program go ahead and do this, select "YES." Detecting sound cards is a risky endeavor. It can cause the computer to hang or crash if there is something other than a sound card at the typical sound card locations on the computer. SCSI drives or unusual hardware can cause this behavior. If you have problems with the Strike Commander Install program immediately after this menu, you should select "NO." and select your sound card parameters using the menus later on in this program. ::